Ann Hathaway: "Bringing on milk, you should not blow on the water"


We remember Ann Hathaway still a young girl with huge eyes, which first studied to be a princess, and then drove the edge editor of the Glossy magazine performed by Maryl Streep and ran on her instructions. But now the actress is already thirty-five, she is married and growing the son of Jonathan. This is an adult, confident woman who has long forgotten about children's naivety, but still optimistic looking into the future. Ann confesses that people often hurt her, but now she is finally happy.

- Ann, hello! You do not change at all. Probably, on samples ready to give you any rolleros for beautiful eyes?

- Thanks for the compliment. My face is very changeable. In general, the appearance in the acting profession is a tool without which nowhere.

- Have you always considered yourself beautiful?

- Not. In adolescence, I thought Rudna. Before fourteen went to the shirts of the older brother, and the cosmetics did not use at all. Only in eighteen finally accepted its appearance. I liked myself, and it was shock. And most importantly, I liked the ritual of care, decorating myself. It was some kind of deep femininity.

- Recently, you choose quite unusual films, which is only worth "My Girl - Monster." What is it connected with?

- Honestly, I myself definitely can not answer this question. Just the main heroine Gloria seemed to me very lively and real. Self-destruction blew it out, but she cannot cope with the consequences of their actions, she cannot even take them. I constantly see such situations around, and often it is associated with alcohol. It seems that normal people live, go to work, but they are alcoholics, and no one knows about it.

The actress began to find out after the film

The actress began to find out after the film "How to become a princess"

Photo: Frame from the movie "How to Become Princess"

- And how do you cope with the difficulties?

- In the monster, of course, I do not turn (laughs), but there were moments in my life when I was sleeping too much of all the nasty, and yes, I confess, I then drank a little more permitted. I was a good person, but people often led. I put your hand on the heart, I will say that an unimportant one came out of each of me. Thank God, I was able to cope with it until my thirtieth, although now far from ideal. Sometimes I wake up in the morning with thought: My God, that I again made the last night!

- There is a persistent opinion that after thirty everyone already knows what they want from life ...

- In my opinion, this is a complete nonsense. People want to believe in it, until they shook thirty. It seems that it will be easier. Yes, you will never be twenty or fifteen for you, but life is going on the same periods: the time comes when everything suddenly falls apart, and we collect yourself in pieces, then everything seems to be good, but at any moment it can give a crack again ... Many people think What you can take your achievements and put on the shelf, but in fact it is impossible to click on the pause, because this the most regiment can just roll apart. (Laughs.) Stability does not exist, and you need to be prepared for everything, and most importantly - in a series of troubles, do not get out and keep yourself. So many times hurt close people that at some point I wanted to become a monster and answer them the same pain. But it is impossible, it will not be easier for you. We must learn to forgive and go on.

- Do you think everyone has a dark side?

- Of course, we are not something static, we are living people. If someone seems to be an ideal, not capable of nasty, imagine that it can be loaded as a waitress in a restaurant or change his wife. And then say then: just did not resist. Conversely: In the worst people there are always a droplet of good. Here I am naive.

With Jake Jillenhol in the film

With Jake Gillenhol in the movie "Gorbay Mountain"

Photo: Frame from the movie "Gorbay Mountain"

- How do you feel about social networks?

- Honestly? It's worse alcohol! I myself too often check mail, all sorts of messengers and instrams. But a few weeks ago, we drove the whole family to relax, and I managed to forget the phone at home. At first I was covered with panic, but then I decided to conduct an experiment. As a result, it turned out that without a phone I noticing more, I would have something better with loved ones, I seem to even become the best mom for my son. I hope Johnny at least noticed, nobody took the gadgets. (Laughs.) As soon as we raise the phone, then you immediately leave this reality, there can be at least an asteroid next to, you can hardly notify.

- Have you become philosophically to perceive life?

- May be so. I realized that I could be good, I can be bad, and I can - something else. I like the quotation of the Persian poet Rumi: "Somewhere between good and evil there is a garden. I will wait for you there. " In other words, I'm not going to judge anyone, which also gives me the right to be a nobody judge. In my opinion, very comfortable. Perhaps, I will live on.

- Are you upset if something bad happens?

- Not as before. I remember, I was fifteen, I was abandoned on auditions, probably, a hundred times, I sat in the kitchen with my parents and sobbed like Beluga. Rather, lying on the floor and frowned from grief. Now just funny. Just recently, I myself refused roles, because I waited for a child. It was much more important for me to filming a movie. Moreover, it was becoming pregnant very difficult. We needed a lot of time with my husband before everything finally turned out, so I treated with great caution to my position.

Ann Hathaway:

Hathaway in the company Maryl Strip in the film "The Devil wears Prada"

Photo: Frame from the film "The Devil wears Prada"

"You often say that you need to need Her husband to Adam." What do these words mean for you?

