Andrei Burkovsky: "We had fun youth with Olga"


Andrei Burkovsky only four years ago graduated from the Studio Mkhat school, and not so long ago, and it's not so much roles for the famous scene, and for some reason it seems that this actor has long exists in our lives. Probably the fault of this charismaticness and the brightness of the images created by him. He loves his profession and perfectionist belongs to her, but the family for him is no less love and one of the most important values. And perhaps, not everything goes so successfully, if he had not been a beautiful rear in the form of an understanding wife Olga and the children adorable to them - Seven-year-old Maxim and four-year-old Alice. Andrei Burkovsky told about this in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Andrei, are you satisfied with your career?

- In general, yes, in the theater - especially. I do not chase after quantity. Honestly, I am not an amateur to take off, just to light up in the next project. I refuse very much, some of this do not even understand, for example, my director. It happens that I think: "Well, okay, remove, it seems to be a role," and then I understand: "What to play there?" - And everything somehow collapses in itself.

- Even a very big fee does not seduce?

- Money can always earn, this is not a problem. I must be interested. Last year played in two large projects - "Tobol" and "Call DiCaprio", everyone took six months of life. I'm all good.

- Have you been filmed in low-cost?

- Sure. For example, a man called me and said literally: "Andrei, hello! I'm Ilya Aksenov, director, I study at Vladimir Menshov. I have a picture ... This is my graduation work for VGIK. " Then I paused and continued: "No, you will not think, it's not a film in which you will first show your eyes, then flying away the bird, then your legs, traces, no, this is an ordinary visual short film." And I looked around, because he fell into all my thoughts and feelings about the graduates of Vgikov. He sent a script. I read and asked: why should I play, the hero of the film is a completely destroyed person? And he replied: "I want it to play a strong person." I liked this phrase. And I starred absolutely free, on the Internet, this picture scored a large number of views. Colleagues called me, spoke nice words. The day before yesterday, I also made a free work for students.

Behind Andrei Burkovsky's back - a wonderful rear in the form of an understanding wife Olga and children adorable

Behind Andrei Burkovsky's back - a wonderful rear in the form of an understanding wife Olga and children adorable


- Theater for you is still the main thing in the profession or would you like to make a more serious roll towards the movies?

- I serve in the MHT, this is my main place of work, there is a workbook. I have a lot of performances, interesting favorite roles, I adore our theater.

She recently did not become Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. It's hard to imagine our life without him, and, of course, the life of the theater ...

- Probably it already sounds trite, but for us, Oleg Pavlovich was like a father, and this is not words. It is not a few days, and this reality is felt. His opinion in human, and in acting - in any matters I was so important! And how did you wait that he would say after the performance! This is an incredible loss. And we still do not understand what it will be without him, as it is generally possible.

- Very sad. But, as Oleg Pavlovich loved to repeat, "the life does not erect on us." And if I had called Tarantino and had to leave the theater for a long time?

- That's when this option arises, then let's talk. There is one parable, I adore her and try to live on this principle. Buddhist supermona said: "You can all. Imagine, you are standing in the middle of the bridge between the two tops of Everest, on the one hand - the army, and on the other, the crocodiles. How do you get out of this situation? " And he asked: "And how did I get there?" (Laughs.) So and about Tarantino. I like the phrase: "Problems are new opportunities." It is necessary in any situation to try to do something, and not to panic.

- You somehow admitted that they were always very shy. Healing this line or corrected, leaving how good quality?

- And where to save it? (Laughs.) As Konstantin Rykin says, shy is our engine. He gives us energy, and thanks to this on stage, we extend our complexes and open up. By the way, the acting excitement is also a very important thing. But when I was nervous before the premiere, I always remember the words of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov: "The more nervous, the longer you will be in this profession."

Children of the actor: Daughter Alice and Son Maxim already like small stars and demonstrate a collection of clothes

Children of the actor: Daughter Alice and Son Maxim already like small stars and demonstrate a collection of clothes

Photo: Personal archive of Andrei Burkovsky

- By the way, already removing in the TV series "Give youth!" You decided that you lack professional skills, and entered the Studio School MCAT ...

- Not certainly in that way. I also wanted to act at sixteen to the theater university, but it turned out that I first graduated from the Law Institute in myself in Tomsk. I finished playing KVN in 2008, and in 2009 I entered the theatrical school of Herman Sidakov in Moscow. A year later, I was accepted at the Studio School of MCAT. In "You give youth!" I was filmed since 2009, including the year when I was already studying at the Studio School. On Sunday we had a day off, and on this day I worked.

- You went to the Faculty of Law on the Council of Mom. So she trusted?

- I thought, it means that it was necessary, still young. And I am grateful to them, because, first of all, I am doing then to the Novosibirsk Theater Institute, it is not clear what happened to me later. Most likely, after graduation, I would work in the local dramatic theater, and who knows, I would have got into a movie in general to Moscow. Secondly, legal education is not more superfluous for the actor. By the way, in parallel, I also graduated from INAZ. I knew English well, so it was easy.

