Why are the old clothes and things about the reserve


Let's look at your wardrobe with you. How many things do you have? When was the last time you put on this blouse or these pants?

If during the year the thing was not used - it is better to get rid of it. If she was not useful and did not like, it is unlikely that something will change, having raging another year. Moreover, the thing has already fulfilled its function - brought joy when buying (especially after a long search).

For the new need place in the closet and in life

It is not worth keeping anything from the approach "may be useful." If something suddenly needs - you can always buy it or rent from acquaintances and friends.

It is important to understand: while you cling to the old one, there is no place in your life with a new one. If there is no free space, it's nowhere to come, I have nowhere to put it, he has nowhere to turn around. Attitude towards things is a relationship to life as a whole. Clinging for old, unnecessary and non-working things, I cling to non-working beliefs and thoughts. This also applies to new people in your life. And hobbies. And even money. And when the new thing already takes place the old in the closet, the old one no longer needs to be in the house.

Through holes goes energy

Buy only what is perfect for you and causes a joyful response, and not just a pretty one.

If the purchased thing liked the thing insanely, you should not run and buy "about the stock" are some more such. I have come across many times with what the year-two will be held, and these new unused things will no longer cause the same delight, more interesting to buy something else and new.

It should also be speculated with clothing that is not suitable for color, style or is very different in size.

Total worn, old, with holes, with specks - should not be in the house. It is believed that stains are this materialization of unresolved problems, and through holes the vital force is dried.

Is something worn that is stored before the onset of "hard time"? With such conviction, they will definitely come! Just like the clothes that you are great: what if you will recover again? Then make sure.

Housewear is clothing for home: comfortable and pleasant, and not accepted everyday things translated into the category "for home".

Garage and cottage - not places to store junk! The problem of the garage is to be a car repository. Perhaps still for the necessary tool, rubber for the other season, bicycles. And the cottage is a place for recreation and gardening, which are not combined by many years of strategic reserves of the "supercondition" or what there is no place in the city housing.

Andrei Ksenoks, Consultant on Issues, Guidance, Organization of Space, Time Management

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