Anna Kazychitsz: "I live with installation: a handsome man - always someone else's"


Porn, statutory, with a cannose profile. Anna Kazychitz often get the roles of cold, wayward beauties, sterrect business women. In life, this is a completely different person - wounded, doubting, romantic. Anna admits that he gained firm soil under his feet only with the appearance of her son Daniel. And now literally bathes in this blissful and happy state, when every moment brings new discoveries and sensations.

- Anna, you had a serious alternative to acting career - Sport. You have filed high hopes in rhythmic gymnastics ...

- Oh, it was a long time ago! Now I would have already occupied the coaching position or retired sports on TV. (Smiles.) In general, I was a very active child: And the music school graduated from the class of the piano, and during twelve years I enjoyed sports. Stopped me unsatisfied inner ambitions, disagreements with a coach, and maybe just lack of abilities. (Smiles.) Also, Mom, the therapist, discouraged: a big sport cripples the body. In a word, I was eliminated in the end of the sport, but I do not regret. Now that on the set you have, for example, dancing, I only rejoice that I have certain skills.

- It seems to me that the psychology of the athlete and actor differs. In the first spirit of the competition only inciterates the excitement, and the second, on the contrary, do not love castings, they want to see only them ...

- You are right, and I just actress. I do not have such a powerful will of the will, and I basically do not a wrestler, although I resist my whole life with some circumstances ... Only now I realized that it was originally not worth counteracting anything. My battle does not temper, but does it weaker. And in my life, or nothing immediately stood up, either folded literally from the first step. So, in the theater school them. Schukina, I arrived from the first right, and in the films I was also argued. That is, there is an instant contact, or I close this story for myself.

"By the way, the same school that you finished your younger sister Tatiana." And also became the actress, but in addition to this, also the singer. In childhood, you did not enjoy?

- With Tanya, we have the difference in just three years, and we were just the best friends. The other day, by the way, we remembered how my mother could not put us in the evenings - we chatted without silent, lying on our bunk bed. And the bones were twisted with their classmates, and our sympathies were discussed. (Smiles.) Sister Rotated in my company. We were lucky that we did not fall in love with one guy, did not divide anything.

- In the movies you offer similar heroines?

- We have different roles. Funny, but Tatiana with her tough internal rod basically plays lyrical, romantic heroines. I am much softer my sisters, it seems to me. Not always, unlike her, I know what I want, but I am often called the role of natural branches, purposeful business women. That is, the opposite is. (Smiles.)

Tunic and skirt, all - aka nanita; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Tunic and skirt, all - aka nanita; Sandals, Stuart Weitzman

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Assistant of the photographer: Ksenia Andrianova

- You still have a real father's daughter: it was not by chance that they went to his footsteps, became the actress and even studied there, where and he once ...

- With my father we have a special connection. I look like him and internally, and outwardly, and by the sign of the zodiac - we are both twins. By the way, a very dual sign, when you can understand yourself only through a skilled translator, in whose consciousness your nature merge. (Smiles.) On the one hand, I am insanely active, creative, quite fun and kompanaya. And on the other, it is completely home, I love funny pajamas, comfortable woolen socks in which it is so cozy to read in a chair.

- But now it is rarely possible to you ...

