How does the celebrities nurse his grandchildren?


Stephen Tyler

The grandson of Stephen Tyler Milo next year will be ten years old. And he is already very actively interested in music. True, at the moment, Milo is a fan of the Queen group and many of their songs know by heart. But the grandfather often goes to concerts along with her mother, actress Liv Tyler. For the first time at the show Aerosmith Liv led Milo in three years. Then Stephen, putting on the stage on one knee, specially performed for grandson Serenad. But it is not known whether her baby heard - Liv prudently inserted into his ears earless.

Ronnie Wood

Rolling Stones Ronnie Wood Lee, who is ready to give another granddaughter to give a musician, says that he is a good grandfather. Whether already has a four-year-old daughter Maggie, and Ronnie let not often, but visits her to visit her. "When he comes, he always takes Meg in his hands, kisses, and then goes to her room to play with her and chat. As maybe he tries to fulfill his grandfathers, and Maggie is very glad to meet with him, "says Wood. "When she sees him on TV, always shouts:" Oh, grandfather! "True, her favorite musician from the Rolling Stones group is not at all, but Keith Richards. Maggie is just obsessed with them. " I would like to hope that Ronnie Wood is able to cause the same love from his grandchildren.

Paul McCartney with Mary's daughter. Photo: Rex Features /

Paul McCartney with Mary's daughter. Photo: Rex Features /

Paul McCartney

In 2011, Paul McCartney became a grandfather in the eighth and last time. Mary is an ex-bitla daughter from the first spouse, Linda McCartney - gave birth to a boy who called LED. His famous grandfather was so touched that he immediately published a photo of his grandson on Twitter. In general, sir floor does not often appear with grandchildren in humans. But sometimes it leads them to recording studios, where it gives it to the plenty of plenty. And once the kids, we usually simply imitating your legendary grandfather, carefully before writing a song to his birthday. Best Gift McCartney, on its own admission, in life

did not receive.

Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford quite diligently hides his personal life from the public. However, to hide the fact that he is already three times grandfather, the actor is not going. The older granddaughter Ford Eliel 20 years old, Central Juliana - 17 years old, the youngest grandchild of Itanu - 13 years old. "I am very proud that I am my grandfather. And my grandchildren know me primarily in this role, and not as Indiana Jones or Khan Solo. Even in childhood, they clearly understood the difference between the cinema and reality, since I always told them that the Chubakka is fiction, and I am real, "Harrison laughs.

Jim Carrie with grandson. Photo: Rex Features /

Jim Carrie with grandson. Photo: Rex Features /

Jim Carrie

Jim Carrie became a grandfather aged 48 years, when his 22-year-old daughter Jane gave birth to Jackson's boy in 2010. The actor immediately proclaimed the grandson "the coolest dude on Earth" and since then he tries to spend all his free time with him. "Let it sound beaten, but these are indescribable sensations," says Jim. - We all know the feeling of fear when you think: can I be a good parent? And while you reflective, suddenly - Batz! - And you grandfather! And everything is new. And it's great. " And most of all Carri likes to read the grandchildren of the book before bedtime. "It's just a happiness to read a fairy tale for the night. We only exist - he, I and book heroes. And the code he looks at me with his wide eyes, I am ready for everything: to portray penguin, witch or a cup of tea with milk. If only he liked and he laughed. "

Tom Hanks

Colin Hanks - the son of Tom Hanks from the first marriage - I am sure that the actor indulges his granddaughter. While the actor has two: the first, Olivia, was born in 2011, the second, Charlotte, was born in July of this year. However, Colin is just glad. While the younger children of Hanks and his current spouses Rita Wilson did not give them grandchildren, the actor is ready to pay everything for communicating with his granddaughters. "The father bumps them to gifts and pursues in everything: pulls on his arms, nursing, plays. With such a grandfather, we don't even need a nanny, "Kolin jokes.

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