Seventh sense of Maxim Dunaevsky


As a child, we were heard by the cartoon songs "Flying Ship" (and now they like our children). In school years, melodies from the film "Three Musketeers" and "Mary Poppins, goodbye!" And becoming adults, nostalgic under the hives "Call me, Call!" And "fortune teller" that broke into our hearts with the paintings "Carnival" and "Ah, Waterville, Waterville ...". Without these hits, no family feast is required for all times. Maxim Dunaevsky adequately continued the case of his father, composer Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky. Of course, I really wanted to meet this person, and our meeting did not disappoint me. The abyss of charm, a subtle sense of humor and a bright, interesting life, which can be told for hours. Maxim Isaakovich with ease answered any questions, although not all of them were pleasant. For example, about the former wives and the causes of divorces. But we started our conversation with his childhood.

- What is the impact on you the creative environment in which your childhood has passed?

Maxim Dunaevsky: "Does the children pay attention to this?! They just grow like fungi. And the child from the Alcoholics family often becomes a good person, achieves success. Or, for example, the father of Vasily Pavlovich Solovyev-Sedova was a janitor, and the son became a famous composer. So if the environment is some value, then not the most

big. "

- In ornament, you did not dream of becoming a ballet artist? Still, your mother was a ballerina ... or did you always attract music?

Maxim: "No, I did not think about the ballet. And to music for music. True, not in the form of classes. For some time a teacher went to me, but soon my parents were convinced that it was not satisfied with me, and not so much the teacher himself, how much the system of our relationship. And alone, I just improvised on the piano, was playing something. Learning began only after the death of Pope. His departure caused the strongest gust in my soul, and I suddenly told my mother that I want to seriously engage in music. At that time I was ten years old. And before that, various sports attracted me more, first of all, football, which also loved my father. We often discussed football matches, sometimes argued. He was ill for "Dynamo", and I am from the spirit of contradiction - for "Spartak". And this team is failed so far. "

- Being the Son of the most famous composer, you probably felt a special relationship both from adults and peers ...

Maxim: "I did not notice anything like this. First, I did not attract close attention to him

Since at that time I wore the name Mom - Pashkov. Secondly, I was strictly forbidden to somehow stick it into people, whose son I am. Never. Otherwise, I could be serious for this bit. The surname that you wear, and the family in which you are born - in fact, an accident. It is given by God, and everything else you have to do myself. "

- Do you adhere to the same principle in the upbringing of your children?

Maxim: "Absolutely accurately. An indicative of the story that occurred with my middle daughter Maria. She decided to become an actress. I turned to my friends, together with which many years ago worked at the Vakhtangov theater. Some of them are now taught in Schukinsky School. But I asked them not to make a typing girl, but to see and said whether she had any ability to dramatic art, and prepared her for exams. And when it came to coming, Masha filed documents to Schepkinskaya School. She liked the reception office so much that after the first round they said - it will take it, however, if it is not in parallel to torture happiness in other theatrical universities. Daughter continued on a par with other applicants to undergo all the necessary tests, and it lasted for a month. And the last, the most important exam, and just that day she slept. Believe me, Maria is a very responsible person, this happened to her for the first time in life - and at the most inopportune moment. Apparently, the nervous tension and overwork related to the end of the school, the exam, prepare for admission. As a result, when she got to the "sins", it was too late. Skidy, she called me: "Dad, come!" I scribbed into it, but I arrived in the school. I introduced and say: "This is my daughter. What she slept is a ridiculous chance, unknown to her. " He promised him that I would write music and for their performances, and coursework, and was ready for a free lecture on the history of music to read, just enrolled Masha. Moreover, the girl was already late with admission to other theatrical institutions, because she promised the adoptive commission to do this. In response, the head of the course pointed me on twenty students who selected: "Show, instead of which of the guys, we must take your girl. Do you have enough spirit to this? " Kindle argument, you will not argue with him. Returning in an upset home, we began to discuss what to do next. There were two options: either to learn from a paid department, or re-enter this university to next year. She chose the first option. He went to the school to submit documents and take exams for a commercial branch, and suddenly calls from there: "Dad, I decided to enroll me!" Already later, the head of the course told me that the teachers were surprised to find out that Masha was my daughter. After all, I did not interfere in the process of her receipt, I did not try to somehow influence. And she herself did not mention it. Even when at the vocal part of the exam, "the wind of change" and they were asked why she chose this particular song, Maria did not say that the author of the music was her father. Replied: "I just like her."

