Pavel Derevyko: "He is the wreck of hope of parents"


Pavel Derevko ("Dlatti")

"He, as my friend Sasha Revva sings," Grubian, Sexyist and Ham, "said the actor Actor Derevko. - And he is the wreck of the hope of parents. They dreamed that the son would become a volleyball player, and Misha had not grew up, so he went to coaches, while possessing a very arrogant, self-confident and bold character. " Paul also admitted that she was engaged in basketball, boxing, bodybuilding and athletics, but with volleyball almost not familiar. Therefore, he had to work with other actors twice a week under the guidance of the two European champion Elena Zarubina.

Pavel Derevyko:

Vladimir Mashkov in the film "Movement Up"

Photo: Frame from the movie

Vladimir Mashkov ("Movement up")

In the film on the triumph of the Basketball team of the USSR at the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972, Vladimir Mashkov played the head coach of the Vladimir citizen national team. His hero has a real prototype - coach Vladimir Kondrashin, who left his life back in 1999. It was originally planned that the hero Mashkova would act under the same last name. However, Kondrashin widow, reading the script, categorically did not agree with a number of moments. Vladimir Mashkov before the shooting thoroughly studied the biography of his hero, met with the son of Belova, who gave him several phrases from the lexicon of the legendary coach.

Pavel Derevyko:

Oleg Menshikov in the film "Legend №17"

Photo: Frame from the movie

Oleg Menshikov ("Legend №17")

"When I was offered, I was surprised at first: where I, and where Tarasov; But I am so grateful to their perseverance, because if I refused, I would not play one of the most beloved roles for today, "says Oleg Menshikov, who embodied on the screen the image of the legendary Soviet coach. According to Menshikov, the external similarity with the hero was not its main goal. It was more important to convey the nature of the despotic coach, and, as the actor confident, he succeeded.

Pavel Derevyko:

Maria Aronova in the film "Ice"

Photo: Frame from the movie

Maria Aronova (Ice)

Maria Aronov reincarnated in a tough, but a fair coach for figure skating. After the release of the film on the screens, the heroine aronovoy immediately began to be compared with the famous coach of Tatiana Anatolyevoy Tarasova. "We tried to get away from any kind of similar," Maria Aronov said herself. - It seems to me that the audience will not arise any parallels. I talked first of all with parents of children who are trying to professionally engage in figure skating. They are very strict people. But the rigidity is raised by real athletes. "

By the way ...

In the Soviet paintings, the images of coaches were not less bright than in modern cinema. And their real masters played.

Pavel Derevyko:

Anatoly Papanov in the film "Eleven Hope"

Photo: Frame from the movie

Anatoly Papanov ("Eleven Hope")

Painting in 1975 talks about creating the team of the USSR team, its participation in the decisive qualifying match and prepare for the World Cup. The head coach of the national team played Anatoly Papanov. To give her Hero Hero, the actor was looking for details that give an understanding of certain actions. "I somehow asked one of our famous athlete: 'When you have to perform in international competitions and around you, athletes from other countries, they pray before the responsible start, are baptized on happiness, what do you think in these moments?" He replied: "I whisper about myself: 'Mommy, help me," recalled Anatoly Papanov searching for those most notes, which later painted the image of his hero.

Pavel Derevyko:

Mark Bernes in the film "Spare Player"

Photo: Frame from the movie

Mark Bernes ("Spare Player")

Mark Bernes played in the film The role of the head coach of the Pavlovich Kolomyagin's head coach of the Blue arrows. Bernes is in this picture a secondary role, after all, all the attention was paid to the main hero performed by Georgy Vicin. However, Mark Naumovich, as colleagues recall, very seriously prepared for the shooting: she studied specialized literature, met with athletes. In general, confirmed the famous phrase that "there is no little roles, there are small actors."

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