- Our Daniel Egorovich takes all attention. I still decided in the maternity hospital that it would be so so. So the boy was serious, restrained, he did not even cry, but looked at everything a calm studying look. Cannot imagine how Maternity swallowed me! While I did not have my continuation on Earth, I did not feel confident. Having become a mother, I seemed to find the soil under my feet, I was convinced that I was strong, fearless, full-fledged personality. And everything happened on time. I am sure that you need to grow to maternity. Now, at the thirty-three years, I can fully realize the beauty of the round-the-clock stay with the child, and ten years ago it would hardly receive such pleasure from this. I'm glad to choose clothes for my son, toys, books ... He considers pictures with such curiosity ... In addition, we have a baby piano, and from time to time I give Dane to listen to classical music. As it turned out, he is excessively susceptible. When I put "seasons" Tchaikovsky, the baby began to desperately press the lower lip and was clearly going to cry. But, you know, it is hardly an actor. For some microscopic features it is already clear how holistic, mighty nature that chooses a profession in which you will not need to play. (Smiles.) There is no doubt that parents are obliged to "hear" the ability of their children - and intentionally develop them. And you can never impose anything. In this matter, the husband is agreed with me, like mom. Now, by the way, I call her from Minsk to move to Moscow, to do grandson. But she headed the department in the clinic, the active lady, and says that it will definitely arrive, but when I already come to work so that nothing bothered to communicate with Daniel Egorch. (Laughs.)

- And if you return to youth, you probably used success with the opposite sex ...

- I will not hide, it was. But I would seem to be born adult, and the peers did not perceive me. Even afraid. Therefore, I met with guys who were older than me for less than five years. But since they brought me strictly, I had a little novels.

- Early growing a lot contributed to the tragedy in the family - the death of the Father ...

- Surely. Ten years I was when dad went away. Burned at thirty-four years from bone marrow cancer literally in one summer. My sister was then in the village and it seemed to somehow did not see his painful torment. But his absence later became a catastrophic injury. To smile so far I study ... Of course, we supported my mother as they could. Girl I never sat in dusty scenes, but I had a huge interest in the theater, and already thirteen years old I began to go to Minsk on the scene of the National Academic Drama Theater. Gorky, where he served father.

- Today you miss the theater?

- Yes, I would like to try to taste theater again, develop further, have a daily rehearsal training. But then the main thing is ideologically coincided with the artistic director. I ran into the crowd in the theater them. Mayakovsky, saw all intrigues, so the impression from the stationary theater was not too beautiful. I do not know how in this body you can fully exist. When the envy circle, the negative aura, the unscrewed conversations behind his back ... Especially since I did not have learned to be removed by the wall from the enemies.

Dress and Earrings, All - Araida

Dress and Earrings, All - Araida

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Assistant of the photographer: Ksenia Andrianova

- At school, you studied in the economy class. The ability to consider it useful in life?

- Perhaps this fact of the biography did not affect my everyday life. I do not know how to masterly save and can't boast that I acquired real estate in the capital. But I, thank God, there is a husband, we live in his apartment. So there is someone to take care of me. Although I think about the future, stable material well-being, and increasingly there are thoughts about business. I recently had the idea of ​​creating a non-standard pre-school institution, which would be different, individual, individual approach and affordable prices. It seems to me that in our kindergartens they do not surround the children with warmth, but on the contrary, it is often even wounded by the psyche. But at an early age it is necessary to give unconditional love so that these crumbs feel necessary.

- It feels like a dressed topic. In school, did you fight for a place under the sun?

- You are not mistaken - right up to senior classes I had a lot as a fight with the peers, when I defended my position and skirmishes with teachers. How many I didn't say that I did not bless the eldest, I restrained the buoy temperament, I still could not be silent - ratified for justice. I had a few friends, but, in fact, I was loner, with my gaze to life. Collective activities consciously avoided, did not participate in competitions of amateuria, in some local productions. The fact is that in the atmosphere, where you need to constantly prove something, I chash. Create, I can do fantasize exclusively in comfortable conditions of love and recognition, which, for good luck, constantly meet on the shooting sites.

- Have you revealed already in the theater university?

- There I am also a habit of a barbed slit. At first I really missed the house, so, serving in an unknown, took a native pillow with a blanket. For me, it's important a sleeping place. I like a princess on a pea, I appreciate orthopedic mattresses. (Smiles.) Of course, gradually I went away, I was drawn to study, I began to take a lot. By the way, we had a good course, I studied with Anatoly Rudenko, Viktor Dobronravov, Anastasia Savosina.

- Press wrote about a short, but bright novel with your classmate Vladimir Jaglich, who later became her husband Svetlana Khodchenkova ...