- And when did you become Dunaevsky?

Maxim: "At sixteen years, when receiving a passport, I took the surname of Pope - in memory of him."

Isaac Dunaevsky - the author of ingenious music to the films that entered the Golden Foundation of the Russian Cinema, including the picture "Children of Captain Grant." And in the series "In Search of Captain Grant", not only his music sounds, but also yours. What is your co-authored with your father?

Maxim: "In fact, in the tape" In search of the captain of grant "my music is very little, mainly there everything is built at the work of the Father. But in the musical "Children of Captain Grant" - eighty percent of my work. This is a high-liver performance, he goes on the scene of the Sverdlovsk Musical Comedy Theater since 1984. The idea to connect two Dunaevsky belongs to the legendary director Vladimir Kurochina. The second professional meeting with my father is the musical "fun guys," Viktor Kramer put him in Moscow ten years ago. This time the proposal came from Irina Apksimova, which became the producer of this performance. I doubted very long time, whether it is necessary to do it. But still the director Viktor Kramer convinced me. He said a very important thing: "What are you afraid of? Hits have long been written! " In this formulation, remarkable actors Dmitry Kharatyan were occupied, Albert Philosov and, of course, Irina Apksimov itself. Since then, I have had the idea of ​​transferring other dads to the scene, and I would like to embody "Circus" in the arena of the real circus. "

- And to write a musical "Scarlet Sails" for you, too, someone suggested?

Maxim: "Not. This is completely my initiative. And the performance was invented for a particular person. One good friend has a daughter. She was then thirteen years old, she is a very talented girl. And we have an idea to make a musical for her, where she could fulfill a major role. And what can be put with the heroine of this age? Of course, "Scarlet Sails"! Work went not one year. Now the girl has become a significantly adult, the little associate is no longer played by her, but it was she inspired to create a performance. In general, this is an amazing Green's work, it has long become a brand. Despite the fact that most young people did not read the book, they look at the musical with pleasure and several times. And when they ask me: "How did you so well chose the topic?" "I don't even know what to answer, just somehow came out. And I dare to hope that music plays the last role in this success. It is nice to see in the hall of people of different ages, many come families. And when after the end of the play, they are satisfied with satisfied, smiling, you get great pleasure and understand that everything was not in vain. "

- About your personal life speak no less than about your work. But it is difficult to understand - where the truth, and where is a lie. For example, in the press it is argued that you were married seven times ...

Maxim: "Indeed, I have a seventh marriage now. I think that I justified a wonderful proverb: "Some seven times, one rejection." For the first time I married in student years. The cause of the early marriage is simple. Many in Soviet times were described only in order to have sex on legitimate grounds. Nowhere to retire! In the apartment - parents, in the entrance - somehow not very convenient ... Now the youth is in no hurry to associate themselves with a stamp in a passport ahead of time, since they are better for them. Today, girls and guys familiarize themselves with their choices with their parents and calmly take away in their room. "

- With your current wife, Marina how did you meet?

Maxim: "Friends cleaned a birthday restaurant - and there I was presented to her. That evening she saved me from some drunk citizen: I was attached with questions, I really wanted to talk with me, I could not get rid of him from him. Then Marina came up, took me at hand: "Maxim, can I take a minute?" - and took to the side. So then the moment stretched with us for half of fourteen years. In fact, this is a real record for me. Because earlier for more than two or three years I did not live with anyone, my maximum is five years. I could not stand longer. We diverged, and I could all kept my former wives and started all over again. "

- Did you always be the initiator of divorce?

Maxim: "Yes. With the exception of Natalia Andreichenko ... The cause of parting was our common friend Maximilian Shell, who in 1984 suggested her hand and heart. Eh, do not have friends close to the home hearth! (Laughs.) It is impossible to say that Natalia was in love with him insanely. But at that moment was solved, in fact, her fate. Imagine, the opportunity to go to Hollywood with the Oscar premium laureate, a famous actor, director and producer, and build his career. True, it should not assume that on her part it was a bare calculation. Shell is a handsome man, the most interesting person, he simply could not be injured. Natalia loomed for a long time, because she still loved me. And the decision, of course, was in many ways for me. If I had told her "no," most likely she would stay with me and did not leave anywhere. But for the sake of her myself answered "yes." At that time, we had a very strange country in prison, and it was necessary to use a chance to break out from here. Who knew that in a few years everything will change ... "

- Never spare about the decision done?

