Agrippina Steklov and Vladimir Bolshaya: "A close person is always a boy for beating"


Agrippina Steklov and Vladimir Bolsharov together for almost twenty years. And the same amount serve in the Sachirikon theater, where they met when Agrippina came to listening, and Vladimir focused on Cudskore. By the time of dating the verge, the son was already given, and Volodya - the daughter of Maria. They grew together and consider each other with the most close people. And the profession was chosen one. Danila serves in MHT them. Chekhov, filmed in the cinema, and Masha recently became the actress of the theater "Workshop Peter Fomenko".

- Grand, Volodya, it seems to me, not so long ago, you again began the newlyweds. I mean the disconnection of children. Vladimir: I do not know if Agrippina will agree with me, but I will say that this period did not stop. And what, do children interfere with romantic relationships?

Agrippina: Of course, the romance was always present, but the time directly for themselves was now more. At least for the reason that children are not all the time. But they are constantly in touch. Especially if they have problems, they immediately draw and sometimes even come to survive it with us. We feel powerful attachment to them, and they are an emotional shortage of us.

- Why did they decide to live separately?

Vladimir: They began to earn, felt their independence, decided to emphasize it.

Agrippina: This is their way. And I think it is right and great. Adult children should live separately. They are satisfied, we are too. Of course, their relocation is a serious step, because to learn to live one - a little science. Danili at all coincided with the end of the institute, and with the departure from Satiron. He said in every sense: "I want to leave home." To get out of the comfort zone.

Vladimir: We have installations with faces - not to interfere with the life of children. And when they came to the university, and when they studied, we very carefully participated in this process only at the level of the Soviets. No pressure on them had no. When Danya said that he did not want to stay in Satirikon, because we are working here and it seems to be under the wing and does not want to look like a mamyenkin son, "I understood it.

Agrippina: I disagree with Volodya. Danya would love to work with us on another territory. Just "Satirikon" is also his house, he felt like a child in it, who from four years grew here, and all his close here. He almost immediately left both homes. He believed that even the role of Romeo was given to him easily, and he wanted a more difficult path.

In the art house painting "Clinch" actress played a teacher's wife

In the art house painting "Clinch" actress played a teacher's wife

Photo: Personal archive of Agrippina Glass and Vladimir Bolshaya

- Circle, not because you also actively work on the side? "Tartuf" on a small armor, "Hamlet" in Yermolova, in October the premier in the theater of nations ... and this is not a complete list.

Agrippina: Yes, probably, I, too, it is interesting to partially deprive myself comfort and tranquility. (Smiles.) With all the love for his hometown, it feeds me, makes it possible to discover something new, working with absolutely different directors and new partners in someone else's space. This is useful. And I am glad that I was invited. Now rehearsing in the theater of nations, which, if not dreamed, I really wanted to try myself there. I am with great respect for the artistic director Evgeny Mironov, and the theater itself caused a lot of curiosity for a long time. I was offered a magnificent role in the beautiful play of a rather famous Polish playwright Gumbrovich. For the first time I work with a foreign director - Gushege Yazhina. And this is a new difficult experience that requires additional effort.

- Children look like you on your manifestations?

Agrippina: It seems to me that they are both very similar to us. People who have been known for a long time and can compare facts, understand that Danila cannot be a biological son of Volodya, and they still go to a dead end. For example, the MHT speak about Danya: "He talks like Volodya, laughs like he, joking the same." As for me, the son is my cast copy, it is our breed, in my grandfather. And Masha is similar to Volodya.

Vladimir: Yes, I agree. Recently there was a case, a daughter joked - in my opinion, unsuccessful. I turned her out, threw the phone. Time passed, I calmed down. And the Mashka says: "Dad, and I do not understand, but what are you at all offended? It was a joke in your spirit. " And, thinking, I realized that she is right.

- Volodya, how, in your opinion, Masha took something from the face?

Vladimir: I think yes. But the same happens unnoticed. It seems to me that there are women wise heart, it is expressed in some sacrifice. Masha has such quality, and I think that she took him in the face.

Agrippina: Although we are very different with Masha, but when I see, as it looks, it looks like, what things do she like, I understand that it is not specifically formed by me, but by my example. I understand the wardrobe, lay out things on a few pile, suggesting that this dress, for example, may come to Mary, and this is definitely not. But she takes everything. I say: "It will not sit on you, because I have forty-eighth size, and you have forty-second," but she fantastically convinces me in the opposite. Of course, it looks free on it, but also very harmonious and good. I definitely guess that I like Volodya. And all members of our family choose perfume. I love fragrances very much, focusing in them perfectly.

