Notes of Thai Melchka: "The family of lepts moved to Phuket because of ecology"


"Well, why did you need to go thousands of kilometers from your home home to constantly endure bullying? "My girlfriend, who believes that in addition to the old woman in Europe, there are no more places more suitable for living, reports me during the next video session on Skype. - Why, in all these Asimes and Africa, such a national game: deceit a foreigner, didn't you understand? "

Despite the problems (well, where without them?), My husband and I are not going to return back.

Despite the problems (well, where without them?), My husband and I are not going to return back.

Craw your fingers. The case in the hospital when the anesthesia had to pay five times more of the original price announced. This time. Problems with visas. These are two. The inability to return the deposit. Already three. And how many problems are smaller, but this is no less nasty ...

And I still wake up every morning with the feeling of incredible happiness. Because the sun shines in my windows, about the existence of which in Moscow at some point you just forget. Because our day begins with a swim in the transparent and warm sea, and not with a run to the car along the metropolitan dirty juicy. Because every day we eat delicious fruits, torn from neighboring palm trees, and seafood, just from the sea.

I love Moscow, but recently lived there is decisively impossible. Probably, therefore, a new term has appeared now - "Climate Emigration". This is when you leave the country not by political reasons, but in search of your place under the sun - in the very same thing on there is a direct sense of the word.

... And our children seem to be all satisfied with everyone.

... And our children seem to be all satisfied with everyone.

Recently, the Gregory Leps family moved to Phuket. Well, about it, probably, everyone heard - because of the screams in the press. So, Anya, the wife of Leps, told us that in fact the cause of the move was all the same ecology. After the summer holidays, children in Moscow for a month and a half of the campaign hunted five times. But as soon as the whole family is settled in Thailand, the killy swores magically evaporated. "It was something impossible: bronchitis and viruses, viruses and bronchitis. And moving here, we decided this problem completely. They can be bothered everywhere. But here the cold goes through a different scheme, completely different from Moscow. We like it here: Beautiful ecology, healthy and fresh food, sun, sea and developed infrastructure. And all this is in one bottle. "

... Well, and the problems that I like to remind me of my girlfriend, they are, of course. People, in the end, everywhere are the same. But all the difficulties are so, the annoying app, which we simply have no time to pay attention.

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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