Keanu Reeves: "After the death of Jennifer, I was in prostration for a long time."


Behind his shoulders are just a stunning track record. Keanu Reeves starred more than fifty full-length paintings, but we, wide viewers, we know it primarily in several films. One of them, the legendary "matrix" in its fourth incarnation, will come to the screens soon. In the meantime, we talked with this mysterious and silent actor about his career failures, personal life, attitudes towards God and, of course, about the image of the forever sad Keanu, alone eating yesterday Sandwich.

"Kian, we are all looking forward to the premiere of the fourth" matrix ". Of course, fans dream that your hero neo will reunite with his beloved Trinity ...

- You understand that I can't retell you the entire plot. (Smiles.) I will only say that the love line will definitely be, and it is just charming.

- Will we plunge into the past?

- No, no, it did not cover! New "Matrix" on the new: no looks back. Neo grows, and I, how can you notice, not young. (Smiles.)

- But you know that in the environment of your fans there is a myth, as if you are a vampire, right?

- Is it all because I once played in the movie about Dracula?

- Because you look great! And because of the fact that you almost do not appear in secular events. Not even "almost", but do not appear at all.

- Oh yeah. I live a boring, quiet life. But I do not drink blood, honestly! (Smiles.)

- In the actor's environment, you are known as a kind of nonsense. Long did not buy your own home, there is no personal car, easily give your fees to colleagues ...

- Everything is not like it seems! This is not a position, not rice. The fees are generally ridiculous ... When I was called in the picture "Devil's lawyer", it was about inviting Al Pacino. But the project was not very promoted, and the budgets lacked. I suggested to cut a part of me to invite a legendary actor to us on shooting. And who would do differently? This is Al Pacino. As a result, the critics were very scolded by my work and said that the picture was pulled out exclusively maestro. So I, consider, paid for my failure to be so obvious. And I would have done so again.

Kiana Rivza glorified the role in

Keanu Rivza glorified the role in the "Matrix"

Photo: Frame from the movie

- Well, "failure"! This film enters the piggy bank of your most significant work ... Let's say directly, you have films and less successful. How do you generally experience failures, professional decals?

- Oh! I relate to them precisely, with anxiety, with doubts. In general, I am always in everything doubting everything and is tormented, probably so. But at the same time failure - what do they say? - Make me stronger. I have never thrown shooting, starred on second roles, in independent projects that no one ever heard. The failures do not knock me out of the saddle, they make stubbornly look ahead, squeeze their teeth, through tears and despondency to do, do, do ... such a cruel way.

- Where does such persistence come from? Is it a result of upbringing or personal gained skill?

- How much I remember myself, I have always been like that. Squeeze your teeth, squeeze the fists and silently go where you need. I received the first blow of fate when I could not continue my hockey career. Oh yeah! I was once a glorious hockey player, but because of the injury, the road in a big sport was closed for me. The dream to perform at the Olympics has become unattainable. What I've done? I realized that without any education to be me a beggar, went to a free school, began to work as an actor, filming in commercials. To continue the movement was unbearably painful, because I was a very shy boy and only felt free and calmly. In the class, I was constantly teased, because I stutter a little, because of dyslexia could not read and write normally. As a result, school I still threw - more precisely, I was kicked out because of excessive inconsistency. But at that time I had already understood how I could.

- Your parents supported you?

- Father left us with mom, when I had three, it seems. My grandparents was brought up, my mother, too, but much less than her parents. We never communicate with the dad, but probably he saw me on the screens. (Smiles.) Mom always supported me very much. We were for each other such anchors, the beacons in the dark. When it was difficult for her, I know that I helped her existence to cope with a gap to the longing. When it happened not easy to me, she always turned out to be near. There is no more nice satellite for red tracks than Mom! I'm so uncomfortable and uncomfortable to go out into the world, I turn out again in a shy silent teenager, and my native shoulder, her hand, which squeezes my hand, is what pulls me out of any of the attack.

- You thought, who would have able to get into the place of your mom next to you?

- How do I understand, are you talking about a companion? This is a patient for me the topic. Now, after a decade, I can talk about it straight. After the death of Jennifer (Kiana Bride. - Approx. Aut.) I was in prostration for a long time. We lost our child, and then I stayed quite alone. At that moment, Mom did everything so that I could climb and go on. She believes that her son deserves happiness. (Smiles.)

Keanu Reeves:

"We are fine. Alexander is familiar with my mother, she chases me on the motorcycles, makes me setting me, charges with his energy"

Photo: Rexfeatures /

- Do you believe it?

- Today it is no longer a secret that I am in love that I started relationships. You know, I am grateful to myself for finding time to burn, I did not drive horses and put into dubious novels, which has long been alone with me. I am no longer carrying on the shoulders a cargo of sadness, resentment or grief, only quiet, light memories of those who have gone favorite people remain. I as if I knew that you need to give myself so much time as possible, to hide, live. I liked my life (not a professional, of course) pause, plunged into the radio mode ... At that time it seemed to me that my, as they say, the second half simply does not exist. There was one, and now there is no. But gradually I began to raise my head. And you know, loneliness did not become something destructive for me, rather, on the contrary.

- You needed really a lot of time to survive all this. The very meme "sad kiana", a snapshot on which you are lonely sitting on a bench in the park, drinking a sandwich, flew around the whole world. But it was ten years after that tragedy!

