Pavel Trubiner: "We quarrel with Julia, beat the plates, then murmily"


It is believed that this is good when a person actively and purposefully builds his life. But here at a talented, very successful actor and father of three children of Pavel Trubiner, everything is different: he loves the expression "the stars come together." So he speaks of professional fate and his personal. Details - in the interview with the April issue of the atmosphere magazine.

- Paul, somehow said that the school was a triple, but you had two favorite subjects: literature, which is understandable, and biology, which is unusual.

"I liked biology myself I don't know why, but I never had any long-playing plans in this sense." And literature loved, but reading was not my passion. But I gladly taught the poems that we were asked, and I liked to read them when I went to the board. True, I did it, confused, was shy, so I started to curl to seem more confident. Maybe therefore I went to the acting profession.

- In relations with classmates, have you too shy?

- Everything was completely different here. And they could beat me, and I could, how to give me. There is nothing special about it. In my opinion, when adults begin to justify their failures by the fact that they had problems in school, it's all nonsense. Of course there are heavy stories. But it seems to me that children are not in extreme situations, especially high school students, must cope. If I was offended, I never complained to Pope, who could come and punish someone.

With his wife, actress and director Yulia Melnikova, and daughter Liza

With his wife, actress and director Yulia Melnikova, and daughter Liza

Photo: Personal archive of Pavel Trubiner

- went to school with pleasure or dreamed from getting out of her walls?

- Of course, it is hard to go to school, especially class with the seventh, when you have only a diary in your portfolio, one notebook for forty-eight sheets and maybe a geometry textbook. You do not change anything, but you write everything in one notebook. I for some reason wore a tape recorder. It was already a perestroika, and with particular severity we did not belong to us.

- You were the right teenager, did not indulge forbidden, tried to smoke, drink? And romantic dates in school were already?

"In school years I was already indulged with cigarettes, but I tried alcohol for the first time already in the theater. We drank beer, painted later, and it was very funny. Well, it was not there without first love, it was such funny love. True, my classmate with a guy on a class of older married at sixteen years old, and another couple had a child a little bit at the end of the eleventh grade. And they still live together, and the children were born.

- You studied not in Gitis, and in college with it?

"Yes, it is in Golubovsky College, my classmate is Anya Big." Then we wanted to add one course, and so we would get a diploma guitis, but this did not happen. The time was complicated, the middle of the nineties, so I wanted to change anything to anyone.

- So you came out a very young artist ...

- Yes, it is already already being College Tabakov (unfortunately, Oleg Pavlovich has not become), and we were pioneers. And he did what they could not, because young people need not a common program that was taught at the Theater Institute, but a few other choice of educational material. After the eighth grade, we are still small kids, completely immature to play "Anna Karenina" or "Ivanova" in fourteen and fifteen years.

Pavel Trubiner:

"The scope of activity does not matter. The most important thing is to understand a person on the sacral level. If there is love, it is nothing more."

Photo: Personal archive of Pavel Trubiner

- Graduates of College Oleg Pavlovich go to the repertoire theater. And then you did not want this or in my youth did not understand all the need for a scene in the life of a young actor?

- We started learning that year when she finished living one state and was born new, so in the learning process, in any case, I already had some illusions on this score. By the end of the Institute, the cinema was practically not removed, so I did not understand whether I would do the acting profession at all. And in order to serve at that time in the theater, it was necessary to be a fanatic scene, which I was not at that time. I have not shown anywhere, but those few directions who came to us on graduation performances were not the same, to whom we would rush. But I do not regret that at that time did not give his soul to the repertoire of theater. (Laughs.) I have acquired a lot more as I think.

- You purchased it much later, and those for the first years without profession were difficult for you, heavy?

- I graduated from college at nineteen years, perhaps, so I can not say that there were years of torment. No, then there was a fun time, I especially did not think about how many of my peers, what to do next. Slear downstream.

- Are you looking for a job or did she find you myself?

- What came across, then did. Familiar something was thrown out, somewhere it was interesting, somewhere - not very. Those works that did not go to the soul did not delay me for a long time. But there were classes that I liked and even inspired.

- For example?

- We had a wonderful children's football school at the sports complex, and we helped them, organized matches. There were several sets of children, three years or four she existed. True, it did not bring money. So in parallel I sold computers. (Smiles.) By the way, we both with Olga, the future wife, met.). (Olga Mukhortova, a multiple champion in pentathlon. - Approx. Auth.)

