Alexandra Nikiforova: "I went to profession seven years, through three universities and two cities"


In the films and serials of Alexander Nikiforov, the epochs and countries change with amazing ease. What is not surprising, because she started his acting reincarnation ...

- Alexandra, you have become an actress of Sevastopol Tyus in 15 years. Is it true that your native aunt has become an example for you to imitate?

- Yes, looking at his aunt, actress the Theater of the Black Sea Fleet, I realized that I would also act as an actress, and seven years reported to parents about it. Of course, they just laughed. But at the age of thirteen years I read the announcement in the newspaper: "A set of children in the troupe of Sevastopol Tyuza" and went there to record. The performances were children, but the discipline is almost army, I remember that first I sat down for several months in the hall, proving my devotion, and was already released on the stage to rehearse. At the age of 14, I got on the set of a children's film, it was exactly clear that I want to do this profession. The only thing I have never thought is how it happens.

- And how did it happen?

- Somehow by itself. In the middle of the 11th grade, for some reason, a suddenly came to participate in the "Mind + Beauty" competition at the competition at the University of St. Petersburg. With a victory, which was given the opportunity to learn for free at any faculty of this university. I went and for some reason I won him, and for some reason I was the department of acting skills. Probably fate. (Smiles.) However, after the first year decided to translate to another department - linguistics.

Alexandra Nikiforova:

Shooting in historical projects have become for the actress of familiar business. On the photo frame from the series "Anna-Detective"

- Some time passed, and you enter the Russian State Institute of Scenic Arts ...

"Yes, six months later, entered into the St. Petersburg State Academy of theatrical Arts on Mokhovaya, with all the tests, tours, exams, I calmed down. Probably because it did not give me a gift, but with tension. Tovstonogov said: "The nail, driven into the wall of the house, makes this house to its". Probably it was important to drive this nail.

- But you again did not graduate from the institution, but transferred to the Higher Theater School them. Shchepkin. Why?

"It so happened that after the third course I was offered a major role, but the shooting was to take place in Moscow. Again guided by the inner alarm, I took an academic leave, and we and I moved to Moscow and my daughter. I finished the fourth course I already in Moscow, in the Shchepkinsky Theater School. This great place also became my family and very beloved. Now I'm kidding, which went to profession seven years, through three universities and two cities! But this, of course, a joke about a diploma from paper, and how much still fuse will have, I don't even think!

- In a maternity leave, you were a month and a half, and then started shooting in the projects of Anna-Detective and Kumir. True, what does your spouse brought the daughter of Anna directly on the set, so that you feed it?

- Indeed, I was shot and the first months still fed the daughter. A little later, by the way, the spouse took off there several series of the project as a director.

For the first time on the shooting area of ​​Anya, the daughter of Alexandra and the director Evgenia Semenov, got at heart age, maternity leave had only a month and a half

For the first time on the shooting area of ​​Anya, the daughter of Alexandra and the director Evgenia Semenov, got at heart age, maternity leave had only a month and a half


- You starred in the Turkish-Russian TV series. Are there difficulty in working with foreigners?

- Of course, there are difficulties, and what else! Imagine, it's worth Juliet on the balcony in the moonlight, calls to his beloved: "Romeo, as I feel sorry that you are Romeo ..." Suddenly, Romeo appears and responds in Turkish! It will at least cause laughter from surprise! The Turkish language is very beautiful when a few months passes, you get used to his melody, notice his softness. I even had to seem at some point that he was like french. But the first weeks of work on someone else's language flew by a mental question: "Lord, why am I?"

- Teach Turkish?

- I remember how I was preparing for the first last shooting days. You study-Learn, then you will paint, then again you want to teach a replica, then you fall asleep with swollen eyes, but we get up in the morning, you go and do it in the morning! And then every day it is becoming easier and easier. I remember, suddenly realized that I am free to speak Turkish, when for the first time it was trading on the market.

For the filming in the Turkish-Russian TV series, actress had to teach Turkish

For the filming in the Turkish-Russian TV series, actress had to teach Turkish


- That is, you did not rest in Turkey?

- I have never been to Turkey to filming, but was born in the Crimea, so I have a very familiar elements of Turkish culture since childhood: Rakhat-Lukuma, manta, pastries, and even many Crimean names, such as Kermen's essays and Karadag. In Turkey it is very important from which area you. When people get acquainted, immediately ask each other about it. I always proudly answered: "Karadenizdim!" This means: "I'm from the Black Sea."

- What directions in the movies do you today, melodrama, crime, detective, fighter?

- I have to get used in historical projects. I remember, heard how, during some filming, my partner complained that in a long dress she was very uncomfortable to walk, all the time someone on the hem comes. I mentally smiled and thought that two years ago he also said.

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