- Did you know that the legal institute is KVN?

- Still would! This is not Moscow, but Tomsk. In 1998, he became the champion of the legendary team KVN "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". After that, Tomsk appeared in the weather forecast on the Federal Channel. (Laughs.) It was for us something incredible, Muscovites or Pieters do not understand. In addition to the most famous team "Maximum", which was shown on TV, we had teams of the Legal Institute, Economic and Psychological Faculties of the University of Tomsk. As I kidding, I did not come to study. It was impossible to get to the game. In the huge hall of TSU, a thousand seats were full of marriage, people still stood in the aisles.

- Teachers walked to watch?

- Of course, we did the crossings. Our KVN in the atmosphere was something coming from the Soviet Union and adults said. It was such a sweat! We also flourished the student theater "Bonifass", with whom we also won a bunch of prizes, rolled throughout the country. I had to even take an academic vacation for a year.

Andrei Burkovsky:

In the "New Christmas Trees", the hero of Burkovsky is trying in vain to keep the heroine of Catherine Klimova

- But still you returned, and did not give up the institute, saying to parents, what time is to go to the actors?

- Not. I could not bring the guys. And then he said Ole, his future wife: "Everything, we must move to Moscow." We moved to the capital, and another story began.

- And mom later said?

- Mom was just the main instigator of admission to the Moscow Theater Institute. Apparently, she still felt her guilt. (Smiles.) I say it all the time, but kindly.

- So it happened that by the time you with Olya, the future wife, was everything serious?

- We got married in 2008, already lived in Moscow, and I was accepted in the school-studio of MCAT in 2010. I was very happy, and literally four days later, Olya told me that was pregnant. I practically lived at the Studio school, like all students of theatrical institutions, especially in the first courses. Olya had to give birth in February-March, and I did not understand how to be if the childbirth will begin during classes? We forbidden to take a phone with them, and you will not put it in tricically. But here he, as I remember, lying all the time in the audience on the window. And all classmates and teachers knew that if he suddenly rang, it would be very important. (Laughs.)

- He rang?

- Yes, on the birthday of Oli, the second March, but it was false childbirth. Maxim appeared on the light of the fourteenth. I remember this day very well. I was at the premiere of "five evenings" from Viktor Ryzhakova in the "Workshop Fomenko" theater, and then went to the hospital. After the birth of the son, naturally, walked around the course.

- You were both times next to my wife in this responsible moment?

- Yes, I decided in advance what would be so, we agreed with Olya. Both times was very exciting. But it is easier to be close than waiting in the unknown.

- You married at twenty-five years. Was it a youthful impulse or yet an adult, conscious act?

- I did not think about it at all. Of course, now I understand what we were still fools at that time. (Smiles.) But so you can argue for a long time and will never marry never. I do not regret anything, everything was right and on time.

Before becoming husband and wife, Olga and Andrey were friends for almost six years

Before becoming husband and wife, Olga and Andrey were friends for almost six years


- You were friends with Olem for six years before the start of the novel. Did you really see in it only a friend or something did not allow you to go to another level of relationship?

- It is hard to say. We had a fun youth, so the common company, Oli had a young man, I also appeared girls. I told Ole about everything, we had very sincere, trusting relationships, and then somehow it happened ... (smiles.)

- Your beautiful hand and heart offer (and you made it on Red Square) it was thought out in advance or did it occur to spontaneously?

- Of course, thought out. (Smiles.) Probably because I am not from Moscow, and wanted to make it on Red Square. And where else? (Laughs.)

- Have you been ready for the fact that you will have a child in the first year? How did this news perceived?

- Wonderful! About this, as about marriage, we also somehow did not think about it, it turned out. We were glad. By the way, the appearance of children in your life changes everything in all fronts. I am absolutely sure. You become another person, something goes to the background, on the third. Children - the main thing.

- I was surprised by reading that you had one went to relax with a two-year-old child. A brave deed. And you were not bored with him?

- Does not! I would love to take two children and went. Olga then only gave birth. And we perfectly spent in Bulgaria a week and a half together. In addition, we are constantly going to the bath with Max. And when he is growing - what will happen ... (smiles.)

Andrei Burkovsky:

In the role of Bryansk governor Rostislav in the film "Legend about Kolovrat"

- And what's your dad with your daughter?

- daughter is a daughter. She rifles from dad all that can be. (Smiles.) I could not even imagine that I could have a girl, because in our family in all relatives - loved ones, distant - there were only boys. This does not mean that I love Maxim less. But communication is absolutely different with the kid and a princess. (Laughs.) True, we and the Son are not for tough penalties, try to talk.

- And he already shows in nature, maybe insist on his own, sad?