Maxim: "Not. We are friends with Natalia so far. She has an excellent relationship with my wife Marina. We often communicate on the phone, go to visit each other. But now she lives far away. I decided to move to Mexico, where I bought a house on the ocean. Great place: very beautiful, soft climate, the circle is warm. "

- You said that they communicate with Andreichenko. And as for her former husband? ..

Maxim: "Previously, when Maximilian lived in the United States, where I often exude, we met. But now he moved, so we rarely see. "

- You have with Natalia Son. What does he do?

Maxim: "Dmitry thirty-one. He lives in Switzerland, in Lausanne, and works in Geneva. He is a financier, built a good career, has decent prosperity. And at the same time it categorically does not want to stay there, but wishes to move here to Russia. He calls me all the time and sobs me in a vest that in Europe it is terribly tired (despite the fact that he has a Western person, from two years old lives abroad, where he was brought up). He has no language barrier. Dmitry speaks equally fluent in English, French, German and Russian. But he is bored there. Still, what does our mentality mean ... in Switzerland, the son married, I flew to him for a celebration. There was a beautiful wedding, a wonderful bride ... True, he was already divorced. You know, as it happens: two or three, the girl is wonderful, and then everything is already happy. "

- In one of his interviews, your daughter Alina, who lives in Paris, told that the "Call I'll call me, Call!" You dedicated her mother Nina Recession ...

Maxim: "Any man when he has some romance (it is the romance, I emphasize that, because a novel is a serious relationship for me), becomes red. This is nature! After all, it is not by chance that the false male birds are brighter and colorful than the female. And we, men, to attract the lady's interest to us, immediately flourish their feathers, tails, start singing the nightingians, without giving yourself a report in what we do. Most likely, showing her a record with music from the movie "Carnival", I said, "I inspired me on these songs you are." I had such a phrase that I told many women. And sometimes some romantic hobbies are not needed. For example, you came to me on an interview, and I give you a record on which I am writing: "Amazing, awesome, best journalist of the world." And after some time you are on some TV show and say, demonstrating this inscription: "You see, he personally devoted his creativity." Believe me, it happens. "

- Do not give my wife reasons for jealousy?

Maxim: "At one time she was wildly jealous of me because of SMS-ok and letters that I send. Since even our tennis coach, I sometimes send messages such a content: "I kiss you, my dear Sasha. I will be tomorrow". Although just to my messages, Alexandra, the wife normally applies, because she has known her a long time ago. But when I appeal to the lady, who is not as well as familiar, "dear, dear," and subscribe "Your Max", it happens unhappy. Over time, the spouse realized that it was just a friendly flirt that had nothing to do with a heart, soul and passions. I like to write beautifully. Marina sometimes says me: "With such letters you fall in love with a woman." And I answer: "Sorry. I got it from my dad. " My father really wrote the most beautiful letters to his respondents. And if the mother had attached importance to what he composed, she could kill him. "

- What does your youngest daughter of Polina do?

Maxim: "She is the most important member of the family. Polina chooses the best places in the house, uses the biggest benefits. Moreover, it is ready if necessary, herself all over their rights. Who she has such a temper, I can not understand. But even its tennis coach in Bulgaria, granting his head, exclaims: "This is character!" However, he rather with delight, because it is even good for sports when everything is subordinated to one goal. But for life it is not always good. She also sings with pleasure. And even now, while we talk with you, daughter writes a song in the studio. Her clips are on the Internet, they collect a large number of views. And in the future, Polina wants to become an artist and is now purposefully working in this direction. I think that she will succeed. Despite his young age, and she is eleven years old, it already makes reasonable, adult acts. Very surprised us when I asked for your birthday not to give her any nonsense - bears, dolls, games, and give money. The guests were twenty, and someone presented a thousand, someone more, therefore the amount gained decent. And since the daughter is interested in photography, she went and bought himself a good expensive professional camera. Agree, a serious deed for such a young girl. "

- Your first child was born more than thirty years ago, and younger - only eleven. Is there any difference in what father did you have before and what steel now?

Maxim: "Essential! Alas, experience comes with age. I have this cut pretty late, for years to fifty years. I used to be frivolous. And despite the fact that the son of Dima was born, the daughter of Alina, which I loved and never rejected, I was not a real, attentive, "round-the-clock" father. And now I have something else to all. I want children to give something in the spiritual sense. To achieve that they, firstly, always remained good people, and secondly, possessed their vitality and found their vocation. "

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