Taisiya Povaliy: "On the first love I only told mom"


- Taisiya, now has become fashionable to remember the USSR. On that era, showing TV shows, movies, speak in a talk show. And what are you attracting those times?

- My memories are the kindest and warm. Those life foundations, moral values, on which I raised, are eternal and priceless! Unfortunately, now much of that bright and correct, which was invested in the education of children, lost or departed into the background. But I remember very well, with what warmth people treated each other. Neighbors lived together, there was no malice ... then we were taught to respect the elders and help weak. And everyone understood: love - great happiness! So remember our school teachers! They taught us not because it was their work, no! It was their need, their meaning of life. And we, students, thanks to them, they absorbed this spirituality, grew up with her. This can not buy ... and in general, then people were much more optimistic, cleaner, stronger in spirit.

- Some "pictures" from the seventies remember?

- Of course, I remember! I learned very early to read and remember how a little girl was driving in crowded transport and, looking out the window, without constraint, loudly read all signs in a row. Then the poems rearranged in kindergarten! In general, I was a fun girl, without complexes (laughs). And - I remember myself with a skipper, which I kept like a microphone, and sang - after all, then all the concert microphones were only with cords, and the usual rope was perfect for such a game. And here I am with this skill in the form of a microphone imagined myself with a singer! Even very small, I did not miss a single concert on TV, coming memorial melodies. And then I bought a player with plates - it was so happiness! I listened to these plates from morning to night! I also remember how I bought a huge professional piano at six years, on which I immediately began to select melodies. Thanks to my parents, because then to buy such a tool was not so simple. But they knew how I adore sing, as I am in love with music, and made me such a gift. Now, remembering your Soviet childhood, I think it was very happy.

- Do you have at home stored the things of that era?

"Yes, Grandma always gave me a birthday for a birthday. Different porcelain figurines: kids, who feed the pigeons, a girl with a chamomile in her hands ... When I became older, my grandmother gave me a statuette where the guy hugs a girl by the shoulders. All these figurines still stand at me at home. They are simple, but such natives (smiles). By the way, now I sometimes see the same in antique stores, although in Soviet times they were not considered valuable - they were produced massively, they cost them inexpensively and sold almost everywhere ... But for me, these figurines mean a lot - first of all the memory of my grandmother, which I adored. Memory of my childhood, about those times.

Taisiya Povaliy:

"Now, remembering your Soviet childhood, I think it was very happy with me." .

- And photos?

- Oh yeah! When there is time, my mother and I love to extract family albums, to reminister the past. It is always interesting! And sometimes quite unexpectedly learn something new about relatives. It happens, you look old photos and suddenly you understand that someone is close in the photo, but we do not know anything about him. My mom and I immediately begin to call to other relatives, ask, recognize ... Oh, you can remove a whole series about how my mother and I watch family albums! I am always interested to listen to her, especially when she talks about childhood, about the past of our family - in general about the epoch. Sometimes I will rise, remembering something touching ... My mother and I have always been very friendly and close. I remember how very little I began to worry terribly if my mother was late in the evening from work: in my imagination there were some terrible pictures, I looked out in the window, I was afraid for her and could not calm down until she returns. We with my mom and my mother had a very close connection that still exists.

- Previously collected thumbnails: dishes, crystal, bed linen. Did you have already?

- And how, of course! We, like any Soviet family, dreamed that the house was beautiful and cozy in the house. Stood in the queues to buy the same dishes or carpet. And we also had crystal vases, glasses, all sorts of saladders, candymen. And when I got married for the first time, then all this wealth passed to me (laughs)! Mommy gave me a lot of things, but unfortunately, all this was a good crash: the master who hung the shelf in the kitchen, did not attach her badly, and she collapsed among the night with such a rumble that, probably, the whole house woke up! As a result, some fragments remained from my crystal ...

- Probably, the famous thousand rubles for a wedding was postponed to the savings record?