- Exactly what I say: he needs me. Now it is not necessary to need anyone, society requires a woman of this approach, but I do not hide: I need my husband. We decided to build a life together, and if one of us suddenly evaporates, will miss exactly half. I know that with everything I can cope myself, and many times argued. But why? It's much better with him.

- How did you understand that these relationships differ from everything that was in your life?

"Perhaps earlier I did not meet anyone so good and open as my husband Adam." I had a relationship to him, where I was all the time, kindness there and did not smell. Probably, it taught me to appreciate the good in humans. I think it's even useful to talk about your past, it's something like psychoanalysis, only without a visit to a psychologist. When I met Adam, I immediately realized that men seem to be a big rarity, and therefore, it was necessary to grab it with all his might and not let go. Maybe everything happened for this so that I understand: having struggled on milk, you should not blow on the water. Unsuccessful relationships happen to everyone. But this does not mean that after them can not be good and even wonderful, as I happened.

- Are you talking about your former guy, Rafaello Foller, who was a sinister?

- Yes, about him. I was so young when we started to meet, - I was only twenty-one. I fell in love. We were together for about four years. And it was great and luxuriously - Loft in the Manhat-Taner Tower of Trump, a charity foundation ... In the end, I received very traditional education, we just have a middle class, our parents did not have extra money. And here is the first success, and the fabric wealth of the beloved. I did not understand where it was from. Would you deal with? The answer after all was obvious: Of course, he earns so much because he is awesome. But then somehow graveyard the relationship began to be elected. Talk about some models with which Rafaello was seen while I was on the set. Different opinions are decisively about everything and permanent quarrels. In general, our relations became more painful, and I began to wonder if they are worth it? And then a consequence, FBI in the apartment, my diary as evidence confiscated. And I left. I could not stand the new portion of pain. I was blamed that I threw it because of the arrest, but this is not like this: he just became the last straw.

With Adam Schulmann Ann together for almost ten years. Couple got married in 2012

With Adam Schulmann Ann together for almost ten years. Couple got married in 2012


- How did you postpone it?

"Even after the betrayal of Raphaello, I continue to believe people, maybe it's stupid." Now, of course, I am no longer rushing to the pool with your head, I try to be the most open as possible, but still observe how the surrounding behave. When his scams revealed, I felt an idiot, I thought that my friends were turned away, but family, friends, even strangers - everyone supported me. It was thanks to this that I could cope. Parents were especially helped, I have such understanding! When my brother Michael confessed to his homosexuality, Mom and Pope said that they love him anyone. Unfortunately, their church did not approve of a similar act, so parents had to leave. And by the way, when Mike and his partner decided to conclude a marriage, they had to do this in Canada, because in America, such unions are illegal. I consider it a terrible discrimination and want my brother to have the same rights as me.

- Did you completely break the relationship with Rafaello?

- Yes, I immediately went away when I understood everything. The police helped me understand his fraud: it turns out that he sold real estate Catholic Church at a market price. After the trial, we stopped any communication. I left Labrador Esmeralda, who presented Rafaello. In my free time, I adore walk with a dog. After the rupture, I did not think to look for her a new owner, because this is my dusty girlfriend. And the real friends do not betray! Esmeralda helped me to survive depression, and I will be with her to the end.

- You started meeting with Adam just a few months after a break from the fool ...

"What can I say, love comes when comes." (Shrugs.)

March 24, 2016 Hathaway gave birth to Son Jonathan. According to the actress, the pregnancy was given to her very much

March 24, 2016 Hathaway gave birth to Son Jonathan. According to the actress, the pregnancy was given to her very much


- How did the relationship begin?

- We met at the party at my brother. True, Adam was with a girl, so I did not pay special attention to him. Then we met again, he was already free by that time and, as it turned out, he broke up with her friend, because he fell in love with me at first glance - well, he says so. Adam could not buy me polim, but he was caring and with him so calmly. In general, I also fell in love. Two years later, we began to live together, and then he gave me a ring of his own design - by that time Adam was already engaged in the manufacture of jewelry under the brand name James Banks - and suggested becoming his wife. But I didn't want to get married with married hair, I then just finished starring in "rejected". So we were waiting for the weddings for a whole year, but it was eventually magic.

- What did Adam taught you?

"I spent most of my life with a sense of disgust to myself." Yes, I do not hesitate that. But at some point in our way of life, I thought I could do it to hate myself or allow myself to love. It is easy to guess what I chose. And I myself began to learn to love myself so that Adam was easier with me. Our relationship was very important to me. So I wanted everything to succeed. It is difficult to trust another person, but I want to think that I could do it. Although, to be honest, I'm not sure that marriage or monogamy are suitable for everyone. In my case, it was simply so successfully formed that I met a man whom I had enough. I think that we are perfectly complementing each other.

