Why don't you feel sorry for mistresses


- Imagine, the Masha was confused with a married. I love, says nothing need nothing more, I will wait.

- My Gods! How sorry for the girl! Well good, and here you are on. Oh poor, she bows.

Pity - the feeling that is most often declared towards mistresses. Someone has sincerely - they say, such a good girl and so suffer. Someone covers them anger or fear, playing in front of you for what you live in the way - after all, if you are regretted, it is so humiliating. And the "fatal springs" themselves are not at all the fools in the kitchen about how hard it lives in this role, and in general what a cruel world, and for which the fate-fatefulness such a dick joke was played with them, because they are worth more . And pour tears from compassion to themselves. In fact, subtitles in relation to us are inappropriate. Why? Now I will tell.

Let's start with the fact that the novel with a married one is a conscious choice (except for the cases we will talk about). Neither the cruel world nor the peripetics of fate nor a terrible setup from the Heavenly Office for him is not responsible for him. The girl came to this relationship with his legs. I thought about it my brain. Yes, most likely, she did not count that it would be so far, yes, it was probably thought that he would quickly take some decision, yes, did not expect that there would be a lot of lies and dirt and nasty disassembly. But therefore there is always a chance to leave, even if nezanechiki began to arrive as a novel developed. Most, as we know, does not leave and steeply tolerate. Something is waiting there. All these complaints about "he does not let me go", "he manipulates me", "he does not give me to leave" translated as "I don't want to solve anything, I want a dress." And this is a choice. Transmit management of your relationship, your time, your emotions in other people's hands is an independent decision.

My favorite centance: "These relationships have no future." Tell me, but what kind of relationship it is? This is the guaranteed one to know exactly what "together and for all that in two years we will have been born, and after five - a daughter of the world, in ten we emineses to Italy and will sit there on the seashore"? We can at least somehow plan only our own life, and that with possible edits in the future. And when it comes to such a complex design, as a relationship with another person, even if with great love, and dreams, and so that everyone, no one, you can not dream about any riddles. And examples of left wives, there are a lot, very much, and, more worse, with children, is the best confirmation. And among them, by the way, the marriage oaths, and the notorious stamp in the passport, which everyone dies, how dreamed. Was. Yes, swung.

There is an opinion, and both among the beaches, and among the "dirty girls" that mistresses are used only for the sake of sex, and all these speeches about love - Fuffer. Poor little bunnies that fell no longer as in sexual slavery. Let's honestly. Well, firstly, sex is cool. When it is a lot, and he is good, what is bad here. Secondly, and seriously, full-fledged relationships on the side, and I write exactly about such cases - this is for any man big, even the enormous spending time, forces, money in the end. And not a single ferrichon, even if the highest class, are not worth it. For to get it (by the way, that sin to hone, much better) can be easily and fast for the sane amount, and no one will endure the brain, ask questions, arrange demonstration performances, and marriage (which, maybe no one is going to break) Threatened. So the "use" of his mistress is somehow harmful.

Often, the adulter is counted to an infallible relationship or, as some of my subscribers, "union with the table" like to be expressed. I love these wonderful metaphors a la Larisa Guzeyev. Each person has its own concept of what kind of relationships are acceptable and comfortable. In general, this is one of the first items to pay attention to if something mysterious is happening in personal life. It is necessary to determine for yourself: who I am, what I am what I need for happiness. Someone is critically important to the house and three children, someone does not see harmony without emotional surges and adrenaline, someone like fire is afraid of true intimacy. Is I all what? To the fact that we choose our own relationship, based on what happens in our place. And if there is no true readiness for the tree-son-son, it means that they will not. Because it is not necessary. In different life stages, we can have completely polar needs. But this does not mean that some of our relations are inferior. We ourselves, and no one else, regulate that it is normal for us, and what is not.

Therefore, when the mistress really wants other relations, without endless battles, doubts, experiences, and that's all this, she will receive them. In the meantime, it means that at the moment considers them and necessary, and full. I know a lot of really happy and harmonious girls in this role, which is united by one important feature - they give themselves a complete report in what is happening, why do they need it, who are next to them and until what moment they are going there. They get what they need at the moment, have the degree of freedom that is needed, and even equally the level of love and care that they need. Who here sorry?

It is still saying that mistresses observe themselves for loneliness. I, honestly, I don't see anything terrible in the presence of time for myself, but for some reason it is believed that this is just a punishment is terrible and you should always be with someone. And if for some time you are alone, then everything, curse, the crown of celibacy, failed life. All these sobs are about lonely holidays, evenings, nights, and so on. Let's go back to the first item: loneliness is a choice. Want to sit in the new year one - you sit alone. You do not want - you go with friends or family to chew and have fun, get acquainted with someone, in the end, the ourselves are not connected. By the way, it is usually so it all happens when it takes time to one person annoying and prepared willingness to society or a constant presence of someone's head on the next pillow.

And, of course, Boomerang, a birthplace. In detail and on the steps about all his types, I already wrote in a whole separate article. Let me remind you only that our world is unjust. Good girls throw husbands, good dogs die out on the street, and beautiful people regularly receive such fellows from life that Diva is given. No concept "For what?", There is - "For what?". We are for something we go to such relationships, for something in them we remain. For this "Why?" It can hide both good and bad. Remember, I have already said that negative emotions and experiences are valuable for us no less than positive. In general, if you look at your life and solutions from the position "Why", then you begin to take it much better. And, as a result, it also begins to change for the better.

This is such a philosophy, it will be forgive by my "lots". I do not feel sorry for us, consciously, surrounding in all the most beautiful and grabbing the transparency "We will all be different", the slender rows of the uningenited country. And then sitting there before the formation, even if it delivers terrible suffering.

All good and proper choice.

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