- In the first year, I really experienced a big sympathy for Volodya. (Smiles.) We were a pair on the stage movement, we were given to play joint passages ... Apparently, we came to each other visually. It is clear that such close partnerships could not but stir up some youth emotions, but it was so easy and short ... Now I recall the warmly about those days. But it was then that my era of love in light-eyed, high, sports blonds ended. (Smiles.) And in the future, I was convinced that the passion for charismatic hooligans does not bring to good. At some point I began to live with the installation: a handsome man - always someone else's.

- His husband, actor and director Egor Grammatikova, you met fifteen years ago on the set of the TV series "Torivka", and at that moment he was also not free ...

- And I did not eat anything at that time. We began to meet a lot later when he already lived alone. So I did not take anyone, although the future mother-in-law perceived me in the bayonets. (Smiles.) In fact, I did not attach great importance to our relationship, perceived them as temporary. I could not believe that it was finally mine. We converged for a very long time. It was not a violent passion, but a measured movement towards each other. I like that for all these joint years I have never felt our seventeen-year-old difference in age. Egor is perfectly complicated, it looks great, energetic.

- Curious why your wedding did not cover the media?

"Because she passed quietly, modestly, in a family circle, in October last year, when I was already deeply pregnant. And we were not ready for noise, we are so enough publicity. It was rather a gift to my mom. (Smiles.) I am generally against advertising personal events.

Suit, isabel garcia; Earrings, Magia Di Gamma

Suit, isabel garcia; Earrings, Magia Di Gamma

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Assistant of the photographer: Ksenia Andrianova

- Egor Grammatikova is a rich biography, he was married more than once, he has a thirteen-year-old son Ilya from the actress Lika Dobryansky, who died of cancer ...

- With the face we were familiar, just got together in the "thief". Very spectacular girl, but with such a tragic fate ... And Ilya we are now raising together. And this boy who lost mom at seven years, at some point saved our union. The fact is that he came to my life when we with Egor had already had nothing to do together. And then the child crossed our relationship, did not leave. I, Ilya Rule is infinite, I consider my son. He made my life radically different - added in her colors, light, sound, saturation. Ilya is such a noble knight. He was engaged in fencing for six years, we went to fees, competitions, but recently he switched, slightly unexpected for me, to kickboxing. I am grateful to the current circumstances that I immediately became both my wife and the stepmother, which had to conquer the child's confidence. Still, in my opinion, the family can be considered full only in the presence of children. Therefore, probably, all my previous relationships ended in collapse. And also because when I left - I was not kept. With Egor differently. This man stubbornly did not give me to escape. He is reliable, hard, knows how to masterfully extinguish my bad mood, supports everything. Already so many years we go hand in hand, and I am happy that it was on the initiative of her husband that we became parents of our Daniel. Egor and Father Stunning, kind.

- You have a joint hobby - a photo. But, probably, there is no longer enough time for it?

- Yes, alas. And before, we are without tired, in all details, they shot our travels. Gigabytes photos! We love distant and not very much. Beautiful cities, and sea, and mountains. But the main thing is that the hotel is comfortable, no one has canceled it. (Smiles.)

- The mistress you probably good ...

"I know how to do everything, but the cooking falls on my husband's shoulders - this is not my horse, and Egor does it first. And I grow flowers and wonderful plants as in the apartment, where the winter garden organized a long time and in the country area, which we rent for the summer. I can boast of tangerines, multi-colored violets, velvets, pansy eyes, daisies, plenty rose. On my greens, even two of our Thai cats and snow-white cat-sphinx do not attempt - you cater. (Smiles.)

- Do you have a plan that when the kid will grow a little more - you will be again removed from the director's husband?

- I am not concerned about joint creativity, but in principle it would not be against. In the meantime, I am accustomed to Egor to shoot and stay at home on maternity leave. Although quite soon I will return to the line! Very missed your favorite work.

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