- Your husband Jew. How do you feel about his faith?

- I always support it. Just amazingly to spend Jewish holidays with the family of Adam - it is so brings us all. Somehow I asked him if he wants me to take his faith, and he replied: only if you come to it myself. But while I do not feel that I am ready to fully accept some kind of religion: Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism - in every teaching there is something good, and I like a lot.



- Who did you want to be in childhood?

- Well, of course, the actress! Jack! (Laughs.) To be honest, I wanted to become a nun, as well as fifteen years old. I was brought up in Catholic traditions, but when the church rejected my brother Michael because of his orientation, I decided that it was not ready to be part of it. Well, so successfully it happened that my mother Kate Maccale was a famous theater actress, so I decided to go on her footsteps. The idea, of course, was not spontaneous, I had all the prerequisites for this. For the first time, I first went on stage, and then thanks to my mother began to study in High School Melbourne on a special program, developing a creative start. Soon I started to film. In 2001, a breakthrough happened, I began to find out thanks to the "Princess Diaries". On listening, I accidentally fell from the chair and immediately received a role. The director of the film Harry Marshall then said that I reminded him of the young Audrey Hepburn, it was so cute. After this film, a Cinderella label almost glued to me. In about the same role, I played the "The Devil wears Prada", but, thank God, then the projects became more diverse.

- True, what did you play a role with my mother?

"Yes, she performed in the theater musical" rejected "the role of candy-unhappy mother forced for his daughter to engage in prostitution. The same role went to me in the film "Rejected" 2013. On samples, I sang a song about the collapsed world and the dreams of the heroine. Director Tom Hooper was a rashogan to tears. And then everything turned out to be not in vain - I was given "Oscar" for the role of the second plan. By the way, my first Oscar.

- After the ceremony they were discussed in all magazines for a transparent dress. How did you perceive it?

- At first I just burned out of shame, reading all this string of articles, and then I decided to extract the lesson. Before going somewhere, I take pictures with a flash. In this way, you can check whether everything is in order in clothes and does not shine fabric.

"You starred in a purely female project" Eight girlfriends Oushen. " What do you think the time of male domination in the cinema passes?

- Honestly? It seems to me that in Hollywood will never be equality. I'm not talking about it with anger, just a fact. So far, in any case. Everything slowly changes, and "Eight girlfriends is souched" the proof of this. This film is completely unique. He really demonstrates female strength. It would still be on the site such a powerful composition: Sandra Bullock, Kate Blanchett, Helen Bonam Carter, Rihanna and others. I used to play in films that are built around the heroine, but still never seen anything like that. In such a film, you need to fully change your style of play, here you will not support a man. So strange to be surrounded by one ladies!

Ann Hathaway:

For "rejected" the star had to part with luxurious hair

Photo: Frame from the film "Rejected"

- What about movies that are removing women director?

- Probably I'm a chauvinik. When I know that the movie took off the woman, then I immediately start looking for flaws in it. This is not when I watch a film shot by a man. So far I can't overcome it in myself. Even despite the fact that I was filmed from Lon Sherfing in the picture "One day". I could not trust her, and now I understand that it was precisely because she is a woman. It turns out that I reacted to her unfair only because of her gender. Now I understand that it is just awful. And then I tried to resist her on the site, did not fulfill her teams. I'm insanely uncomfortable, but you need to talk about it. And the worst thing that I did not apologize to Lona for my indecent behavior. Be sure to do it now, after the interview.

- Soon you have a movie "Outwashing scammers", which is a remake of the 1988 film of the same name. How do you think now is the time of the remakes and continuing or still the original projects have the right to exist?

"I am in this business from sixteen years old, so that pink glasses have long removed long ago. Of course, invent a new idea is much more complicated than to recover ready. No one will give you guarantees that the film will eventually remove, even if the script is excellent. For examples, it is not necessary to go far: every year a bunch of gorgeous scenarios goes on the shelf, sometimes forever. But it is necessary to do something, so the remake will not go anywhere. The producers still believe that so less chances for failure, although the original projects of the "beginning" type of Christopher Nolan or "Avatar" James Cameron have long proved the opposite. The film simply should be good, then he is doomed to success. I am always with great pleasure removing in such projects, the novelty is insanely attractive!

- Seeing everything that happens in the world, do you really have an optimist?

- I understand that from my opinion in reality a little depends globally, so I try to concentrate only on what is important for me personally. I know for sure that we won't let us take away the freedoms that have been so stubbornly, it concerns gender roles, and female sexuality. It is important to keep all this for our descendants, and I am sure that it will be. Probably something is wrong with me, but I am exactly optimistic. (Laughs.)

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