Alexander Domogarov-Jr.: "I'm not a womanizer"


The next son of Domogarov Dmitry tragically died in an accident in 2008. Sasha - Son from the second marriage of the actor with the makeup of Irina Gunenenkova. This Union lasted twelve years, and unlike other women, Domogarov, the ex-spouse always responded to him warmly and with respect. And Alexander himself, apparently, retained to Irina affection. No wonder this summer, when in the press began to write about the secret marriage of the actor, he answered a page on social networks that the new beloved is not anyone else, like his ex-wife Ira. According to the Domogarov-younger, parents and before and after the divorce lived together, so he did not notice any change. Despite the fact that our hero has a relationship with his father, Sasha is categorically opposed to intervene in his professional activities and somehow promoted in his career. Domogarov Jr. managed to play in six pictures. Including - in the comedy Timur Bekmambetov "Tree", in the historic ribbon of Avdoti, Smirnova "Churchill" and in the "Mysteries of Palace Dobor" Svetlana Druzhinina. But when he was before choosing: go to work in the theater or try my hand as a director, I preferred the second. Now Alexander removes commercials to RIA Novosti and dreams of a real big project.

Sasha, how old did you happen when you took the first interview?

Sasha Domogarov: "I studied in the fifth grade. I remember, people came to school with a camera, equipment. I planted me for some reason at the piano, I asked something, I answered. Pretty cute standard interview. Questions about what items I like, who I want to become when I grow up. "

Well, what were the sensations? After all, not every teenager takes an interview.

Sasha: "Then, to be honest, it was on the drum. I did not think at all: to whom, why, why it is necessary, which is from this benefit. Cool, of course, is a microphone, a camera. Now I am more carefully in the interview. I can not say that I really like to give them, although I love to chat. I can even disable any secrets. " (Laughs.)

Since the profession you chose public, communication with journalists is inevitable.

Sasha: "Yes, I did not choose her. I just had nowhere to go after school. In one place, where I was trying to attach, a blobe was required. In the other I would have to pay a lot of money. The only thing I could do is the theatrical university. That is, I went where it was easier to get. (Moscow Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin at one time graduated from the father of our hero. - Approx. Auth.) In fact, I wanted to learn in Vgika at the directorial department. I do not consider it a good university, but the party seemed closer to me. As a result, I chose the direction of the cinema, not theatrical acting. What is an acting profession, I felt at about six months of study in the "sketch", and I liked it. And at first everything seemed just awful. Some bullying. I got from the beautiful world of my childhood, where I absolutely didn't care about everything, to the world where you need to answer for myself, you alone, no one will bother you. "

Alexander Domogarov-Jr.:

"We are absolutely different from your father in nature and energy. But the look looked like, speech turns, sit in the same poses. " Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Domogarov-Jr..

Do not care? They write that you studied in an elite school, studied three languages, lived on the exchange in Paris and in London.

Sasha: "Vragne! In London, I just just lived there for two weeks. And another week - in Paris. These are little things compared to the possibilities of my classmates who went somewhere abroad every six months. The school was not elite, but simply with in-depth study of foreign languages. But no formation was given there, everyone was engaged in tutoring. English in me was in me when I was small, I taught him from six years old. Well, when the child becomes an adult, it is already impossible to make him do what he himself does not want. Therefore, French I did not go, what I regret now. "

That is, you didn't like to learn?

Sasha: "After the fifth grade, I began to go to school only for the sake of parties. I have friends-high school students. In my portfolio lay one-only notebook for all items. And I specifically lost the diary in the seventh grade so that I was not asked. "

There was no tough hand, and my mother could not show hardness?

