5 products for strong memory


Product number 1

Nuts are rich in microelements that are necessary for the best work of the whole organism, and the brain in particular. They are enough to eat a small handy per day. By the way, they are perfectly quenched hunger. Help improve memory and pumpkin seeds.

Walnut is similar to the brain

Walnut is similar to the brain


Product number 2.

Fish contains phosphorus, which is simply necessary for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Nutritionists advise choosing low-fat varieties. The brain needs no less regular and useful nutrition than the stomach.

Fish gives phosphorus

Fish gives phosphorus


Product number 3.

Spinach is not the most delicious, and therefore not a common product, but in vain - it is very useful. Doctors recommend regularly consuming green vegetables, they improve the reaction.

Make a smoothie spinach

Make a smoothie spinach


Product number 4.

Before resolving an important task, eat an apple. You will help the brain "digest" the information received. Perhaps during the snack, you will give your head to take a non-standard solution.

Apple will help focus

Apple will help focus


Product number 5.

According to scientists, if you add pomegranate juice, sage and turmeric into drinks, you can avoid senile dementia.

Drink useful drinks

Drink useful drinks


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