No longer: 4 problems in sex faced by spouses


Intimate life in a married life can not constantly stay unchanged. Living together, quite difficult to surprise each other something, because you know almost everything about the partner, including this concerns his sexual skills. Not surprisingly, the married couple most often faced with a lot of problems in bed. We decided to collect the most common inconveniences that the husband and wife are experiencing in an intimate life.

Feeling verses

It is unforeseering that a man is "always ready" and anyway with whom. However, if the partner feels that a woman reluctantly responds to all his attempts to satisfy or even just excite her, his enthusiasm can fade. A woman after a while gets used to a man who is constantly near, it is already difficult for her to perceive him with the same admiration, this mood is transmitted and a man who becomes uninteresting "sexy to conquer" a woman if she doesn't care. So one of the reasons for non-permanent and "sad" sex lies in the atmosphere around the pair. If you encounter a feeling sneeze, try adding a bit of a variety to recall how saturated your intimate life before.

Try to feel the mood of the partner

Try to feel the mood of the partner


Your physical parameters do not coincide.

It happens. Men who were too generously awarded nature, can cause serious injuries to a woman with inaccurate actions. According to experts, the length of the vagina depends on the growth of a woman: the higher the girl, the more comfortable a man with impressive dignity. In the inverse situation - when a man cannot boast a large sexual body, and the woman, on the contrary, can "allow" large sizes to themselves - there will also be a dissonance and both partners will not be too comfortable. However, this problem is solved correctly selected pose.

You may not coincide in physiological parameters.

You may not coincide in physiological parameters.


Fear failure

Even after you have become a husband and wife, a joint life began, the fear of becoming disgraced in the eyes of women can not leave anywhere, and even grow into obsessive thought. As a rule, failures in bed occur with men who pre-program themselves for intimate failure.

Temporary inconvenience

In the body of a woman there are many processes that in one way or another affect the occurrence of desire, from which the quality of sex will depend. Fatigue, depression, apathy can be a serious problem not only for you, but also for your partner who will live with you your difficult period. About sex at this time we are talking, as a rule, does not go. It is important here that your partner understand your condition and not "pressed", forcing you to satisfy it. On the basis of the non-acceleration of the psychological state, it is probably most of the conflicts in a pair.

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