The history of the emergence of the main male fetish - tights and stockings


Stockings and tights are always in the women's wardrobe. It is even difficult to imagine how much you can do without them: they wear under skirts, and under the pants. And how a man love them on their beautiful ladies, of course, giving a special preference to erotic lace stockings. But few know that the history of these products has more than two tens of centuries. Let's try to arrange a small stocking tour.

The history of stockings and tights begins with prehistoric times. More barbarians turned around the legs of the skins and fastened them to leather belts. In general, nothing has changed until the XIII century, when the knitting machines finally invented. For example, King Heinrich VIII received a couple of knitted stockings as an expensive gift.

According to the legend, the fashion for silk stockings introduced the Queen of Elizabeth I, and the first knitting machine for them was built in 1589 the priest William Lee, which allowed to do silk, and woolen products are much thinner. This machine knit eight hundred loops per minute (by the way, ten times more than women knitters). The production of stocking products has become so profitable for England that Elizabeth banned the export of the machine and technologies under the fear of the death penalty. Moreover, we carried the stockings mostly men at that time. Women began to wear them in the XVIII century with the filing of Marquis de Pompadur. The cost of lace stockings, which it introduced into the fashion, approached the annual income of the nobleman.

However, this subject in the women's wardrobe firmly settled firmly in the middle of the XIX century. And if men's stockings were worn openly, then women were hidden under multi-layered clothing. Show them from under the row for the ladies were considered the top of indecency. It was possible to see this savory attribute on the girls only when they raised the skirt, for example, leaving the carriage.

Synthetic in the mass!

XIX century - a turning point in the life of these delicate products. The female skirts became all shorter and turned their legs into the object of close attention of a strong floor, therefore, they had to be at least somehow covered.

Technologies did not stand still, in 1910, stockings began to produce from artificial silk - viscose. They were smooth, transparent, perfectly sat on the legs, but most importantly - it was much cheaper than their natural fellows, therefore they were on the pocket of women with an absolutely any income level.

Stockings divided into day and evening

Stockings divided into day and evening


At the end of the XIX century, the ladies preferred stockings black, white, brown and in a transverse strip. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, colored color - red, blue, green. Models with ornaments and drawings were also popular (one of the most fashionable images of that time is lizards and snakes). Stockings divided into day and evening. The first were simple, maximum decorated embroidery on the side. And the second - or printed, or richly embroidered, or the same manually painted. So that they do not slip, they were attached to garters or to a special belt.

Fashionable agotage

The revolution in the world of goods for women happened in 1939, when the American DuPont has released the first nylon stockings.

The manufacturer assured that the material has the "strength of steel and subtlety of the web." "Wearing silk stockings, not from a nylon, is likeh that preferring the horse's horse." This phrase advertising agents of the company repeated American women for several months in a row. So they prepared women across the country to appear on the revolutionary goods market. And so happened: nylon stockings were on sale. The demand was just inconceivable! The first batch was repented instantly. The lucky who got the cherished stockings did not consider it necessary to endure and put on new clothes right on the street. Soon the goods triumphantly went through the country. For example, in New York at the beginning of 1940, five million couples were sold in one day. The Japanese silk market collapsed at the same moment.

Unfortunately, the First World War happened, and all the raw materials went to the needs of the army. Therefore, the American walked on tricks. Painted on the foot of the arrow with a pencil. Or covered the legs specially created to imitate stocking sprays.

The end of the war marks return to Nylonok shops. The queues were unthinkable! Even the clubs of amateurs stocking opened. The technologies were improved, and products became thinner and transparent, different colors appeared, and the price fell, so it was not a problem.

Different colors of stocking products appeared after the First World War

Different colors of stocking products appeared after the First World War


Tighten to belt

The new billboard revolution is associated with the appearance of Liker in 1959. The elastic textured thread made of polyamide made stockings smoother and fitted. But that's not all. In the sixties, finally came up with their usual tights. Invented their designer Mary Kvant, and Perented Ernesto J. Rice. If only Hollywood actresses were sewn to the panties to the panties, then all girls were thinking about the need for such a step. Wearing opaque colored or patterned tights with short skirts has become a special chic. By the beginning of the seventies, the tights overtook stockings by sales. The appearance of new durable fibers made them even more popular.