Agrippina Steklov and Vladimir Bolshaya:

And in "insay" - a woman in which a blind man fell in love

Photo: Personal archive of Agrippina Glass and Vladimir Bolshaya

- Volodya, and you, in my opinion, can guess with a thing for the face ...

Vladimir: I?! Not. I know her stores. And the saleswomen tell me that the scene, for example, Merila is this costume, but she did not have enough money. Then I buy it. This simplifies the task. And then over the years she has a wardrobe. Something, however, the Mashka is cleaning, but still harder to please. It seems to be everything already, although it is clear that there is always a little woman. We, men, rationally approach the question: "If you have a fur coat, why do you need one more?".

Agrippina: Yes, he says: "Oh, what a beautiful dress! Granka, you really go, but you have it?! " (Laughs.)

- Volodya, and in what style or what exactly do you now want to see the face?

Vladimir : Nude. (Laughs.)

Agrippina: Funny, I did not even expect. (Laugh.)

- Is it important now, what does each of you look like?

Agrippina: I think the man looks like is a woman's face. If he is ugly, it is slightly dressed - this is a stone in her garden. It is important to me in relation to Volodya, and Danili, and in part even dad. I feel uncomfortable if you categorically do not like what a person close to me looks like.

- They say, in order to save feelings and family, you need to work on relationships. Did you have any job?

Vladimir: I would call it not work, but just the ability to find a compromise.

Agrippina: Family life is not easy. Although, on the other hand, it is not difficult, you need to "just" love. And the indispensable condition is to hear the partner and something sake.

- But never for a second there was no thought to break?

Agrippina: Not!

Vladimir: Although we do not care without conflicts and disputes. But sometimes even if you think that it is necessary to give up. I guess I did not say anything new.

- And for what we usually happen quarrels?

Vladimir: As soon as the joint creativity begins, rehearsals, friction arises immediately. Two very bright personalities on one field, so sparks flas out.

Agrippina: It seems to me that for us a joint creative process should be excluded. (Laughs.) And, fortunately, it rarely happens. Although we are sometimes busy in some performances, but I don't come in contact there. As partners exist only in "all shades of blue", and long ago - in the play "Jacques and his Mr.". It was also horror.

Agrippina Steklov and Vladimir Bolshaya:

Happy partners in life, on the stage of Agrippina and Vladimir, do not feel very comfortable together. "All shades of blue"

Photo: Personal archive of Agrippina Glass and Vladimir Bolshaya

- The scene, but now you play in the new Volodyina play. Then why?!

Agrippina: I play my trouble. (Laughs.)

- But this is a voluntary matter or everything happened to the volitional decision of her husband and director?

Vladimir: No, of course, not whale. And then there was a conflict, after which we concluded that with joint work it was finished. But nothing, you see, sit together, did not kill each other. The performance goes, thank God.

Agrippina: We are not an option to pair Olga Lomonosova and Pasha Safonova, when she inspires him, and he feels like none of the directors.

- Volodya from those directors for whom a close person like a "boy or a girl for whipping"? Or is it just waiting for big achievements from you?

Agrippina: It seems to me that a close man, be it husband, wife, son or daughter, father or mother, - always "Boy for beating." This subconsciously occurs. And I'm not ready to be extreme. I want to do creativity, albeit in uncomfortable conditions, but in order for me to scold and encouraged the same as the rest. That is to be on equal.

Vladimir: When foreign people are going around and you as a director must organize them, you need a strong rear and support. A close man first of all must understand you, and you have to spend less forces on it than others. And when it happens differently, it causes irritation.

- Volodya, are you a stingy for good words for the face in your performance?

Vladimir: Deservedly praise, but no more.

Agrippina: To be objective, I will say this: no, he is not a stingy, but not very generous. (Laughs.) And I get, it seems to me, compliments on an equal footing, and cumsions are more. Someone stimulates it, I do not.

"Volodya, do you remember in the colors that day when I saw the face for the first time?"

Vladimir: Sure. She was shown in the theater, and I set out in an idiot. She went on stage and played Dulcine, played perfectly.

Agrippina: And so he voted to not take me.

- That is, everything happened through the scene.

Vladimir: We are just like two locomotive let down to each other, and an explosion occurred.

Agrippina: I also saw him first on stage. I was taken to the theater, he rehearsed in Romeo and Juliet "Mercutio. I went and watched rehearsals, he was brazen and greyhound Mercutio.

- And also bravely conquered you?

Agrippina: No, then I have not won.

Vladimir: So, drove. The barbecue presented. Just made a wide gesture.

Agrippina: And soon twenty years of living life will be. And ten years weddings.