- Maybe, but I won't take me. I do not react, and then he understands that everything to no avail. In general, we have a very friendly atmosphere at home. I also had. And although mom is fighting for the regime, still children can sit with us and up to three o'clock in the morning. It's not so important. I first want them to grow good people. And of course, we teach them kindness, sincerity, honesty, that is, some ordinary qualities.

- Are you with Olya like characters?

- It seems to me that we complement each other well. But Olya is different, and calm, and explosive, and loving. And she is smart. It is very important for me. Beautiful - this is all clear ... But for me, the most important thing is that it can be talking to her and Humor she perceives, can be wonderful to laugh together. And she is adequate. This is also very significantly for family life.

- You have recently played a reimpilde in the center of Meyerhold in the play of love and very complex family relationships "Solar Line". What did the offer attracted you?

- Victor Ryzhakov - my master, we are friends with him. At some point came up and said: "I want you to play it." I still knew anything about the play and asked: "And who is on the main female role?" He replied: "Julia Peresilde." I said she was a very cool actress. (Laughs.) And that's all. Then we threesome, he read the play, we laughed, and I thought it was what I want to say.

- Why did you want to say it?! After all, you have no such problems in the family ...

- I am interested in a look with humor for many things, it is generally a very important topic, especially for Russia. And on family problems (I am not about myself, although we have anything else) I love to watch this way. Therefore, I understand what we are talking about. This is a therapeutic performance. Hopefully, if someone from the audience suddenly will arise a family conflict and someone, let's say, wants to strike, they will remember how terrible everything can be. (Laughs.)

- In general, are you in life a sociable person?

- Yes! I have nothing wrong with anyone, I am open. I have many friends. As Mishka Bashkatov said, when I was on the program at Julia Little: "Andrei knows how to be friends."

- What do you invest in this concept?

- I do not invest anything and I do not demand anything from anyone. A friend for me is a very important person. And I never disappointed them in them, more precisely, how many times I had such moments - and every time I forgte these people. Friendship, especially men's ...

- There is a difference?

- There is no female friendship, more precisely, it is extremely rarely found. (Smiles.)

- And will your wife support you?!

- I think no. Still, women are not quite friendship. As a rule, there is one girlfriend, and then she envies something. (Laughs.)

Andrei Burkovsky:

In the comedy "Last Magician" Character Andrei fascinates future Armenian relatives

- And man a priori is deprived of envy to friends?

- I think so. I'm not just envied my friends. I think they me. And our friendship is not measured by how many times a day we will call each other. On the contrary, you can not call three years, and he will know that you love him. And then, phoning, will not ask: "Where did you disappear so long?" It's all nonsense. I know that "a friend in trouble will not quit."

- Do you have completely close friends among the actors?

- Sure.

- Are they successful?

- There are also unsuccessful.

- And how do you feel about people who do not want to empathize even to friends who do not include TV, because does not want to hear about troubles or problems? They want to live on the island, where everything is fine.

- I will protect such people. All of their circumstances. I am very often playing negative characters. No one, with the exception of some recent villains, does not make their actions due to the fact that he is a bad person. No, everyone wants to do well. We just do not understand the root cause of actions. The most important mistake is that it is impossible to qualify for anything, as requested. Friendship is friendship, when you do not want anything in return. Experiencements are your personal problems. It is necessary to be friends unselfish. You have no right to demand anything from the closest people, even from our children. You can only demand from yourself.

- You somehow said that all people are constantly changing. What caused you and occur?

- The worldview is changing, it happens every day. As director Konstantin Bogomolov told us, his teacher, legendary Andrei Aleksandrovich Goncharov, shouted: "Neu-e-t !!!", and the actor asked him: "You have been told on the last rehearsal," and he answered: "I Was crazy! " Here is from this series. (Laughs.) You can be absolutely confident in one, and the next day think: "No, it's complete nonsense!" When I was a screenwriter, I wrote some text, ended it and knew that it was impossible to send it in the evening, I must definitely re-read in the morning, then everything will be understood immediately. No wonder there is a phrase: "Morning in the evening wisen". I figuratively say. But still we change constantly, and together with us all change. Only love, respect and principles remain unchanged.

- Love creates and great, and terrible with people ...

"Since I read a lot and read a lot, I look, I'm trying to understand something about life, I will say that more and more make sure that the sake of love you can make a lot and forgive much. As Oleg Nikolayevich Efremov said, "you have to play only about love." Love to everything: to a woman, to work, to gadgets, for an interview ... Everything is just love. Therefore, all principles are sometimes washed off. There is, it seems, such things that I can not forgive, but - once and ... I generally hate labels. You are sure that you can not forgive something, but comes a day - and you know what you can. In general, I try to keep Zen (laughs), although I am a very emotional person. Earlier, sometimes I was simply irreconcilable, I could on the set, knowing that the right, to prove his before the stop. Now I also try to make as I want, but without conflict. As psychologists teach us, "always start your answer according to:" Yes, it's great, but ... ". I feel like changing, although there are moments when "started", and that's it. I speak, emotional man. (Laughs.)

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