Organic cosmetics: what it really is


Organic - here it is, the cherished word on the packaging, which, according to the marketer research, increases interest in any cream, shampoo or gel for the shower. We would still immediately imagine natural composition created exclusively from the safe components, literally gifts of nature. Extracts from plants and fruits grown in clean fields, where the exhausts of large cities do not reach, are automatically recognized as more efficient and less allergenic than any "chemistry". But is it?

Chemistry lessons

First, let's figure it out with the concepts. Organic is not called "all natural", but a carbon union with any other chemical elements. Obviously, organic can be called almost any means that stands on your shelf. And it is also obvious that the manufacturers mean not at all this. Today, ecocosmetics are funds of certain brands or some line of brands produced by special technologies. First of all, the plant components of these products were not treated with pesticides and other chemical fertilizers. So it's more about ethical.

Of course, the purity of the ingredients is important, but the organic-products do not possess magic properties and cannot cope with what the jars were not able to cope without cherished note. The only thing you can be sure is in the absence of definitely harmful connections that do not have no yes and are found in the "ordinary" cosmetics. But in general, even the mass producer has already abandoned certainly aggressive components.

Then why do we pay, buying a spray bottle with hydrolate from an organic manufacturer? As mentioned, we make an ethical choice. As a rule, the brands that have appreciated the environmental responsibility, not only carefully follow their production, but also do not test products on animals, carefully refer to packaging (almost all - biodegradable and processed). Naturally, all this requires large, in comparison with conventional cost marks, and therefore the price of eco-funds, as a rule, is not higher than the ecocrapite. In efficiency, neither the method of growing individual ingredients nor the packaging of the finished product does not affect.

Of course, the purity of the ingredients is important, but the organic-products do not possess the magical properties

Of course, the purity of the ingredients is important, but the organic-products do not possess the magical properties


Invisible enemy

And yet, in addition to ethics, there are other reasons why many buyers stop their choice on means with ecamertitis. So, you just need to look at the organic matter if you have problem skin and hair. As a rule, in eccargets you will not find "heavy" preservatives and, most important, silicones. What is it? Silicones are special additives that allow the cream to slide on the skin, leaving a pleasant velvety loop on it, quickly and easily distributed through the hair, filling them out the cuticle. It would seem that in this bad? Owners of normal skin, not inclined to the appearance of redness, comedones, coperaosis, silicones will not bring any harm. But even these are more lucky cosmetologists and trichologists (specialists in the state of the scalp and hair) advise once a month to go to face cleaning and the so-called scalp-scrolling, use the shampoo of deep cleaning. All this is done to knock out the epidermis and from the surface of the hair excess the accumulated silicones.

But those who are not familiar with pimples, uneven relief, "icicles" instead of a magnificent chapels, lack of gloss, from using silicones is better to refuse at all. Check out the composition of your funds into the following names: any dimethicone, hydroxypropyl, polysiloxane, cyclomethicone and other "-Cones". By the way, today, some researchers assume that the direct negative effect of silicones on the state of the skin and hair of man has not been identified, but they recognize that the process of their production itself is difficult to name safe and environmentally friendly.

Another huge plus organic lines is a refusal of use in the compositions of oil refining products, such as paraffins (including liquid and isoparaffins) and mineral oils. You can argue for a long time, the carcinogenic of these components, but the fact that they are able to "score" even the most unpretentious and non-reaction epidermis are fact.

In new reality

But the medal, as we know, the two sides, and therefore, with all the claimed security and ethiquids, organic cosmetics have their own nuances and moments to pay attention to. First of all, remember that the "Organic" mark does not save you from allergies or other unwanted reactions. Redness, swelling or rashes can cause both "chemical" and plant ingredients - all this is individually, and no one, besides you, will not be able to predict how the epidermis behaves after the use of ecocretion. For example, essential oils, which often become their flagship component, can cause you an increase in photosensitivity, irritation or all the same pore clock. The most "reactive" is the essence of lavender, sandalwood, eucalyptus, roses. Note that it is about the ether; The presence of the same plants in the cosmetics in another, so to speak, the format will not affect the skin. So, if you just begin to get acquainted with the world of organic cosmetics, try proven hydrolates - the so-called fragrant water (literal translation), as part of which steam distillate plants. They will be able to become an excellent alternative to Tonics and Mistam for Persons, even with solar burns and non-silver pigmentation, will give odds of thermal water (unlimited use of which, as you know, dries skin). What to pay attention to the selection of hydrolates? Naturally, on the composition: in the present product it is minimal - it is distilled water and vegetable component. As preservatives apply the simplest (like citric acid) or there are not at all (then the shelf life of the hydrolate will be minimal).

Organic cosmetics: what it really is 11520_2

Remember that the "Organic" mark does not save you from allergies or other unwanted reactions.


By the way, about preservatives. We need to understand that without them can not do any cream, serum or tonic, they let them have the status of "Eco". The whole question is exactly what the manufacturers extend the life of their products. Those apply to the title of organic brands use the so-called green preservatives. Their list is rather modest: these are all sorts of acids (for example, dairy or salicyl), gasoloate derivatives and various trees. But parabens and some chemical antioxidants (the so-called BHT and BHA) should not be in any case! In order not to get confused, look for reference to preservatives at the end of the composition. And remember: in dry products, such as enzyme peels or powders, preservatives may not be.

If you do not want to study long listings on Latin at all, looking for approved or dangerous components, just buy products with proven eco-marking. Ecocert, USDA certificates, CosmeBio, ICEA on a cherished jar ensure that the manufacturer did not use anything potentially dangerous or prohibited when creating your cream. For this and pay!

What about home cosmetics? It is also important to determine the terms. When we are talking about hand-made products, we can talk about non-hard masks that you have prepared in your kitchen from kefir and egg yolk - or about mini-production that various bloggers and stars love to be carried away. To say frankly, perceive seriously the first option is not worth it. Of course, the same kefir or sour cream can help in redness and burns (all due to the presence of lactic acid in them), but it is not worth counting on its refrigerator in the beauty and health of the skin. In order to create safe and efficient creams or gels, you will need professional equipment and proven ingredients that are not available, so to speak, simple mortal.

As for the work of bloggers, it is important to whom it is cooperating with celebrities from social networks. If cosmetic rules are developed under the ready leadership of experienced chemists, are created and checked in laboratory conditions if the finished funds have a quality certificate, then it is possible to look at blogger initiatives. What else, besides certificates, pay attention? Focus on the words of experts, be careful to different sources. And, of course, read the compositions: Whatever the Starry, a newly new "Chemist", trust, but check.

So, in order to be closer to nature, be prepared for the search. Safe compositions, proven ingredients, trustworthy labeling, brands that carry environmental responsibility ... First, it seems that this is a whole new world in which it is so difficult to understand and navigate. But we live in the twenty-first century, and conscious attitude towards ourselves and to the cosmetics we use is perhaps the most understandable and intelligent choice that we can do.

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