Anna Frolovsheva: "Galina Ivanovna is offended by no ladies"


For the fifth year in a row, actress Anna Frolovsva is considered the most honored telecommunication. It was so convincing that her Galina Ivanovna from the TV series "Voronina" on the CTC channel. In the life of the actress - also mother-in-law with experience, as well as a concerning grandmother of two granddaughters. And its everyday wisdom can only learn.

- Anna Vasilyevna, as in the new season of "Voronin" will be your heroine?

- As always! Galina Ivanovna does not change himself. A person lived all his life with his character, with the established order of relations, with his views on life ... Our heroine and with humor, and with claims - a real mother and mother-in-law!

- The fifth year is removed the series, the project colleagues for you have already become ...

- Native people! Naturally. We miss each other, and when we meet - hug, because very happy. After all, we work so much time together. Brought and friends with families. Time to ride on the guests, of course, no. All shooting, family and children. But often we often call, we communicate, even in breaks between the seasons.

- Scripts continue to amaze you? In the new season, Kostik is mastering the parachute, Leon becomes "bombed" ...

- It's not always the same. Much like, much is mixed, and something is not very - then we sang and discuss. We introduce some changes, adjust. Plot or characters characters. This is a normal workflow.

- offer something from ourselves?

- There are situations in which Galina Ivanovna, it seems to me, would not have led myself. Then I openly say: my heroine cannot say so, she cannot do that. So we think how to come to a compromise. In general, I am so well feeling the character of Galina Ivanovna, I know her manner of behavior as well, that I cannot unnaturally behave on the site. She literally protests inside me. (Smiles.) With bones, faith and all the others - the same. Each of the actors knows his character is the best. Carefully argue, prove your point of view. This is the essence of the film process.

- With Boris Klyuev, your spouse on the film, for sure you understand each other with a semi-sucking?

- Certainly. And again - I often protect it! We read the scene, and here I see that Nikolai Petrovich is very lower than the plinth showed. No, I say, it is impossible! He is not like that. Do not touch my stroke. (Laughs.)

- During the time you are shooting, did you adopt some kind of character traits from Galina Ivanovna?

- One rinses with her - we love our children. I have my own love, she has his own. Galina Ivanovna as a zeal, is afraid to stay alone, therefore interferes with their lives. Not because it is bad and misfortune. And all because she wants to be needed! Anyone wants like that. Anyone wants to be demanded. If at one moment at home suddenly stops calling the phone is the worst one. So, no one is needed by anyone. I love my children, and grandchildren too. And I try to help them. Sometimes even specifically say that in turn on Galina Ivanovna, if you behave badly. (Laughs.)

- Often you know you and does it prevent this holiday during the holidays?

- Find out, of course, asked to take a picture. The rest was a ridiculous case when we crossed in Turkey with Katya Volkov (the executor of the role of faith in "Voronin" - auth.). We were then started to perceive as real Voronins: call, bite, ask where our husbands.

- How do you react to aggressive fans?

- Such a bit. Basically, we are watching good people. If such awkward moments occur when people consider us real Voronin, they treat it with humor. Double answer.

- Where would you relax and do not think about work?

- To do this, I needed to change the picture. Go somewhere to fly, see a new one. I was not used to lie on the spot - half an hour looked forward. Usually moving a lot. Travel, learn the world.

- The time you spend with my granddaughters and Polina can be called rest? Do not tire you girls?

- Not! Another thing is that I have not a lot of time on them. Shooting continues until late, so girls usually bring me when there are a couple of days of rest. Now they will give "Voronin", there will be a small pause - again everyday together.

- How do you bring up granddaughters?

- Like any grandmother. I try to teach good, show a positive example, tell what you should not do. Words are one thing, but does not always reach. But when you explain on the example, or clearly, everyone immediately understands. In general, they are smart!

- For phones, computer, tv spend a lot of time? Indeed, in the courtyard of the age of high technology.

- From this not anywhere. Solid computerization, progress. And is it worth running from this? They come to me, and the first thing they ask for: "Grandma, give Aiped." Start fighting for him, divide. I say: "So, now I will take, and no one will get! Send to each other. " Fall.

- So you - own ipade?

- I can not say that I am a fan of technical innovations, but at the same time I use the need. I read scenarios, roles, answer letters. Sitting in iPade time is not. Better than these extra half an hour. Or read. I really liked Alexey Ivanov, who wrote "Geographer Globe Propil", for which a film with Konstantin Khabensky was removed. I will buy myself more books!

- You said that you love reading books with children. What do they like to do most?

- And Anya, and Polina love to draw. Engaged in music. Ski skiing. It is still difficult to say who and what will be engaged in the future. And, probably, I see some kind of deposit in them. But I will not predict anything, because all life is still ahead. And fate can flip everything in a second! Never know what will happen next.

- How do you like to be a wise in relationship with the daughter-in-law?

- mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should be friends. Son and his spouses have their own life. They founded their own state called the family. They live there. How can I invade their country? There are their laws, orders. And if I come to them, I will never put something to impose or try to fix it. I must respect their opinion.

- Practical advice give - recipes, for example?

- Of course, if I ask me, I try to help as much. But the youth is now stubborn, is it easy to convince them? (Laughs.) If I advise, and they do not agree, then I say: life will show. As a result, then come - you were right. Well, what is there to say, young! So far they do not feel, they will not live some life moments, they will not understand. Every parent wants only the best for his children. And every child wants to go through your way. And it is right. I remember well myself in my youth, as Mom said: I will go my dear, I will do so. No need to forget what we were in youth, then the quarrel will not be.

- Does your son still work by a dentist? Probably, all in your family Hollywood smiles.

- Yes, she works slowly. We are fine with your teeth. A little bit, we appeal to it, of course. Trust His Hands. The main thing that he liked. He lives this profession, so if he soul, I'm only happy. It's hard to live and do not love your work. After all, this is the case we dedicate two thirds of life. My son himself chose his profession, no one forced it to do it.

- Did you have moments when I wanted to quit everything and leave the profession?

"It was different ... Of course, when the fatigue accumulates, when unhappy with myself, I want to go away and forget about everything. But this moment passes. Wake up and extra thoughts are moving into the background. We live further, and you need to continue the way.

- Your house has greatly empty, after the spouse has not become. How much did it be a serious blow to you and where they found the strength to go on?

- What do you think it's hard or not to lose a loved one? Another thing is that far ahead for me Lighthouse burns the word "necessary." Even in the hardest, most unbearable situations, I know that you have to go ahead. Cannot throw work. Cannot be summarized. I have no right to sum up the shooting group. Even in a painful state, I go to the performance or shooting, because I know - they are waiting for me! This is love for your profession.

- In addition to "Voronin", where can we see you?

- We remove 12 hours a day, no time remains. So far I completely dedicate yourself to "Voronin", and then it will be seen. I recently persuaded the program "Culinary Calendar" on the first channel. Periodically, I expect time to ride the shooting in Ostankino.

- Not far from the mountains of the New Year. Do you have a tradition to celebrate this holiday?

- Previously, we had a tradition with my spouse, and now it is not. So I will go to friends to Israel, to the city of Tel Aviv. Celebrate New Year, at the same time and business issues.

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