Katya Dobryakov and Maxim Rapoport: "Russians - worse than all dressed nation"


- Katya, Maxim, how quickly did you find a common language when you started working together? How was your creative duet?

Maxim: Yes, in general, immediately, from the first day. What is called, not even had to be stated.

- You have been familiar before?

Katya: No, I have never even seen. For me, this is at all an amazing fact. Despite the fact that in Moscow I know almost everyone, and our party is quite narrow. But it so happened that Maxim I never seen.

Maxim: Moreover, we and now do not intersect anywhere in addition to work.

- When did you approve on the role of the lead, did you come to the project with your ideas or fully fit into the proposed format and began to play according to the rules?

M.: I generally imagined where I go. But when we started working, I realized that we had a program not so much about changing how much about fashion. We do not just have "fashionable delaying", but "delaying" are correct and accurate in terms of style. We are talking about what fashion is, and what style is. And, disguised by our women, hide their shortcomings and emphasize the dignity with the help of fashionable and stylish things.

TO. : I constantly appear some ideas.

M. : Just Katya is too metropolitan. And our program is still for all women. After all, Russia, fortunately, is not only the city of Moscow, but also the regions. And we have to deal with our "perfectionism", which would not be too clear for the people. This does not mean that someone is better, but someone worse. Just different views on life. If we give something specifically for Moscow, then part of the audience will simply switch the TV. Our heroines are ordinary women, each of which has their own history. As a rule, she is a victim. I thought there would be a heroine with fictional stories. They are all very real! Often dissatisfaction with the figure is added to the difficult female story. I knew many women, looking at whom you see only advantages. You see the mind, charisma, feel the action of an attractive magnet hidden inside it. And you do not notice external flaws. And as soon as the woman inside itself begins to invent, that she has a disproportionate figure, it immediately becomes visible to others.

Before starting to work together, Katya Dobryakov and Maxim Rapoport each other have never even seen. But immediately found a common language on the site. .

Before starting to work together, Katya Dobryakov and Maxim Rapoport each other have never even seen. But immediately found a common language on the site. .

- As I understood, you have originally different approaches in choosing clothes for heroin. Katya dresses women so that they can find their family happiness, and Maxim is more categorical in their judgments.

M.: Well, yes, I believe that there is nothing to spend time. Because if something does not develop in life - take everything and change. It seems to me that the fate is so multifaceted that you do not need to limit yourself to a person who supposedly loves you. Even with a shortage of the male population. My position is so. And after the program, the men really change the attitude towards our heroes, because they say they: I'll leave you. And everything changes. And Katya adapts a little, advises to be flexible.

TO. : There is a stick about two ends. I believe that if a woman found her beloved, who is ready for her after some time to offer his family and children, then you need to make maximum effort to save the relationship. Because in many cases, women themselves are to blame: they gave birth to a child, launched herself. Of course, after some time, he will stop looking at her. And for such girls who gave birth to children and sit at home, change diapers, now there is no turn.

- It happens that you are enough for some one thing? For example, choose the same heroine pants? Or do you go to different stores?

M.: We can come together in some unanimous opinion when we both like the same thing. But in general, we, of course, do not go to one store, so that each other just do not interfere. Otherwise, it can really happen that Katina trousers will be in my hands, and vice versa.

- And if you were allowed to offer to heroons something from our own collections - would have done?

M.: I probably not. I have quite complicated, avant-garde collections, and ordinary girls with such clothes are unlikely to cope, it is only models. But if I had the opportunity to individually sew something, specifically for the heroine, I think it would have happened.

TO.: And I generally left the dresses and some feminine elements of clothes, I decided to stay on the knitted, semi-sending direction. I make sweatshirts with embroidery, pants, shorts, and this is a style that you also need to be able to wear. It is quite extravagant, due to embroidery, and bright. And for this requires a certain state of the soul.

- The idea of ​​the program itself is the difference of male and female glance on the same heroine. Do you have any statistics whose choice wins more often?

M.: I won more often. And here it's not about Kate, not in her choice. Just already generally accepted that a man is the best hairdresser, the best designer. This is canon. And if a woman dress up a man, most, as a rule, vote for a male choice.

- Katya, you do not disappoint?

K.: I can't hurt. I'm sure what I do. And if two people voted more or less for my choice - it is not fundamentally. Just need to understand what kind of men like more, to which they pay more attention. For example, the favorite reception of Maxim - wear women in the trouser suits. That seems to everyone that the woman in the dress should be sexy. But men often vote for the choice of Maxim: pants shoes, wide pants - no matter. Woman this image gives self confidence: it felt in the gait, and in the feed - in everything.

