Time to listen carefully: a horoscope for March



Being on top of your career means you know about the latest achievements in your industry, Aries, and Mars here to remind you of this 3rd. You activate your networks to promote yourself forward in your current work or find a new one. When Venus enters your mark on the 21st, you will feel that you start a new life. Do you worry much? Suddenly it will not have a great value. The full moon of the 28th is located in the sector of your health card, which will make you think about physical condition. Do you really care about yourself as much as possible? Maybe it's time to actually use this training application that you downloaded a hundred years ago.


Taurus begins March with thoughts about finance. Of course, constantly thinking about money is a kind of nonsense, but you will suddenly make a desire to make an ideal budget plan. If you reduce some unnecessary costs, you will finally be able to allow yourself to invest in something worthwhile. The new moon of the 13th makes you love friends where you can count on, that is, those who really have a value for you. When the Sun goes to the 20th Aries, you will dream of bringing a little more warmth and sunlight into your life. You have long dream of a well-deserved vacation, and there is nothing wrong with to start planning it now.


You have a lot of things this month, and all thanks to Marsa, which is in your sign. You will be inspired to do your postponed list of cases. Fortunately, you will not have time for people who are trying to slow you. You are busy self-realization. This month, the stars will also remind the importance of borders. If a friend or colleague is trying to interfere with you, it's time to talk about it. Also, the new moon of the 13th is in your career house. What do you like from your work at all? If you are not on the right track, it's time to change something. It's time to send a resume on vacancy of your dreams, perhaps this is your chance to get a step closer to your goal.


This month you will begin to think about those cases when everything went not according to plan. What exactly can you make out of these moments for yourself? This is a good idea, because you can analyze your mistakes and make the necessary conclusions. The new moon of the 13th is located in the sector of your card, allowing it to better understand yourself, which makes it really great time for keeping a diary and self-analysis. Later, when Venus goes into the Aries on the 21st, you think about your career. Are you moving in the right direction or do you need to change something? Do not forget to catch the moment. The bosses may be more located to you at the end of the month, this is a good opportunity to increase your authority and establish yourself as a promising employee.

a lion

This month is devoted to your friends and a close surrounding. You will be overly focused on restoring communication with your friendships. You will be pleased to just sit and talk, even if the conversation takes place on the phone. It's time to ask for forgiveness for your mistakes and reset the load of guilt before those who are dear to you. This month you also think deeply about work. Do you get well-deserved recognition? If not, then you will find a new opportunity to implement in another area. When Venus proceeds to the Aries on the 21st, you will have a temptation to risk and turning life upside down. Perhaps it's time to get out of the comfort zone.


Sometimes you need to speak louder to hear you. And this is what you will do at work in early March. You have ideas, so it's time to share them! When Venus proceeds to the Aries on the 21st, you will be inspired by your gift to successful negotiations, whether it is a decrease in the rent, receiving a new car loan or wage increase. The main thing is not be afraid to take the first step, you have all the possibilities for the fulfillment of desires. Later, the full moon of the 28th will shine self-esteem and money in your home. Maybe it's time to spend money on those expensive jeans that you looked after for yourself last month, but never decided to buy. You are worthy.




It will be a great month for educational purposes. If you have long thought about raising the qualifications, now it's time to buy an online course or sign up for intensive. Avoid the desire to succumb to procrastination - the knowledge gained can change the rules of the game in your career. The 21st Venus moves directly opposite your sign, causing you to think, whether you are haunting your goals in such a way that your efforts justify yourself. The full moon of the 28th forces you to crave an ideal balance in relationships and have enough time for yourself. Do not be afraid to say a partner about what value for you has a personal space.


This month you will begin to worry about finance a little. But do not overdo it - a good analysis at the beginning of the month will help you understand how to cope with it. Then the new moon of the 13th makes you give time to yourself, so burn candles and jump into a foam bath with a good book. The 21st Venus passes into the sector of your health care card, encouraging you a little diligent to perform your power plan and physical exertion. Maybe it's time to download a new training application or to completely exclude sugar from the diet? March ends with a full moon of the 28th day in the sector of your card, where the self-analysis occurs. At what point do you constantly knock on the path? Awareness this can now help you avoid some problems in the future.


This month, the new moon of the 13th will make you think about your home. Do you like the way it looks today, or has it been time to change the situation? The funds spent on repair and new furniture will pay off their inner harmony. As for the career, you will be ready to work on relationships with colleagues. Moreover, in March it is simply necessary. In the end, teamwork leads to progress much faster. Later, the full moon of the 28th will highlight your friendship home, encouraging you to remember those who have not seen you for a long time, and just chat about life. Relations with a romantic partner are also distinguished by special warmth and mutual understanding, so this is a good opportunity to exalt them to a new level.


This month you are ready to work without tired, and this will pay off over time. Sometimes you just need to make additional efforts to climb. Here also plays the role of the new moon of the 13th. This is one of the sectors of your communication-related chart, so now it's time to finalize your resume or start responsible for project work. 21 Venus numbers pushes you to throw away the things that you annoy, and just start all over again. It also concerns the relationships that have been outlined. Do not be afraid of the truth, whatever bitter it is.


To find out how much you can stretch your money is always difficult, but the new moon of the 13th puts a new dilemma. Do you really need it? If you found a profitable deal, then proceed. If not, perhaps it is time to spend them on something worthwhile. The 21st Venus passes to your home of communication, and you will want to take on the difficult cargo of obligations. This may indicate the willingness to legitimize its relationship, enter into long-term or conceived a child. Later, the full moon of the 28th will be in your knowledge home, pushing you to reflections on how to move a little further in the work. This is an excellent chance to work on the result, learn more and count on the increase.


Venus is in your sign, which means that now a good time to pamper yourself. It so happened that it coincided with your birthday, so this is another reason to relax this month! Meanwhile, Mars is also in your home, so do not be surprised if you begin to think about the family more than usual, as well as where you live today. Are you satisfied with everyone or is it time to move? Mercury pushes you to meet with old friends of the 15th, so take the time to restore communication. And when Venus moves to your financial house on the 21st, she will remind you that sometimes money may appear from nowhere. Check your pockets - the money you forget about, waiting for them to be discovered.

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