Feminism and Emancipation: History, which turned March 8 on the day of the fight for women's rights


After the Socialist Party of America organized the Women's Day on February 28, 1909 in New York, the 1910 International Socialist Women's Conference offered to hold women's day annually.

In Soviet Russia on March 8, 1917, it became special. A women's demonstration for bread and the world took this date, and March 8 became a national holiday. At that time, this day was mainly due to the socialist movement and the Communist countries, until in 1975 he was adopted by the United Nations (UN).

Women's rights and peace worldwide

The UN began to celebrate International Women's Day in International Women's Year in 1975. In 1977, the UN General Assembly invited Member States to proclaim on March 8 for the UN for the rights of women and the world around the world. Today, International Women's Day is a public holiday in most countries, a protest day in others, or a day dedicated to femininity and female achievements.

It all started with protest movements

It all started with protest movements

Photo: unsplash.com.

Women's Days in Europe and Asia

In August 1910, an international conference of women socialist was organized to the General Assembly of the Second Socialist International in Copenhagen, Denmark. Partly inspired by American, German Socialist Louise Zitz offered to establish an annual women's day. She was supported by a colleague-socialist, and later the communist leader of Clara Zetkin, which also supported Ket Dunker. Delegates - 100 women out of 17 countries - agreed with the idea of ​​both with an equal rights promotion strategy, including the authority for women.

On March 19, 1911, the International Women's Day first celebrated more than a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. And in the UK in London on March 8, 1914, march was march from Bow to Trafalgar Square in support of the election law of women. In Australia, International Women's Day is unofficially celebrated since the beginning of the 1920s. These days, International Women's Day is celebrated in Australia with a variety of events, including marches, rallies and measures to collect funds.

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