New TV series "By Knee" - love, ambitions and power


However, the authors of the series "By Knee", which on March 4 appeared in the online cinema IVI, managed to find a really original idea. The main hero of comedy-lyrical history is Sasha Mushrooms - comes to Moscow, trying to build an acting career and conquer the heart of the girl. What is unusual here? But the thing is that Sasha's growth is only 135 centimeters. And the history of a small man in a very big city sounds really in a new way and unexpectedly. Alexander Abdullayev, known as the screenwriter and the producer of the series "Big Game" became the director of the Tith-Central Series.

Ivan Filippov played the main character - the KVNCHER with a great experience and leading events from Tyumen. A few years ago, the creative producer of the series "By Knee" was met by Alexander Velivaya, who remembered Ivan: "I was struck by his cheerfulness and an active lifestyle, which he leads, despite the little growth. Then the authors and I came up with the idea of ​​the series, was born the plot about how the hero arrives in Moscow and falls in love. "


Ivan Filippov notes that his hero at the beginning of history is trying to be as little as possible, but everyone pays attention to him. As a result, Sasha has to overcome the complexes and with head to plunge into active Moscow life. Which, however, for all the same: "This series tells how people live a little growth, and shows that they are absolutely no different from ordinary people," emphasizes Ivan Philippov.

Sasha's beloved, a young actress named Alena, played Anastasia Ukolov, known on the films "Loud Communication", "Feedback" and others. She remained very pleased with the work on the series: "During filming, I met many actors, they are such steep guys, kind, spiritual. We had a very funny company. We play novice actors, and it was necessary to portray how we behave on the set. It turns out that I play myself - the actress, but my character is very different from me. "

Many actors played in the project themselves: so, the heroes of the history of steel Zoya Berber and Jan Tsaznik, which turn out to be in the course of action on the set along with beginner actors. Jan Tsaznik, however, noted: "I play myself, but not quite, this is such a" called "the tannik. In the scenario, the features are registered, which I have no in life, for example, my hero appears drunk, and I do not lead myself. "


Maxim Lagashkin appeared in one of the series as an actor, who invites the main character as an animator. Angelina Stretchina played in the series is not an actress, but a role is also familiar to her: her heroine is a casting director who helps Sasha Gribov and becomes his first different movie in the world. Also, the audience will see Agatu Moting, Igor Galnikov, Stanislav Agafonov, Sergey Zhigunov and others.


Speaking of shooting, creative producer Alexander Vyadalova noted that the series served as a kind of "meeting place" for actors of small growth. Most of them are familiar with each other and joined the team with pleasure. Including the audience will see Artem Bobtsov, one of the actors of the "home arrest" project, the star of the Bolshoi Moscow Circus and the KVNschik. Back in the series, Cyril Kruglov, popular as Stand-Up comedian, Olympia Ivlev, Little Big project participant, and others. Artem Bobtsov, for whom this is no longer the first film, notes that the project is unique: in fact, it is reflected exactly that every day happens to a man of small growth, which has a strong character. And Alexander Vyglava notes that this story is still understandable to everyone: "This is a universal story about love and how the guy conquers a big city. We loved everyone, everyone knows how hard to conquer the heart of the girl. But on the background of Sani, people can see that their problems are not so big. If he is fighting, they should not lower their hands. "

Photo: Personal archive Ivan Filippov

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