M.: Because Russian woman got used to be a man.

Each heroine that comes to the program has its own story. And before it to change it, Maxim and Katya try to delve into the essence of the problem ....

Each heroine that comes to the program has its own story. And before it to change it, Maxim and Katya try to delve into the essence of the problem ....

- What path did you go before getting into the world of fashion? Kati had Stroganovka, at Maxima - Laboratory of Fashion Glory Zaitsev?


Yes, the Laboratory of Fashion of Glory Zaitsev, before that there was a so-called academy of culture, where I had to become a director-director program. Then there was a guitance - the television faculty of multimedia and journalism. But I completely merged with everywhere, because I was bored. But in principle, I always knew that I would do the fashion, and somehow it really came to this.

TO.: And I never knew that I would do fashion. I received the formation of a graphic designer and implemented myself in this direction. In addition, now I generally refused a full-fledged line of clothing with dresses and so on. I have some basic things that I make an "upgrade". I decided to create my segment of creative clothes, with some unusual message - at the expense of the print, due to the inscriptions. And in it I feel very comfortable. My whole story with T-shirts is from there.

- By the way, how was this wonderful inscription on your T-shirts born: "Do you know less - you look younger"?

K.: I do not remember already, a hundred years ago it was. (Laughs.) I just always keep almost all Russian sayings before my eyes, and my slogans - they are inverted from there, just with a replacement of some one letter or completely meaning. Sometimes some "Kalambar" happens in the head, when you see seemingly familiar to the saying, but interpret it in another key.

- You are not without boots. It is always interesting: where are the designers themselves acquire clothes for themselves?

M.: In some stores usually. But I have not bought anything for myself. I disappeared with some kind of excitement to things. According to youth, it was a way to express themselves, and now I express myself through another.

TO.: Do not believe, but I also do not shopaholic. At all, I do not care about this story: to keep up for some last thing, crack Must Have ... I often make spontaneous purchases, I often give me something. Naturally, abroad is more time to go shopping. And there I do it. And in Moscow I love to buy some things in the mass market.

M.: By the way, I also changed my attitude to stores of mass clothing and do not break to buy a T-shirt for 300-500 rubles. If it stretches, there will be some kind of cracked or erased the inscriptions - it will be even better. The main thing is not to sat down.

- What do you think, with the help of the television platform that you have provided now, at least a little affect the taste of our women?

M.: Of course, we are engaged in this. And it is very nice when the heroine in the end of the program is thank to the work done. The more changing programs with us, the better the Russian woman will look like. Because, unfortunately, for the most part Russians are the very bad dressed nation. Now, for example, my most "favorite" season has come, when everyone began to get down down jugs. This is a real catastrophe! (Laughs.)

In the program final, the costume chosen for the heroine of Maxim Rapoport is more often defeated. That is a male look at the female appearance. .

In the program final, the costume chosen for the heroine of Maxim Rapoport is more often defeated. That is a male look at the female appearance. .

- What should I wear this season then?

M.: It seems to me that not only this season, but in general it should be purchased and wearing those things that truly decorate, no matter is a man or a woman. And not chase some kind of must have. After all, you remember first of all the person himself, and not what he was dressed. It seems to me that this is the right one. When you do not shout about yourself, and you say quietly, you listen to you.

TO.: By the way, I personally have from all brand things, perhaps, love only to bags. This is the only thing I react. At one time I wanted a chanel bag when she appeared. Then a new model Valentino appeared - and I also began to dream about her. (Laughs.)

M.: In general, you are a victim of advertising. (Laughs.)

- Do you have some beloved thing in your wardrobe, which has long come out of fashion, but you keep her as a talisman?

M.: In my wardrobe only such things and remain. Because everything else is heard or gives. There are foundations of the wardrobe with which you have been many or many years old, some gifts are very expensive to me people. There are symbolic, and even sacred things for me. To such, for example, the Sorochi Yamamoto shrike, which, probably, fifteen years old. And if in my life there is some important meeting, on which further business development depends, I always wear it, because she is happy.

TO.: I hang things that I can't throw it simply because they can become trendy vintage after some time. But this does not mean that I wear them. I feel sorry for me, because there is some story for them. In general, I easily break up with things, we distribute them to my workers or relatives. So my place is exempt in the wardrobe, and something new comes to it faster.

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