Anna Banschikova returned to the screens


Anna Banchikov again appeared in the form of the investigator Alexandra Kushnir. After filming the first season of the series "Izkanka", Anna managed to become a large mother, to come into antenatal form and reincarnate again in Sherlock Holmes in the skirt.

In the first part of the film, the heroine is translated from Moscow to a small town on the Black Sea of ​​Divnorsk. In the second season, the whole department moves to Gelendzhik. And its former lover becomes the direct chief of heroine. "The character of my heroine is changing," says Anna. "If in the first season she was in something inexperienced, then later becomes more rigid and irreconcilable."

During that time, there was a big change in the life of Anna Bashchikov, and great changes have also occurred in the life of Anna Bashchikova. True, a completely different kind. In March last year, her daughter was born, which was called Maria. So now Anna has a large mother (they are already growing two sons with his spouse - Mikhail and Alexander). But as soon as the girl was fulfilled month, Anna was already on the set. "I was constantly hurried with shooting at once two seasons, so I had to quickly come into the form and forget about the postpartum depression."

According to the actress, the kids career is not a hindrance. At least in its case. She did not interrupt the shooting during all her pregnancies, and when he was shot in the first season, there were constantly sons of Mikhail and Alexander with her, the benefit of the work was on the Black Sea coast and the boys were something to do while their mother was in the frame.

Marriage Anna and the musician Maxim Leonidov, unfortunately, turned out to be short

Marriage Anna and the musician Maxim Leonidov, unfortunately, turned out to be short

Photo: Personal archive

It can be said that today Anna Banschikova is absolutely happy man. Work, family, three children. But once it seemed that life was rolling under the slope and there was no lumen ahead. In 2003, after several years of marriage, she divorced with a musician Maxim Leonidov. Today, she honestly admits that, perhaps, herself was the cause of their parting. "We met when I was only 22 years old, and a maxim of 35 years old," the actress recalls. "Of course, he wanted already a family comfort and peace. And in me it was thirst for life, I wanted to rush somewhere further ... the taming simply did not work. There was an obvious inner misconception and by virtue of age, and by virtue of the difference in temperaments. "

At first it was not easy. To come to my senses, Anna was completely immersed in the work. And when the career went to take off, there were changes in personal life. "Our acquaintance with Vsevolod (Anna's husband. - Ed.) - from the field of fiction. And also confirmation of the signs that you meet with whom we will spend it, "the actress laughs. - Marking the upcoming 2005 year I was going with friends. After the performance ran home to change clothes, put yourself in order before going to visit. And the time has already been pressed. Ran out on the street, hoped to take a taxi, but, first of all, cars, as discharged, there was little, and secondly, no one wanted to go to the other end of Moscow at the eleven evenings. "

In useless attempts to somehow get to the place, it stood for quite a long time. And since the weather is, it is relying, frosty, it was freezing literally to the bones. "Finally, I was lucky, a car stopped, fortunately, the driver had to be in the same area. On the way, we talked. It turned out to be a very interesting young man. Lawyer from the USA, who graduated from Harvard. The driving part was snow-covered, we drove slowly, so the battle of the Kurantov, who argued about the beginning of the year, caught us on the road. "

Vsevolod, the wife of Anna, has no relation to the cinema, but already perfectly understands all the specifics of his wife's work

Vsevolod, the wife of Anna, has no relation to the cinema, but already perfectly understands all the specifics of his wife's work

Gennady Avramenko

By the way, neither Anna herself nor Vsevolod (and it was) because of such a turn of events did not upset. But it was long laughed when it turned out that they were directed not just in the same area, but in the same company. "Here is such a New Year's miracle," says Anna. - It is also noteworthy: as it turned out later, long before our meeting I attended the same style events as Seva. But for some reason we did not intersect, passed by each other. It can be seen, we were destined to get acquainted on the night of December 31 to January 1. "

Although Vsevolod is not a creative profession at all, the choice of his spouse is completely accepting. And even puts up that the role of his wife, as Anna itself laughs, is in her last place: she does not bake the pies, does not erase, does not stroit shirts, she does not feed breakfast.

Nevertheless, this year Vsevolod and Anna noted the eleven anniversary of the registration of marriage. We can say that spouses, like the heroes of the series, began the second season. Persons all the same, only new priorities and interests appeared. "In any case, I can say that today we and my husband have become much closer," says Anna.

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