One of the most famous legislators of the mod in those years in the United States of America was the dancer and actress Ann Miller, it was she who contributed to the promotion of new items. Then the tights were produced mainly from Lycra - this material as once matched all the requirements of girls.

Russian cult

The first tights appeared in the USSR at the turn of the fifties. They were called "Bulk Councils" and were supplied from Czechoslovakia. And from there, it was borrowed in the Russian language the usual word "tights" today. The fact is that on the packs of the Czechoslovak commodity, Kalhoty was concerned that in translation means "pants". It's funny, but in kindergarten all future builders of communism were forced to wear stockings on rumors attached to special belts-bras. And they put on them and boys, and girls. So it continued until on a business trip abroad, the staff of the Moscow "Children's World" did not see the sale of multi-colored and comfortable children's tights. Gradually, cotton boots began to appear throughout the country, and then woolen tights of domestic production.

At the beginning of the sixties, tights in the Soviet Union become the subject of universal envy. It cost such an attribute of clothing insanely expensive: up to fifteen rubles (when salary in ninety) and was considered a real jewel. Therefore, Soviet women found a way to make them independently. To do this, they took flannel pantalonians and woolen stockings were sewn.

Tights from the GDR, which are already less, about seven rubles appear to the seventist on sale. Women have eaten them to holes, which are drawn artistically, and not just threads, but on their own hair, to be less noticeable.

The first tights were produced only one, bodily, color. When white and black products were included in the European fashion, our women began to whiten them: cooked in chlorine, watered with vinegar with soda and salt, painted in mascara for drawing and all sorts of medicines. Often, the victims of the experiment literally crumbled immediately after the color. More lucky pairs have expired paint during the rain. The excitement was such that in the magazine "Worker" published useful tips on the extension of life with these products, for example, a new thing was needed for a couple of hours to put in the refrigerator or pre-equipped in soap foam.

So the tights became the subject of the real cult. Women sobbed over scenes in films, where the robbers ruthlessly cut them and put on their heads. After all, even if the Soviet lady gathered a robbery bank, it would be allowed to flow the old pair. And even after they came into disrepair, they were worthy of use as a washcloth, onion bag, a rug at the entrance door or a bag for collecting apples.

Many celebrities are becoming barbells of brands tights and stockings

Many celebrities are becoming barbells of brands tights and stockings


According to the current Merkov

Almost all modern brands arose at the turn of the nineties. This is Polish Gatta and Marilyn, Italian Glamor, Filodoro, Omsa and Golden Lady and Russian Allure, Bonjour and Grace.

Modern fashion for tights almost nothing dictates, but seduces the unprecedented spectrum of proposals. Late in the fall and winter can be worn tight models of juicy colors. If you are not ready for a blue electrician or lingonberry red, select the classic - black tights are still in fashion. To the wardrobe in retro style wear gray, white, coffee and cherry tights. Do not forget about print. Models with a vertical pattern make an elegant leg even longer.

And what about trends? If the last few years in fashion were black or colored dense and necessarily opaque tights, now the situation changes: one-photon translucent stockings and tights of any color come to first place. In addition, the designers remembered the openwork products and even seemingly a Lurex in the summer.

By the way, beige tights without brilliance - this is a mandatory attribute of the image of all the first ladies and monarchs. And recently, due to the lack of tights, the actress Angelina Jolie at the reception at the Queen Elizabeth II. The press rebelled, because with naked legs to attend such events. And considering that the star put the shoes with an open nose, she could well choose tights for such a type of shoes.

And what about the myth about the nervous tights? Advertising assures us that the Japanese invented a new way of particularly durable interlacing, which will allow forget about arrows and tightness. Is it not a miracle! The Japanese decided to make a thread of thousands of closer woven microkers. The gap of one of them in this case will not entail the consequences. By the way, the likeness of such equipment has long been used in Calzedonia tights and Golden Lady. And several stamps have already replenished their assortment by the Japanese invention. True, on average, such pantyhose is enough for a maximum of three weeks of socks - still rush. So only you decide, buying more strong models of conventional colors (complex Japanese do not yet offer) or not so durable, but bright and catchy.

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