Gymnastics for face


Gymnastics for face 11900_1

We will talk about gymnastics for the face. It would seem - why train a person when we and so actively "use" every day?

So it turns out as a result of a set of facial wrinkles and thoughts about the suspender, without which it is quite possible to do, paying to your face only five minutes a day. Aerobics of the facial muscles is the constant habit of people associated with artistical activities. In order for the speech to sound clearly and intelligible, as well as for the exact transfer of emotions, the muscles of the face must be able to control.

It happened to you that you say something, and ask you several times or offended by the tone? Or the face involuntarily "throws"? The most developed muscles of the facial apparatus are not enough. Exercises for the development of muscles set, I will give only a few that do not require much attention and which you can perform at the time while do something else.

1. Lob

Strongly raise your eyebrows, as if you were very surprised. Make 25 repetitions. This exercise well helps to work out the sluggish muscles of the forehead, so that the skin does not "hang" over his eyes.

2. Eyes

On the breath wide, open the eyes, again depicting surprise, and delay in such a state for 3 seconds, then relax, without closing the eye. Make 10 repetitions. This exercise is working as a circular muscle of the eyes, which is responsible for their size and shape.

3. Nose

Pull the nostrils down to the lips, straining the nose muscles, then relax them. Make 10 repetitions. This exercise helps to maintain the nose muscle tone, which over time loses the form and expands. And so that there are as many wrinkles as possible on the nose, it is better not to be wrinkled at all.

4. Cheek

Inflate the cheeks and "distilling" in them the air from the side to the side and in a circle. Make 10 repetitions. This exercise helps pull out one of the most problematic places, because with the years the cheeks lose their elasticity and become bore.

5. Luba

Squeeze your lips in the "kiss" and maximize them in this position alternately left, right, up and down the square. Make 10 repetitions. This exercise is working as a circular muscle of the mouth and helps to avoid the effect of "corners down".

6. Chin

Pull the lower jaw forward and pull the bottom lip as closely to the tip of the nose. Make 15 repetitions. This exercise tightens the second chin, and also prevents its appearance in principle.

7. Neck

Straighten your shoulders and, without raising them, pull the neck close as possible, then relax. Make 10 repetitions. This exercise strengthens muscles, increases skin tone and makes posture more elegant.

As you can see, all the exercises are simple and convenient for execution, even when you are engaged in other affairs, as well as suitable for anything regarding age.

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