Sen Son Alexander nineteen years old, he is fond of motorcycle racing

Sen Son Alexander nineteen years old, he is fond of motorcycle racing

Photo: Personal archive of Pavel Trubiner

- She was already a titled athlete?

- Of course, a multiple champion, she had a lot of cups.

- You married three years after the end of the institute. Already more or less earned?

- Not. We simply didn't think about it, the wines of all youth enthusiasm.

- And Olga did not confuse that you were still at the crossroads?

- It seems to be no. (Laughs.) Probably, she is all - my merits and financial situation - it was not particularly important. There were more courage and force, it is such ... youthful things.

- You have a quickly born my son, and this, in theory, is already quite another responsibility ...

- I long, even the second time, four years later, did not really feel my father. Pretty long gained to this word. (Laughs.) In women, the maternal feeling is laid by nature, and we must register it somewhere, so at that age I did not understand anything. Now I have a daughter Lisa, she was born when I was already forty, and now everything is completely different.

- And where did you live with Olya, with children?

- I had an apartment in which we lived all together with my mother. Dad died early.

- It was for you the first serious tragedy?

"I have already been accustomed to the loss of loved ones, because the grandparents left before that. And at such a moment you are not so much suffering and you are engaged in our own experiences, how many mobilize yourself, say that in the family you are chief now and should defend mom. Dad, I certainly lacked, lacks now, but this is life.

Pavel Trubiner:

In the painting "Fantasy of the White Nights", our hero plunged into the world of ballet. His partner became Elizabeth Boyarskaya

- You then did not experience inner excitement about your future?

- I do not know where I got it from, or the grandfather told me that everything was his time, but I live on this principle. I do not force anything. But, of course, I did not sit back. (Smiles.)

- And during those years they never fell into depressive moods? Are you an optimist?

- Maybe yes. It is clear that despondency arises from each person for some reason, but there were no such severe moral states. I always told myself what could be worse. I saw my acquaintances, friends who had an even more difficult situation. And it did not give Handre to attack.

- In the early 2000s, even in the late 90s, the first serials, and naive, primitive, but even qualitative, began to appear. You did not have it, what should I fuss somehow?

- At this time I starred in wonderful coffee advertising. It was something bombing. My portfolio was on Mosfilm and the studio. Gorky. I called me, I came, and everything happened. It was a huge advertisement that Dane was filmed, highlighted a huge budget. Of course, at that fee I could not buy a car, but still for me it was a tangible earnings. And the main thing, my face hung across the country on billboards, was blown on the reversals of many magazines. (Laughs.)

- But a big role came to you still not immediately ...

- Yes, somewhere in a couple of years. Before that, I starred in a pair of advertisements. And then a proposal was made to play in the TV series "Plus Infinity," I was very worried, but I was approved. With that, everything went to the profession.

Pavel Trubiner:

In the role of Vadim Roshchina in the television film "Walking on the flour"

- Today you are no longer so worried about the samples and what is the case with the choice of projects?

"I think that every sensible actor understands: our profession addicted and at one fine moment the phone can silence, no one will call you anywhere else. Therefore, definitely, such fear me exists now. Although, of course, I can afford something to choose. If I agree to the movie, I try to make it better. However, as if you were ingenious or played, the film may not work out. It happens, of course, that the right choice of the actor to the main role is the key to success. For example, in popularity of the series "Ceremc" in many ways the merit of the charismatic hero. But again, the circumstances again. Somehow we sat with a pack of a wooden on the set "Great" in a grimychik, watched samples of Hollywood artists on a large role, for example, sample Al Pacino on Corleon, and they did not see the image that then appeared on the screen. Therefore, I say that samples are a tenth of that character that you will have in the end. Everything adds out of how you will talk to the director, what will be your partners, costume and even scenery. Therefore, in my opinion, no artist may argue that his physiognomy won an Oscar. (Laughs.)

- Did you love movies in childhood and youth?

- Highly! As, probably, any boy, I adored all our Soviet militants, especially "your among others ...". Now I was in the gym with Yura Golubev, coach Nikita Sergeevich, and we talked about this film. Each of us looked a huge number of times. I also loved the military ribbons.

- You somehow confessed that you love entertainment cinema, after which, coming out of the hall, do not torment the experiences and heavy thoughts. But I think you are not talking about empty entertainment, but about what you expect in the aftertaste - the appearance of positive emotions, and not the feeling that everything is terrible.

