Natalia Ionova: "The husband said:" Now I know how you spend time! "


Favorite friends, tasty treat, fragrant hookah, laughter and dancing. Natalia Ionova or Singer Gluck'Oz decided to take a party to the video party with the participation of his friends.

"Natalia, you have a film crew at a party without warning." How did your friends reacted to it?

- Well, if honestly - they were shocked (laughs)! Imagine: You are invited to dinner - by tradition, this is a funny company of your favorite friends, and not two dozen people of the film crew in addition (laughs). Yes, and my guys do not work on the camera. By profession, they are make-up artists, managers, and economists. Therefore, of course they were shy, especially the guys. They were stated that they were not prepared, and many girls arrived without makes, and the labia began to paint their lips. But in this and fun. When I and Max (Fadeev - ICD) explained the idea, they understood what exactly we want and happily responded to help. This manifests true friendship, right?

- But now, to collect the company, you need a good reason or long approval over time and place of the meeting. How did you manage to invite everyone?

- I often collect friends. Therefore, my invitation did not have a surprise. It so happened that several weeks in a row we did not meet with the guys, as I flew to tour. And so I returned and gathered everyone to exchange news and chat. Well, more precisely, they thought they (laughs). And in the end, they hit the set.

Natalia Ionova

Natalia Ionova

- If not a secret - who are your friends?

- I have many friends. I am very sociable person. Of course, I'm not with all people, I am frank all the hundred, as I think that it is necessary to share my internal problems and pain with the most close things. With all the others, I share laughter, joy, smiles and general memories. As I said - I have different friends. There are many famous, but on the shooting of the clip, I just decided not to call, so that there were more sincere emotions of unprofessional artists.

- It is said that real friends can only be found in childhood. Do you agree with this?

- Not. Age here does not play roles. I generally do not support the connection with those who were friends in the garden, at school. Friends become those people who are close to me in spirit. For example, I was lucky with my team. I generally became the godfather's mother's daughter of his makeup artist. Do you understand? There is no class difference or age. If we are fun, interesting and easily - it means we will be friends.

- What do you understand under the phrase "true friend"?

- This is a person tested by time, some of the events experienced by events, emotions. And it is not so important: one or another person helped me. Rather: I supported me or not, I was pleased with my successes or not.

- There were many girls at your party-clip. Do you believe in women's friendship?

- Yes! I have two best friends - a man and a woman. They are equally close to me. And between me and the girlfriend there are no situations when we divide the attention of men, for example. Just because I am happy married. And as you know, the female friendship comes an end if a man appears on the horizon. In our case, I can not even imagine such a scenario.

Natalia Ionova

Natalia Ionova

- Have you ever come across betrayal?

- Yes. To be honest, I do not want to remember the case. From the moment I seemed to be clear, I learned to see and appreciate good, goodwill and selflessness.

"Do you want to hurt me?" You can call your home video. There was no doubt about whether it is necessary to open so much for people?

- No, I, and so, in principle, in sight, because active on your pages on social networks. The less hiding, the easier it lives (smiles).

- You did not direct anything, but just filmed a meeting of friends?

- There was a couple of "stops" for technical reasons. But at that time did not stop the party (laughs). Unless he decided to leave the dinner himself in order not to shoot people.

- Now on the Internet, hotly discusses some piquancy roller: smoking hookah and women's kisses. What do you think about it?

- In general, I do not smoke, but just friends and let me down on a hookah (smiles). I really smoke it for a long time, I can make a couple of lips - and that's it. And kisses ... We rumbled more!

- Was it a provocation or just a spiritual impulse?

- Rather provocation (smiles). We wanted to rent a video recreation of modern parties - and get it!

- How did your husband get to this clip and the party as a whole?

- he liked the idea itself. He said: "It's good that I now know exactly how you spend time with friends!" (Laughs).

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