Sasha: "Her mother showed at the very beginning. It was she who insisted on learning English, I went to a music school and engaged in figure skating. Although this "tough hand" did not help: I ​​did not become a skater, nor a musician. But still glad that I play the piano, I can pee something for myself, to pour. I just realized how it's great. And then, if not my mother, I would have thrown a music school, and figure skating on the first day. It seems that in childhood I was not interested in absolutely nothing. I liked to play, walk, hang out. BUT! I also shot amateur movies. In the seventh grade I had a camcorder, and my friends and I tried to do something, not even understanding how it was necessary. This fun also went fast enough. Then I rode a skateboard. In general, nothing serious. "

Alexander Domogarov-Jr.:

A couple of skier and a snowboarder from the comedy "Christmas tree" managed to love the audience. With a partner in film Alexander Golovna. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Domogarov-Jr..

Well, while while studying in theatrical, acting genes still woke up?

Sasha: "Since childhood I spent behind the theater's scenes, I imagined this sphere quite well. All this is familiar, familiar, even the smell. And I remember the view from the scene in the hall - this is a look from my childhood. In general, somewhere six months of study, I realized that the acting was still a good profession. I could do it. She is simple. It seemed difficult only in the first year. Because they robbed into some kind of frames and put on consciousness: they say, you must match the names! For the first time I thought about the fact that I was the son of a famous person, it was in the "sins". At school, I did not come across this problem at all. Both friends and classmates seemed absolutely normal. I did not think about the fact that I was compared with my father, and it turned out to be unpleasant. Then I let go of the situation - it became easier. Now, as soon as they start saying: "But your father is yours ...", I try to mentally disconnect and think about something else. "

But to compare anyway will be. And the acting profession is ambitious, and envy to someone else's popularity is present.

Sasha: "Undoubtedly, otherwise it is impossible to exist in it. This is her black side. Someone has a professional interest in what colleagues do, someone envy. But success, I believe, otherwise do not achieve. Therefore, I did not come out. When it was necessary to break, go through the heads, I could not do this. Probably because I never had a strong acting actor. It would be possible to use Blat, the surname and go to work at the Mossoveta Theater, I would have taken me. "

With classmates in Shchepkinsky school. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Domogarov-Jr..

With classmates in Shchepkinsky school. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Domogarov-Jr..

Do you need a cross on your actor?

Sasha: "No. I just had a choice: either the theater, or develop in the other side - as a director. So now I make commercials on RIA "News", and with the shooting lull the second year. I could not continue to serve in the theater, but if any entrepreneur appears, I would love to take part. I am wondering, and I miss the game very much. Former classmates hacking: let's get together, we will put the performance together, rolling. But everything is still at the level of conversations. It's a pity. Profession leaves. Let I studied badly, but those skills that still give training in theatrical university, without experience disappear. If you go to the scene now, there will be a long addiction. "

With my father, did not speak this topic?

Sasha: "In this regard, I try not to intersect with him at all. I immediately told my parents: I do not walk on my performances, my works do not watch. Mom, I invited one-only time on my graduation performance. Father, I hope so did not see anything. I would be unpleasant. "

Nevertheless, you had roles in the movie. You starred in the comedy "Christmas tree", now it is already the third part of it ...

Sasha: "And there I play all the same skier, I do not even remember his name. This is called the "artist of one role". I am a skier! Good progression after the end of the university ... "

But the "Christmas trees" were remembered with something?

Sasha: "It was fun. The old team returned, we all had time to make friends. The only thing, our novels "skier and snowboarder" is becoming less and less. Well, though, did not cut out at all. Someone our heroes with the sled head are still like. Well, in general: shooting is cool. Again there were extreme congresses. In the first "Christmas trees" we rolled down the stairs on skis. And this time we put a hefty slide in the pavilion. To climb there, it was necessary to climb on the construction forests. And I'm afraid of height, so some adrenaline attended. In the movie I wanted to shoot. There, even a funny story turned out. I call me my partner Sanya Golovin and says: "There will be a continuation of the" Christmas trees ". Do you participate? "I:" Yes, of course, great, super! "And all - silence, silence. And then friends from Sochi tell: "They saw the head here, he rides in a costume of a snowboarder - filmed in the film." I have boiled, panic: "How is it" removed "? Why didn't they take me?! "I call San, he does not take the phone, I write SMS. As a result, it turned out that this is another film in which the heads also play a snowboarder. And I was frightened that I forgot about me. "

Little Sasha with mom. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Domogarov-Jr..

