Patient question: Artists who do not boast of health


Polina Gagarina is not a joke frightened subscribers a new photo. The girl laid out Self without makeup and any retouching, fans alert the painful view of the singer. According to Internet users, the health problems of the artist are associated with the crazy tour of the star.

A little earlier singer was already shared by a picture from the clinic, where apparently, Polina put the dropper.

Let us seem that celebrities are always positive and healthy, in fact it is not at all. We decided to remember who the artists cannot boast of strong health.

Halle Berry

For about 30 years, an extremely unpleasant situation occurred on the set with Berry: the actress lost consciousness and fell into someone. After a thorough examination, it turned out that the holly suffers from diabetes. From the moment the actress learned about his diagnosis, she had to completely reconsider his diet and lifestyle in general. Now Berry is already 50, but it is in excellent physical form and looks much younger than its age, despite the serious illness.

Pamela Anderson

The main sex character of the 90s Pamela Anderson also does not boast of warmer health. Pamela told about he was infected with hepatitis in 2002. According to the actress, her former spouse infected her when they made a tattoo with one needle for two. In 2015, a woman reported success in the fight against an unpleasant virus: Anderson was a course of treatment and, according to her, now there is no health problems now.

Tom Cruise

Young years of Tom Cruise can not be called cloudless: the guy grew in a large family, survived the divorce of the parents and changed almost 15 schools. Over all, the actor suffered dyslexia, which is expressed in the fact that a person is difficult to reproduce the written text. Nevertheless, this disease did not become an obstacle to the dream to become a Hollywood star. Many viewers do not even suspect how difficult the actor is given to the study of the script.

Hugh Jackman

Australian actor learned about his ailment in 2013: Jackman suffers from skin cancer. In addition to exhausting chemotherapy, Hugh survived several skin transfers. The actor is strictly forbidden to be under the right rays of the Sun, which brings certain inconvenience in everyday life. However, the actor is not despite and often shares its stories on the subject of illness with subscribers.

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