- Why did you do it? I felt something to add something to the relationship?

Agrippina: I think yes. The time has come. Our marriage was not registered, and for the time being, we did not felt in this necessity. And then they decided that if I somehow legitimize our Union, then before God, and not before the state.

- After that, something changed?

Agrippina: Probably. I became my wife, psychologically this changes something. Previously, it was still a girlfriend, beloved.

Vladimir: I also felt that I was still the answer for my favorite woman also before someone over.

- I remember how before, parting, you spent almost all your fees on clock phone calls. Now you also miss each other?

Vladimir: Yes, I miss.

Agrippina: On the one hand, there was a powerful confidence in each other and total trust. And it fill the soul to rest and made it possible for some time calmly, without hysterical exist separately. And on the other hand, we are already accustomed to each other that when we part - we feel a strong shortage in communication.

Maria and Danila - Summary brother and sister, but consider each other very close people

Maria and Danila - Summary brother and sister, but consider each other very close people

Photo: Personal archive of Agrippina Glass and Vladimir Bolshaya

- Can you say that you know everything about a friend? Or remained some secret corners?

Vladimir: What kind of primitivism, what kind of person is about whom you know everything?!

Agrippina: Some small zone, a small particle of the soul, if we say pathetic, must be closed, only yours. But we do not fully know yourself. How can I say that I studied Volodya for a hundred percent? And then, we change, develop, the age of something introduces.

- What have you changed and what remains the same?

Vladimir: The scene as was talented and there. As there was a loving woman, and remained. As it was a beauty, and remained. As it was a workaholic ... Sometimes it is even a pity, I want it to stop, stretched out on the sofa and leaving a little. But the most remarkable thing is that she loves me. (Laughs.)

Agrippina: Just like Larisa in the "Didnight" about Karandyshevyeva! (Laughs.) Volodya matured and obstacle, became tolerant. Although sometimes I don't think so, but I will think so. In my opinion, the total changes in his character nor in his personality did not happen.

- You built a house. Who and what participation took in the process?

Vladimir: It seems to me that in the apartment construction, and now, in the design of the house, we divided the responsibilities. I had all dirty work: builders, foundation, logs. And at the final stage, when the choice of windows, doors, lights, wallpaper, Agrippina has entered.

- Do you really trust in this?

Vladimir: We already have an experience in repairing an apartment, so I know that my wife has a good taste. Although the curtains we chose two hours, but the last word still remains behind the faces.

Agrippina: I advise with Volodya. I sometimes be difficult to make a decision, I'm not a professional. We have a friend - a decorator designer who knows our tastes well, needs and feels that we would like to see in the house. And now he often gives his wise advice. But sometimes something to discuss with him is impossible, he is busy, in departure, - and then with whom I can still consult? Only with her husband who will live with me in this house.

Vladimir: In Normandy, she bought bedspread a year ago, I do not even remember how it happened. But she said: I will buy - and that's it.

Agrippina: I said that I would die without him. (Laughs.) Volodya said: "Gnug, you, of course, are well done, but will you build a bedroom under the bed covered?". I replied: "Yes." I realized that I could not without him, because it was fine. And now it's hit at home!

Agrippina Steklov and Vladimir Bolshaya:

"The house is beautiful. But the impressions need to go somewhere. This is an opportunity to be with each other in another dimension, in another space. " France, Saint-Michel

Photo: Personal archive of Agrippina Glass and Vladimir Bolshaya

- What is a house for you - a place for leisurely rest, for receiving guests or something else?

Vladimir: We still did not really understand this because they did not live there.

Agrippina: While I just want to be there. The house is fine, but you need to go to the impressions after all. I never understood, but the older I become, I understand my father, who does not rest at all. This is a real mystery for me. But what about emotional feeding with new impressions? Possibility to stay together in another space, in another dimension, with another landscape outside the window? These are not empty words, I need it. Need to be updated.

Vladimir: When you asked: "Do you all know each other?" - I thought that I had a little secret that I would reveal the grain now. I launched in the pond forty one fish of the white Amur breed. The pond began to overeat a little, and this fish eats grass. And also bought three decorative ducks, they now swim there.

"It seems to me that you need Satirikon to give tribute for your happiness."

Vladimir: Still tribute?! All about (Laughs.)

Agrippina: We give her constantly. I think everything: "And for what?". Now I understand.

- The Grand has repeatedly said that he can call himself a happy woman, and the expression "happy man" in principle sounds less often ...

Vladimir : Why? In my collaborative face, there were several periods when I literally pronounced myself: "Stop the moment, you are fine!"

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