Little Sasha with mom. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Domogarov-Jr..

What do you think you don't have a movie because there is no desire to break through or not talent?

Sasha: "I have not had such a project, where it was necessary to work truly and show myself. Undoubtedly, I'm not a great master, not Leonardo di Caprio. But I think that in the movie there is a supergenial actor and not necessarily, it is enough to be just a colorful character in life. Here, for example, Al Pacino - in fact, he also plays himself all the time. "

And how do your father do you rate? Is he just suited under the type?

Sasha: "He has good projects, there are terrible. It seems to me that he stopped somewhat in the series. And we still do not reach the Western level. The full meter is much cooler! The only my favorite father's work is a television movie "fire and sword." (Historic film, filmed by the Polish director of Jersie Hoffman, talks about the uprising under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. - Approx.) Father played there a certain romantic villain, and it was a one hundred percent hit. But there is a steep director, and a big budget, and the plot, historical epic. Here in such paintings to remove - just a dream. As for the type, the dad has a certain role - the hero-lover. Just now where already? "

See, now he will read your interview and offended.

Sasha: "What is the truth to be offended? I would look at the place of Pope. But I try not to climb into his case. And the fact that in every film takes the promoted artists, and we are not invited, it is trouble. I do not know why we do not open young people in Russia. It seems to me that annoying the same faces on the screen. "

But why? Valery Todorovsky took the main roles to the main roles then at all not well-known actors. In recently released on the screens, the film "Geographic Globe Propil" starred schoolchildren from Perm.

Sasha: "Tell me: How do you get into such films? I really want it. "

Are you more in what genre see?

Sasha: "I like comedies. In general, everything must be trying. I definitely did not like a melodrama, she never got me. " (Alexander's film took place in the picture "Only not now" Valery Pendrakovsky. The very young actor did not like his work. "Friends comfort, but they say that love to play for now. They are right: I am a feeling in the movie scares, I compress me. I I felt on the filming of an unaczzle, a naked boy who tries to show his feelings of the girl, "he told in an interview. - Note. Auth.)

You are not a lover hero?

Sasha: "I am now a little recovered, so I'm not going to approach this category for example. Yes, and my face is different. Hero-lover in my execution - it would be just caricature and funny. I would like to lose an interesting story when the convex character is drawn, for the fate of which is curious to observe. "

In some photos, you are very similar to the Father.

Sasha: "We are absolutely different in character, even more in energy. But there is an external similarity. The look is similar, speech turnover, sit in the same poses. During his studies in the theater, I noticed that sometimes in my gestures, the facial exposure is unconsciously copying it. Maybe he spied randomly. Maybe the genes manifested themselves. But I immediately tried to move away from this. "

Your dad was not deprived of female attention, and you?

Sasha: "I have never been serious about this question. Well, in fact - it just did not have time to walk around the clubs, look for someone. I wanted to shoot a movie. I'm not a womanizer, although it's never late to start. (Laughs.) Yes, and the girls, as far as I remember, did not hang me. Maybe it's good. We must achieve yourself. "

Alexander Domogarov-Jr.:

"Parents have always had warm, good relationships. They help each other, and we fully communicate. " Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Domogarov-Jr..

Did you have a tragic and romantic history yet?

Sasha: "No, and thank God! I am not interested in me - both in life and in the movies. Maybe the time will come when I will pay attention to the playwriths, the relationship of people, think about why they behave like this. So far there is nothing tragic in my life, I have everything quite simple and fun, without darning. I will not cut yourself a vein and rush from the bridge due to unrequited love. Probably, this is bad - to work the soul, you need to experience strong emotions. At school there were some hobbies, fell in love. But so, so that the trembling, before the goosebumps, has not happened anything like that. Although I have friends friends. "

Is there any female ideal in consciousness?