- When I grew up, it was not possible to postpone the money. We lived not burn. But when my son was born, Denis (in 1983 -, ed.), We started to postpone the little. True, not a savings book, but there was such a cumulative insurance system. And my mom made an insurance policy for Denis - before his wedding. Working at the factory, she brought money on this side, but unfortunately, with the collapse of the USSR, all accumulations were disappeared. But what is the now regret? Yes, and my Denis is not going to marry - so everything is in order!

- When did you work on the new video "Love calendar", remembered what they said now?

- Naturally! I remembered my hometown - the White Church, where my childhood passed, where I experienced my first love, which I told only my mother-God had never learned about her. This feeling I kept in my heart. And, I confess, remembered him during the filming. I will say more: work on this clip stirred in me a whole wave of memories! Some of them literally came to life with a new force are amazing sensations. I seemed to be looking at those distant seventies and felt almost a forgotten atmosphere.

Taisiya Povaliy with parents. The singer is recognized that he has always been very close to her mother. Photo: Personal archive of Taisiya Povaliy.

Taisiya Povaliy with parents. The singer is recognized that he has always been very close to her mother. Photo: Personal archive of Taisiya Povaliy.

- Who came the idea to remove the clip in the stylistry of the 70s?

- Clipmaker Semen Gorov. This he suggested such a scenario, he said that his own memories inspired, and the wonderful poems, Mikhail Gutseriev, in which so much tenderness, bright nostalgic emotions. Those years of themselves carry a special inspiration, and I also love Soviet cinema very much. And it all happened immediately - I realized that the clip should be exactly in such a style.

- Probably, each of the creative group contributed to this musical history of his memory?

- Certainly! But most of all the director himself: during filming, Semen told me that in the 70s it was completely another boy, Mom took to work. She worked as an engineer. And he remembered people from Kulmanov, who drew, joked, shared their views, joys and problems, told about recently read books, exchanged plates - a whole world spied by the boy. But this world is no longer ... We recreated him a particle. As Semen Mountains said - "These are the shots of my childhood." But I think not only his childhood. What you will see in the clip will be native for very many.

- How did you choose dresses and costumes for the video? Probably revealed grandmother's chest?

"I would open the grandmother's chest, but, unfortunately, I don't have it." But I remember well the fashion of those years, and my stylists and designers are very talented. Yes, and they also have enough of their ideas, and very original ideas. Even it is a pity that because of the clips timekeeping, we could not show half the ideas on costumes! .. Probably, this is a good reason to think about one clip in the same style.

- And the old tram has long had to look?

- As far as I know, he was found in the usual depot on the outskirts of Kiev. But, imagine, the problem was not so much a tram as the usual Volga. More precisely, "Volga" precisely from the seventies, it seems, it is called GAZ-24. Here it was barely found - they were taken from another city and restored that she would look exactly in both at that time.

- Previously, all holidays were celebrated in the family circle, went to visit without invitation. And now communication is mainly by phone or skype. Do you also keep some family traditions?

- We try to keep these traditions and, it seems, it is not bad for us. In any case, we are going for a family table several times a year - for the new year, Christmas, my mom's birthday, my birthday.

A team of talented designers helped to recreate the stylist of the 70s singer. .

A team of talented designers helped to recreate the stylist of the 70s singer. .

- How often do you see Son Denis?

"Quite often, although I like mom, of course, would like to see him more often." But, he is already an adult man, he has his own life. Yes, and I have a very compressed working schedule, constant tour, performances ...

- Have you gave him some family relics or photos?

- Part of family photos has long been at Denis - in his personal family album. And from the relics ... he has a grandfather's house player and records with classical music, which he and he listened to him in childhood.

- He saw your clip?

- Yes, I saw, one of the first, in the pilot version. Even cried a little bit, because Denis belongs to the younger generation and presents that time somewhat differently. In general, the normal situation is also a creative person. But in general, he really liked the clip.

- And husband?

- He didn't just see! Igor took an active part in creating this clip as my producer.

- Tenth December you have a birthday. Can you say that the "love calendar" is a gift to your fans?

- All my songs, clips, concerts are gifts to fans! I live and work for them, for the sake of the audience, for the sake of those who love my creativity! How else? After all, this is the meaning of what I do.

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