If you lost tooth: the case when time does not heal


Everyone dream of a beautiful, dazzling smile. This is the key to attractiveness and self-confidence. People with healthy teeth probability make a pleasant impression on the interlocutor significantly higher. They openly smile, not doubting the beauty of their smile.

But such a picture can easily collapse. Loss of one or more teeth are fraught with many problems. Each tooth performs a specific function, and the loss of any of them immediately makes a failure to system: from the discomfort of psychological to a violation of digestion and worsening hearing. At the same time, time does not treat - the more passes from the moment the tooth is removed, the situation is aggravated.

What should I do if the problem already exists? The tooth left, and a new one, no matter, will not grow up.

Roman Borisyuk

Roman Borisyuk

The most important advice from dental doctors to everyone is not to pull with a trip to the doctor with a loss of tooth. It is believed that the sooner you contact help, the easier it will solve your problem.

Where to begin? A competent specialist should carry out complete diagnostics using modern methods, primarily computed tomography. Without 3D research today it is impossible to see the whole picture of the disease. The doctor can determine the state of other teeth, bone tissue, joints.

Based on these data and your wishes, the doctor may offer several options for solving the problem. Most often it is implantation, "bridge-shaped prostheses" and removable prosthetics. To date, it is implantation that is the most modern and close to nature a type of substitution of the missing tooth. When it is assisted, it is possible to restore the tooth, in form, color and functions as much as possible to the previously lost.

Many immediately arises the question - can I install the implant? And here we are returning to what they said earlier. The longer the time has passed since the removal of the tooth, the more difficult it is to solve this problem. The jaw without the correct load, like the muscle, begins to decrease in size. And in such cases, have to resort to its recovery. And these are more complex procedures.

Therefore, the main advice: take care of your teeth. But if there is a problem, then it is important to solve it as soon as possible. And today implantation is simple and most reliable option.

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