There is less. And how much?


Never in history people did not eat so much as the last 50-70 years. Food, especially not the most useful, now there is a penny, and daily physical work submissively assumed cars, vacuum cleaners and washing machines.

Moving for office work, mankind would log in to temper appetites. But the size of the portion in restaurants for half a century, on the contrary, increased by an average of 20%, and the diameter of the canteen plates - as much as 25%, and this makes it more and more. People who do not go through restaurants are also overeating. In the experiment of American scientists, the subjects were asked to evaluate the calorie content of their diet. Study participants improved the energy value eaten by 500-700 kcal every day. At the same time, scientists found out that adults consider a normal portion, which by a third exceeds adequate age and activity. During the year as a result of such "accounting", you can add 2-5 extra kilograms!

Overweight is not the worst thing that is waiting for lovers to eat. Popular and deadly diagnoses such as diabetes, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, age-related brain changes are closely related to nutrition. But the reduction in calorie content of the diet, as studies on animals (and people including) can be an effective means of improving health. In laboratory mice, the cutting calorie reduction of the feed is only 10% gives a solid increase in life expectancy and reduces inflammation markers in the body.

We are confident, you already want to eat less. Then we'll figure it out what kind of portion is considered normal for an adult.

Vegetables: two palms folded by a boat

Even diety flawless salad leaves and tomatoes should not have uncontrollably. The giant portion of vegetables is a way to teach the stomach to large volumes of food, the potential risk of scaring abdomen and meteorism and extra calories, if the salad is refueling with sauce or seeds and nuts. WHO believes that in order to maintain the health and prevention of many diseases per day, an adult is enough 400 g of vegetables, and starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn) should not dominate.

Fruits: Compressed fist, or 80-150 g

With all due respect to fruit as a source of fiber and vitamins, there are not 5 times a day. WHO recommends that you delight yourself with two portions of fruit as dessert. Then the sugar contained in the fruits will not cause excess weight and trigger for the development of diabetes and hypertension.

The correct size of the portion of fruit is about your compressed fist. So, for women, a healthy portion is half a mango, one middle apple or orange, two kiwi or mandarin and a very small bowl with fruit salad.

Nuts: plastic card

Walnut is larger than cedar, so determining the portion, counting the amount, is not an option. A more intuitive landmark is the size of the bank card. Nuts that you plan to eat for useful fats, vitamins E and B, iron and magnesium, should fit on the area of ​​credit card. An exception is pistachios in the shell, it is better to count them - 15-20 pieces are quite enough for an adult.

Cereals: Handicraft, or 5-6 tablespoons

Whole grain cereals are perceived as definitely useful and safe side dishes. But the feeling of gravity in the stomach and extra kilograms can only provoke them. Eyemer in this case is a bad assistant, it is better to use a more accurate appliance with a tablespoon. One meal is 5-6 spoons of boiled cereals, and on the day such portions should be a maximum of three.

Seafood, Bird, Meat: Palm without fingers, or 100-120 g

The fact that the protein helps to lose weight, maintain the youth of the skin and give birth to healthy children, know everything. However, push the steak weighing 500 g in the hope of becoming slimmer - a bad idea. A person who is not engaged in severe physical labor or professional sports, WHO recommends that there are no more than 150 g of animal protein at a time. By the way, the meat does not need to eat every day, and even more so three times a day. A healthy approach is 3-5 portions of birds and seafood per week. Red meat - no more than once a week.

Vegetable oil: 2-3 teaspoons

No matter how much quality olive oil is useful, the size of the portion matters. From the glass of "liquid gold" you will not get more antioxidants, but extra calories - instantly. Science is unknown about the existence of a unique type of oil, which is useful to take tablespoons. But a couple of tea-day is healthy and necessary for the normal operation of the body.

Cheese: slice with palm without fingers, or 30 g

The fact that cheese contains saturated fats and salt, not at all reason to abandon him: it is also an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D and protein. But, alas, those who are accustomed to eat cheese every day will have to limit the 30-40 g of the product.

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