- Yes that's right. True, it was the photo that turned out to be too sad. And in fact there is nothing like that. Just a man eats his lunch. (Smiles.) At that moment, my fans were very supported, which turned out to be like a lot! You see, I'm really very closed, I often do not notice what is happening around, I communicate with animals more than with people. And when suddenly emerge from his universe into reality, and here so many good, open, sincere people who support me, is ... it gives hope and the strength to live.

- I know that your fans even staged an annual "day of raising the mood of Keanu" - and all this is based on the very picture!

- Yes, I'm saying, they are magical! I remember, as I imagined the output of one computer game on the stage, for the trailer, I starred, and here from the crowd, a completely unfamiliar man began to shout, what I am stunning! You know, it may seem like an act of narcissification, but, damn it, it's so nice!

- Listen, let's go back to the question of personal life. I know that you are very reluctant to speak these topics, but since you yourself said that in love ...

- I just do not know what to say. Everything is fine, Alexander (Alexander Grant, Chosen Rivza. - Approx. Aut.) Familiar with my mother, she chases me on the motorcycles, laughs me, charges energy. All perfectly. (Smiles.)

- You are already fifty-six years old. Are you ready to return to the question of children?

- I think yes. But in all important agreement. Alexandra is a creative man, and therefore self-realization is very important for her. And I'm not going to put it on it.

- I know that you are very creative nature. In addition to the fact that you are successful as an actor, you are also a great musician.

- "excellent" - strongly said. I'm just a bass guitarist. He played one time in the group, but she broke up, and I began to play just for myself.

- What else do you do for yourself?

- I like to come to the hotel, in which once lived for a long time. And just be there. Swim in the pool, for example, sit and watch in the distance.

"Why didn't you buy my own home so long?" The legends that Keanu Reeves lives in almost the abandoned hotel, still excite your admirers.

- I do not know. I was fine without him. This is such a responsibility, such a nosa is your own home. It seems that when you acquire real estate, you kind of owe it to settle, become prudent, stable, immediately have children or at least dogs. Fish, at worst!

- But now are you ready?

- Yes, now yes. And not even to fish.

- Keanu, tell me ... You smile so much while talking with journalists, take at least our conversation. But never smile in the camera. There is not one of your photo shoot, where you would laugh. Why?

- I'm just shy. I'm afraid to seem ridiculous, funny, insincere. I do not like photo shoots in general and smile with photographers in particular.

"You know, here recently told in the press that you had a battle entertained by stories, traveled the bike ... It seems so shy people do not.

- There came out a little different. I flew on the plane, he made an emergency landing. Passengers began to panic that they would not get anywhere at all. I just organized those who had to be at the nearest airport, and went along with them. Well, on the way we talked. They chatted about everything and nothing. I told you know about this area. You see, shyness is not stigma. Yes, it's difficult for you once or two to converge with people, but it is difficult only when people are waiting for something. When everything is sincere and simple, there is no shortness, there is no need to pretend, the shyness goes away. I have, by the way, therefore there are no pages in social networks: it seems to me, there is all at the bottom, pretense and lies.

Keanu Reeves:

"ridiculous, funny, insincere. I do not like photo shoots in general and smile with photographers in particular"

Photo: Rexfeatures /

- And it seemed to me that closed people are easier to communicate virtually than really ...

- Closed people are easier to communicate ... with your computer that can beat you in chess! (Smiles.) There is no better leisure than to drink a cup of coffee and try to blow up artificial intelligence. Here, perhaps, how I am having fun, that's what I do for myself. This is your question above. BUT! I remembered! I also write poems. Pretty bad poems. Do not even ask, I will not show anything.

- This complements your image of sad, gloomy, mysterious ...

- Yes, and not an image. I really do not really cheerful man on earth. But I'm just a realist, let's say. Some things are very impressive and inspired me, but the older I become, the less they remain. Some time ago I began to engage in directed. I was so captured this process! I was born that was born. And now, when it is possible to work on the site not only by the performer, but also the creator, I literally light up. I know, I know, I will not say anything for me that I can ... Mmmm ... "to light up." But sometimes it happens. In general, I began to notice that the ability to surprise in me kill large cities, the cluster of people who constantly need something from me. I remember I caught myself that I feel like a beast in a cage - it was in those days when I constantly lived in Los Angeles. So now I am configured to move away from all this unhealthy movement.

"You know, they love to say about you." For each decade, there is a rivz kian. In the nineties you were a romantic hero of "on the crest of the wave", in two thousandths, of course, became the Savior of mankind of neo from the "Matrix", in the tenths turned into a gloomy John Whitch. What do we see you in the twenties? In the end, the new decade started.

- It seems to me that the role that will form such a "kian for generation" is still ahead. In my filmography at all there are no romantic comedies. All love lines that I have ever played, look like me - gloomy, even something tragic. And now it seems to me that I am ready to look towards Romomomov. Although it will most likely be amazingly stupid. A fifty-year-old man plays love. Laughter and only!

- How do you see your future?

- Let's finally form, as you say, my image. (Smiles.) I used to answer such questions. Definitely: ahead of all we are waiting for us ... Death. Is it not true? But now I am not thinking about the future. So many cases, events, experiences and feelings that should be comprehended and live here and now that I just do not have time to look ahead. But I will go there solid gait. I can do it.

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