Myths and Realities of Happy Family Life


That this does not happen, I present to your attention the main ones.

one. "We should always be together" . What nonsense? If you are always and everywhere accompany your half, then it is worth thinking that it is worth it. Mistrust? Lack of own interests? Each person, even family, should have a personal space - their hobbies, meetings with friends, etc. It is even useful. If partners have their own interests, they always have something to talk about. In addition, thanks to short partings, they are always happy to each other.

2. "The quarrel can be solved by bed" . Of course, it is absolutely impossible to exclude it, but also you should not associate a conflict with sex. This can lead to unpleasant consequences. No wonder the same sexologists advise: figure out the relationship outside the bedroom! Many people are generally difficult to make love after the wave of negative emotions experienced. And it is quite normal.

3. "People loving each other think the same" . The hostages of this myth face such problems as "You do not understand me" and "You do not feel me." And all because it seems that the default partner should think and want the same thing as we. In the extreme case, read our thoughts and reckon with them. But each of us has its own luggage with life experience, your opinion and habit. Therefore, hope that the goals and interests of your beloved will coincide with our, unwise. And there is nothing terrible about it. You just need to learn to listen and hear each other.

four. "Happy couples do not swear" . I have already mentioned this in one of the previous posts, so I will not sharpen attention. I just remind you that in combination "Happy couples" and "conflicts" there is nothing contradictory.

five. "The birth of a child brings closer" . Many use this myth when they want to marry a man or establish an emotional climate in the family. Checked - not working! The emergence of a child can turn into a serious test for relationships. Permanent toddler care, sleepless nights, the overall change in the lifeguard - all this brings not only joy, but also difficulties. The woman is entirely busy child, because of what a man feels abandoned. And instead of providing favorite support in which she needs more than ever, he is offended.

6. "Married people are experiencing less pleasure from sex" Or "Sex turns into a routine." On the contrary, long-term close relationship only add positive emotions and the feeling of greater intimacy. In addition, partners know each other better and can give more bright sensations.

7. "A happy family life is good luck." Whatever! Happy family life is the result of the work of both partners on yourself, these are their constant investments in a joint future. It is important to desire and the ability to make compromises, hear each other, give joy.

This is not the entire list, but rather the top 7. Knowing them, you can already prevent some of the unpleasant moments. By the way, to expand your experience and destruction of myths, it is useful to visit the wedding anniversary of a couple who lived together for many years - you can learn a lot;)

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