Dmitry Miller: "Sometimes even need to quarrel"


Slender, tanned, loving husband, caring father, popular actor. This summary will envy many, and Dmitry Miller, most likely knows about it. And trying to enjoy and from life, and from work.

- Dmitry, you have a wonderful tan, really after the summer keeps so long?

- I traveled in September to Sardinia, where my family rested. I really waited for meetings with my loved ones. There was hot, fortunately. In general, for the first time we went there eight years ago with the easy hand of our friends. Then they were still not very sophisticated in some travels. When we visited there, we liked wildly, we felt in our plate. There were pleasant people, we even got acquainted with the local, some kind of friendship started. In general, we decided to look after a small apartment. They bought her quietly, and now we have our accommodation there, where we are periodically driving. On the one hand, it may be distant in part, on the other - we are already tied to this housing. But it is very good there, we like it. There is a small village - a thousand people of the population, a small port, one central street, she overlaps in the evenings, becomes a pedestrian, walking there. The sea is near, the store is also near. Just got out of the entrance, moved the road, reached the store, bought all these delicious Italian products ...

- Are you now an expert of Italian cuisine?

- You can say that I became it. (Laughs.) Earlier in Moscow Italian products was a lot, then somehow did not. Although now, it seems to me that Parmesan has even learned to do and Mozarella. But I can distinguish the Belarusian mozzarella from Italian. Maybe the cooking technology is one, but air and water are completely different. The cows chew a local grass and drink the water. I am a good parmesan, similar to Italian, by the way, found in the Baltic States. We were on tour, bought such a cheese puck there! We walked her for a long time, Molly.

Dmitry Miller:

Dmitry Miller without visible labor can reincarnate in Dr. in the series "Sklifosovsky" ...

- In addition, you traveler, you are also three times your father! How are your children?

- Son is already an adult, and two girls for five years. Of course, they are bulit, they laugh, cry, fights, put together. He know the world through their cones, bruises and so on. I think they are happy.

- Son, as far as I know, the world is not connected with the world ...

- Daniel by education journalist and engaged in journalism, PR, advertising. He has no relation to the acting profession, but nevertheless, when she was still a boy, starred in advertising. He recently chose a company for advertising a company for the production of equipment, although he is not an actor. In general, still there is some desire to do this.

- How did it happen that he went to journalism?

- He chose it himself. I did not talk anything about the difficulties of the acting profession, we just silent and demonstrated by our example. (Smiles.) Of course, this is not a very stable job. And we wanted him to get a good education. He entered Moscow State University himself, from the first time, prepared seriously, we were glad - such a university is beautiful. I, too, for 25 years only went to the school to do, and before that completely different was going to do. So who knows that Daniel in the future. Now anyone can become practically anyone at any time.

- Do you have any lesson for the soul that is not associated with the acting profession?

- I do not leave hope to collect all the same group musical. Now getting closer and closer to this with the guys, write to the tools, soon the track will be finished, we will remove the video, we will collect the album. Well, this dream is very warming me! And new texts are written, and the music of the guys is offered. Such a new round in the music direction.

Dmitry Miller:

... then in a frivolous macho in the "traffic light"

- I will venture to assume that you are in sports ...

- I won't lie and show off. Maybe I somehow learned to find a balance between meals and not food. Maybe my medical past helps me understand your body and do not suffer over weight. I like sports activity, but I don't do sports as such, although I once was fond of football. And the physical form I purchased has appeared since the graduation. He fell into the army - continued to do as needed. So everything is preserved. I and my mom is incomplete, and the sister is a senior slim, looks young, although older than me.

- Not all fans know about your medical past. What was it for the period in your biography?

- I was going to become a children's doctor, I came first to the medical school, then to the second medical institute. But it so happened that by graduating the fourth course, went to theatrical and found himself in this profession. I am very glad that fate somehow turned me in this direction.

- Some medical skills still remain?

- Well, of course, some knowledge remain. Although I forgot something, and your mom's mom know more than me. But in emergency situations there is some kind of impressive feeling that this, for example, is not scary and can not be worried. When you can say: "Here's a tablet from your head, eat - everything will pass." And there is an understanding when you need to call a doctor, so as not to miss the moment. These are things that cannot be explained. For example, as we all know the multiplication table and it is not surprising to us that twice two are four. Also for me it is clear where, for example, there is a liver.

Dmitry Miller and Julia Delos together for twenty years. In 2014, they became the parents of two girls: Alice and Marianna. Dmitry also brought up the 27-year-old son of Yulia

Dmitry Miller and Julia Delos together for twenty years. In 2014, they became the parents of two girls: Alice and Marianna. Dmitry also brought up the 27-year-old son of Yulia


- What, in your opinion, is the secret of your family well-being? You do not quarrel at all?

- Quarrel, probably sometimes even need. It is impossible not to quarrel, we are all living people. I know such situations when people quarreled and ran away. But then why and worry? If you quarreled and sneak, it means that they did not want to be together. And if you are hard after a quarrel, you will talk, at least try. Then it will be clear. If you understand that completely insurmountable disagreements, then yes - it is better to disperse. Just many of the crushes. In principle, we, in fact, do not cross through yourself, do what you like. By the way, this is also the key to family happiness.

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