Months of the month: Multi-active wrinkle correction


Procedure: Multi-active wrinkle correction from the pharmaceutical company Histomer (Italy / Switzerland)

Purpose: Prevention of wrinkles, deep revitalization, Miorolaxation of facial wrinkles

Time: 50 minutes

Means used: Histomer Cosmetics (Italy / Switzerland) Wrinkle Formula

Specialist: Alena Klyabin, Cosmetologist Histomer, NEOESTHETIC

1 step. Preparation (main photo). Feeding and softening skin, milk with avocado oil and lecithin Cleansing Milk Basic delicately removes makeup. Tonic from the base formula Toner Basi with the extracts of Hammamelis, violets, flowers of cornflower and lactic acid refreshes the skin and stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid.

Step 2. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

Step 2. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

2 step. Mioroxation. SERUM COMPLEX WRINKLE comprehensive serum acts on fibroblasts, launching the process of forming new collagen and elastin fibers. The combination of plant stem cells (meristems), glutathione and retinol is transported by copoliferic carriers in the dermis.

Step 3. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

Step 3. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

3 step. Saturation. Massage on active massage cream Active Cream Wrinkle is performed. This ensures the optimal distribution of the active components of the complex serum and enshrines the effect of the muscle relaxants. As part of the cream - Biopeptide Cl, plant stem cells, shea oil, allantoin and transdermal carriers for the best penetration.

Step 4. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

Step 4. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

4 step. Vertical distribution. Alginate modeling mask perfectly smoothes and relaxes the skin surface. The perfectly plasticizing mask creates the best conditions for the effective work of the extracts of milk thistle, echinacea, the Centlences of the Asian and hawthorn. The mask acts 15-20 minutes depending on the speed of the plasticization. Ideally removed by one layer, leaving the skin fresh, moistened and smooth.

Step 5. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

Step 5. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

5 step. Toning. After the mask, the person should refresh the tonic from the base formula Toner Basi. Extracts of Gamamemis, violet violet and colors normalize the skin alkaline environment and seal the epidermis.

Step 6. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

Step 6. Photo: Maria Trokenker.

6 step. Consolidation. Ampoule with Monoto Surpection Serum Refining Serum Wrinkle

Prolongs the effect of the procedure. Extract of the horn tree, dairy proteins, ceramides, sodium hyaluronate (0.8%) and betaglucans moisturize the skin and prevent moisture loss.

Council from Womanhit:

The Wrinkle Formula course consists of 7 procedures: the first week - 2 times a week, then - 1 time per week. The frequency of the course is 2 times a year. The duration of the procedure is 50 minutes.

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