From Love to Hate: Stars who endured domestic violence


Evgenia Dobrovolskaya

Many have heard about the difficult character of Mikhail Efremov, who has long been husband Evgenia Dobrovolskaya for a long time. According to the artist, the hunted husband could throw in it anything. From disassembly with her husband, the actress remains a reminder - a scar on the temple. However, the cause of the divorce was not home to domestic violence, but treason of actor.


Valeria's first marriage can not be called perfect. In 1993, the first serious incident occurred, who was supposed to understand the singer, that in her married life there is something not that: the husband stuck her knife in his leg, but he said nothing to anyone. Violence continued and over time, Valeria could not tolerate such an attitude more, she simply escaped from her husband. Now the singer happily lives in marriage with producer Joseph naughty.

Elena Xenofontova

The future actress as a child understood that such violence in the family: her stepfather periodically beat his mother. The actress grew, started his own family, but the story was repeated, but now Elena suffered beatings from her husband. Initially, Alexander, the husband of the actress, did not give any reason to think about him badly, beautifully worked and behaved like a gentleman.

As soon as the couple began to live together, the husband showed his character: he could unscrew his wife with his hand or strike, the trace of which will be invisible in public.

The cup of patience overflowed when the husband began to change. XENNOFTOVA filed for a divorce, but the husband stated that it was a victim of violence. After a long proceedings, Elena's attempts to prove that it was self-defense, the court still ordered an artist to pay a fine.

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