Original: Cabbages with beef and buckwheat


You will need: 1 Kochan young cabbage, 500-700 g beef, 1 cup of buckwheat, 3-4 fresh champignon, 1 red bulb, 500 ml of chicken broth, 1 tbsp. Spoon of olive oil, ¼ h. Spoons of fresh black pepper, ½ h. spoons of sea salt.

Cooking process: Buckwheat to boil according to the instructions on the packaging almost until readiness. In a large saucepan, boil the water, lower the cabbage coach and cook for a few minutes, then turn off the fire and leave the cabbage for another few minutes in boiling water. Onions clean and chop finely. Heat in a frying pan olive oil and lay onions. Shampignons cut into plates, add to the pan with a bow, mix, slightly salt, pepper and fry. Stay a boiled buckwheat in the pan with mushrooms and onions, salt, pepper, mix, remove from the fire and cool a little. Heef grin in the meat grinder. Add minced meat to buckwheat with mushrooms and onions, salt, pepper and mix. 7-8 cabbage leaves dried with a paper towel, cut the coarse cuttings, put a little filling on the edge of each sheet and roll the converton. To put the cabbage in the pan as close as possible to each other, pour heated chicken broth, cover the lid and cook on a small heat for 20 minutes.

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