Golden bulb: perfumes with the main spring flower


For the first time, the main spring flower in Persia was raised, and in this country there was always a special relationship. It is not by chance that the most popular Persian name sounds like Lale, which means "tulip". In general, in the East, he is very reading, it is depicted on frescoes and mosaics, and how many poems are dedicated to him! .. Slender camp of the beloved is similar to the tulip, the color of her lines - the petals of this flower, and the cheeks are flaming, like a mountain tulip ...


From Persia, the tulip bulbs got into the neighboring Turkey, and here the flower also became especially read - he was even depicted on the coat of arms of the country! Well, of course, he was guarded by Sultan in Serarals. Each of his wives, trying to please the Lord, sought to grow the most beautiful flower.


It is from Turkey in the XVI century that the seeds of the tulip fell into Europe. It happened thanks to the Austrian diplomat, which brought Lukovitsa to Vienna. There, the flowers produced a real exterior, and their victory procession began in the world. Professor of the University of Vienna Klurusius even engaged in breeding and gave unusual flowers to his friends.


In the Holland, tulip became a kind of currency (the bulbs were more precious than gold). The girl could have a dowry from a pair of bulbs and to be considered an enviable bride. But this continued not long, soon the "tulip" exchange was announced outside the law, and the floral millionaires were not left for affairs. The wondrous flower began to decorate the gardens of the poor. But so far the best varieties are grown in Holland. It was here that for the first time a black tulip was bred, named after the wife of his creator - Rosa Burle.


And what happened in perfumery? After all, the best "noses" was probably interested in the aroma? Yes, I misfortune how many they suffered, nothing went out. It turned out that oil or absolute cannot be obtained from the tulip. Its chord is obtained if you mix, for example, lily flavors and saffron, and for greater truthfulness add honey or tobacco. On the one hand, a synthetic similarity, and on the other, the expathere for inventive perfumes.


That is why the compositions with tulip are so different and absolutely unique. It is worth remembering several "tulip" fragrances from Bond No 9: Mark dedicates all of his creations New York, where the bright spring flower is just very respect - all the boulevards of this city in the spring are swept away with multi-colored petals. La Tulipe from ByDero - Fantasy of Swedish perfume Ben Gorham: In his opinion, this is the fragrance of an ideal tulip in the spring Stockholm, where the chords of freshness and purity are connected to the notes of delicate colors.


And L'Artisan Parfumeur perfumers, L'Artisan Parfumeur finished tulip oriental notes: saffron, honey, rahat-bow and smoky leather. This composition, in their opinion, personifies the Turkish Bosphorus Strait.

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