- You are right in many ways. But if you compare the cinema in which I am shooting, and what I love to watch, these are different things. And the military paintings are a tribute to our story. I had both grandfather, one reached Berlin. And even grandmother war touched. In me, all this pain is sitting, so I'm moving a lot in such films. At the same time, I love entertainment cinema, but not empty, of course, but the emotion that carries emotion, gives energy feeding. You go out of the hall that rejected, not nailed. I am strange to hear how some directors say they remove the cinema for themselves. Then sit in your kitchen and look at himself.

- And in the picture Konstantin Khudyakova "Walking on the flour" did you pass through?

"I had full-scale samples, but then Konstantin Pavlovich admitted me that he did not consider anyone more on this role. And we agreed with him, even became friends. At the end of the expedition to Pyatigorsk, he said: "As it is a pity, Pasha, that we have not been familiar before." He is a wonderful person. I am very, very grateful to fate not only for the fact that I had the opportunity to play in such a picture, but also work with such a beautiful director.

Pavel Trubiner:

In the new series "Lancet", the actor had to reincarnate in the surgeon

- There are many military, kagabashnikov and doctors in your "all-service list" ...

- Actually, I played a large number of various characters. The only thing that was not in my creative biography is a fantastic genre. Guest from the future I have not played yet. But the historical ribbons are enough, I had a graph of Orlov, and Alexander Nevsky, and even in ballet I participated.

- We are talking about the film "Fantasy of White Nights", which has not yet been hired. Where did you do choreography?

- When such pictures are removed, the complexity is that a person can be wonderful to dance, and he doesn't really have dramatic abilities. When we were preparing for the shooting, I came to the Vaganov School to Nikolay Tsiskaridze, who said that, of course, not a ballet person can be seen immediately. Therefore, in the film, the focus was made not on the choreography, but on how a person walks, as talking. Although I had to work out, worry, I got up for pointes and mastered some ballet pa, but, naturally, without a flock did not cost. Americans love to reason how everyone gets great. And when Natalie Portman says that she studied to dance swan, it's funny, because then they show a dublersh, who has sensors on the face to then substitute Portman's face into the frame. But we also tried.

- And the partner you have some kind of talented and clever-beauties Lisa Boyarskaya. You are generally lucky on wonderful actresses ...

- Yes. It's true. I really got lucky. And Lisa and the actress are beautiful, and the man is wonderful. She absolutely no star, she is very kind, responsive, simple, and with anyone, regardless of the profession and status of a person. And it seems to me that this is the most important thing.

- Your second wife, Julia Melnikova, also actress, serves in Satirikon, but, in my opinion, with her theater she has a deeper novel than with a movie ...

Just she made a roll in the other side. She was already the director, graduated from the highest directorial courses at Irakli Kvirikadze with a red diploma. She took off three wonderful short films, one of them even visited in Cannes, others still go to all festivals and receive prizes. But she has a cinema living, not a festival, therefore problems occur sometimes. Her paintings are not suitable in the format: no one has died there, no one has cut off his head ... She has a more WORDAL CINEMA, the last short film "Lyuba" is even compared with Early Mikhalkov. Julia is a very talented person, she will succeed.

Pavel Trubiner:

And in the historical cinema "The Great" he is in the image of the scene of Count Orlova

- And you are at home the leader, an equal partner, and maybe the rebelnik by goodwill?

- No, I am a leader in a good sense of the word and lead a family. Of course, I accept some important solutions. But if the question is in the sphere where my opinion is not required, it does Julia.

- Are your disputes happen?

- Of course, we argue, beat the plates (laughs), and then we mumble, go. We have everything like everyone else, normal life.

- What does your eldest son do?

- He is soon nineteen, he is fond of motorcycle racing, performs at competitions, and now still study at the institute of physical education on the coach in this direction.

- Do not care from the motorcycle slot, the dangerous thing?

- No, although I worry. This is his choice, he likes. Now he will prepare for the Russian Championships and the European Stages of Cups. And already engaged in coaching work. And the middle son is still in school. He car drivers. Last year, he entered the top five pilots and this summer will go to the Final of Amateur Competitions of CSS in Venice.

- Now all hope per daughter, that she will not worry you. In addition, she has acting genes ...

- Let's see what will be what it will choose. Now it's too early to talk about something. Lisa Lisa, the wayward, tough even, with the character in his two and a half years. I can not say that she is rope from us, but moves. She is very active and loves travel.

- You were marriage with an athlete, now you and your wife - colleagues. The community of profession for family relationships gives more advantages than minuses?

- In my opinion, the scope of activity does not matter. The most important thing is to understand a person at some sacral level. If you have a thing called "love", it is nothing more.

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