Sasha: "Of course. Look at the beauties I love, but go to meet - he is shy. And all beautiful girls are usually occupied. And to beat is not good - people will suffer. Perhaps I will even get in the face. Why is it necessary? No, of course, if a feeling breaks out, sin does not compete for him. But so far there was no such thing. "

How did you perceive your father's care from the family?

Sasha: "I was then small and really did not understand anything. I was explained that the divorce is needed to settle some legal affairs with the apartment. I asked: "What will change? I will receive less gifts for the new year? "I answered:" No, you won't notice anything. " And indeed: we even live together, and now we live together. "

If you believe the press, the family has happened in the summer?

Sasha: "This is if you believe. And in fact there was no reunion, we always talked. Parents are warm, good relationships, they help each other. "

Do you trust your father? Can you consult about something important?

Sasha: "We have always been advised, and he responded to my requests. I remember, once I asked him to go with me. I wanted to knock out one project - do not commercially engaged in commercials, but to go to the level of gaming cinema. I said: "I need you. Under the name of the project will give. " Father agreed, but we were refused. In fact, it was necessary to go for a long time, ask. "

Sasha, in addition to the director, do you have any hobbies?

Sasha: "It became recently on skates and snowboard. It is at least some kind of sport, and I need it. Meets with a friend of childhood - we were engaged in figure skating together, and then somehow lost. And I accidentally, thanks to my new job, I found his contact. So now I ride ice skating. I also have a horse. "

Where she lives?

Sasha: "In Podolsk, there is a stable. This is a steep horse - the Russian riding, his name is His Elbrus. He is beautiful in the saddle. Dad gave me him for his birthday, so I mastered the equestrian sport. But getting into the Moscow region a big problem: one and a half hours there, one and a half, there are two hours. So we have with Elbrus recently bad relationships - I rarely visit him. Horse should be either seriously engaged in seriously, or have this fun at your villa (which is not) - to come, stroke, give a piece of sugar and go further on their own business. "

Luxurious horse Elbrus Father gave Sasha for a birthday. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Domogarov-Jr..

Luxurious horse Elbrus Father gave Sasha for a birthday. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Domogarov-Jr..

Papin gift was not at?

Sasha: "Well, it's just not possible to keep the horse near the house. And in Podolsk you will not drive. I always, since childhood, loved horses, considered them extraordinary, smart and consistent creatures. But my Elbrus had a terribly harmful character. Just some kind of shit actually! Bites, does not love me. Probably because I spend a little time with him. It should be holly, cherish, wash, walk - and then he may be treated with respect to me. And so he does not feel the owner in me. We swore with him just like a person with a man: "Ah you reptile, you bit me! On you in the nose! "We did not have a relationship. But he is still mine. I sometimes come to him, I feed the carrot, he adores her. Probably the most important thing my passion is still movies. Just as long as I did not take anything serious. Time leaves, and I haven't proved anything else anything. It's offensive. All my idols at this age have already been established. My favorite director is Stephen Stilberg. His life path is an indicator of how a person can be devoted to his work. He did not step down her step, risked and humiliated. But his work is masterpieces. "

Do you live with your parents? In independent financial swimming have not come out yet?

Sasha: "I live with my mother. Pope has a country house, I go to visit him. How many times I tried to stay for a long time, but nothing turned out. Very long in traffic jams to get. I still have such a problem - I can't get up early in the morning, I owl. So I go to work alone only in the evening. As for Finance - I have been earning myself for a long time, and I would have enough for a removable apartment. But to live alone boring. Then you need to look for a girl. And now I'm reluctant. To live with a stranger, to make it then my own - this is a real work. I have something to do. I would like to reveal as a director, create something my own to be respected. "

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