For what Nagiyev tried to kill Pugachev?


Still, correctly say: "From love to hatred one step." After all, most often the idols of the public are attacked by their own fans, which even yesterday literally idolized them.

For example, not so long ago there was a little misfortune with a pet for all girls Justin Biber. At the end of November last year, he was preparing an attack of his own clarity. Everything was furnished in the best traditions of the criminal genre: a certain American named Dana Martin hired two killers "for the purpose of physically eliminating" a pop star. Himself is given at this time Corotal periods on the zone. There he was addicted to the work of Bieber. Despite the solid age (forty five years old), Dana not only memorized all the compositions performed by the idol, but also tried to more specifically express his love for him. He sent numerous letters to Justin and pulled his bright face on his leg. The singer did not react in any way to his messages, and the upset fan made the very step of love for hatred and was removed to destroy his "treacherous" idol. He did not even regret it five thousand dollars.

The bieber should have been killed, but with sophisticated cruelty. At first he needed to cut off the gardened scissors of the genitals, and then strangle his own tie. Moreover, according to the agreement, genitals were supposed to be sent by Martin to prison.

It has failed because of the trifle. Killers, heading for the place of the upcoming crime (the attack was planned behind the scenes of the concert hall in one of the American towns), we drove the desired turn. Returning, they came across the posting, which decided to check their documents, and then held the criminals for a long time in sight. In a word, the right moment was missed. When the migrant murderers called Martin with the news that everything failed, he was so angry, which ... passed the police of the police. Well, and when those detained, they quickly told those who hired them. The circle closed. Dana Martin is still in prison (with the over-time surrenders), bieber on stage.

Dana Martin sent written confessions to Justin in love and even made a tattoo on his foot with his image. But since the singer ignored his feelings, hired killers to kill him brutally. Photo: Startracks photo /

Dana Martin sent written confessions to Justin in love and even made a tattoo on his foot with his image. But since the singer ignored his feelings, hired killers to kill him brutally. Photo: Startracks photo /

But he is restless. One of the attempts to publicly shit him was taken right during the artist concert. It happened in the Arab Emirates. At the unexpected coincidence, Philip Kirkorov was present on the speech. Later he painted what he saw: "Justin sang a song, accompanied himself on the piano, and here a hefty ambal flew on the stage and suddenly rushed to the artist ... At the same time, four security officers grew up behind Bieber, who were cleverly spent the hooligan Behind the scenes. It was not terrible, but really beautifully: the piano broke down very effect, but, securities twisted the attacked instantly, and the singer himself behaved very calmly. " The spectacle was so impressed by our pop king that at the first moment he decided: the attack is part of the show. And only then it became clear - it was a real


Sometimes the stars do not even suspect that they practically walk on the razor blade. Not so long ago, it became known about the failed attempt on the leader of the group Rolling Stones Mika Jagger. It turns out, forty years ago, he only miraculously escaped death.

It was after the concert in AltaMont - one of the most tragic in the history of music. Then on the speech of Rolling Stones, members of the Angels Angels (Hells Angels), who were responsible for safety, scored one of the audience to death - Meredita Hunter. Jagger almost immediately announced that he would never communicate with the Angels of Hell. Well, they are offended to "injustice" in response and decided to take revenge - so that others have no way to run on them, steep guys.

The biker plan was simple and simple. They were going to get into the Country House of Jagger in Long Island and under the cover of the night kill the "traitor". To avoid meeting with guard, the college was planned to start from the sea. However, as soon as the unlucky Avengers plunged into the boat and despair from the coast, a strong storm broke out. The ship sank, and although the bikers themselves managed to escape, they still decided not to undertake.

The former agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Bureau, Mark Young, told the public about this story only a few years ago - earlier, even Jaggeru did not report a failed attempt. Just in those years, Young was introduced into the Motobanda "under the cover" and did not have the right to disclose ahead of time.

Even representatives of such a peaceful profession as an artist, sometimes being attacked. In 1966, a certain writer sent his manuscript to reading the idol - an artist Andy Warhol. However, he did not respond to her work. After waiting for two years, the lady came to Warhol to the studio and put three bullets into it in the emphasis. Andy survived, however, before the end of his life, he was challenged into a special supporting corset, which he wore practically without removing - the internal organs were damaged.

Curious viewer decided to check whether silver bullets take

The inquisitive viewer decided to check whether the silver bullets were taken by Taylor Lauther. Photo: Startracks photo /

Sometimes the artist turns into hostage of its own screen image. So, Actor Taylor Lautner, the star of the Vampire Saga "Twilight", almost defamated with life because of his role. After all, he played a iswolf, to kill which can be solely with silver bullets. So, when the actor looked into one of Los Angeles bars, some kind of curious visitor decided to check, and whether silver bullets take the actor himself. Find out this, fortunately, he could not: Lautner escaped from the establishment of the flight.

Sometimes celebrities have to pay for their own acts. Larry Flint, one of the most scandalous publishers in the world, was attacked, after which he remained chained to a wheelchair. A certain man was so outraged by a photo published in the Hustler magazine, belonging to Flint, which shot a hateful "shamelessness".

And it happens that the stars cause aggression at all because of their high status, but for quite earthly reasons. A few years ago, a certain man attempted to the life of the popular once singer Robertino Loretti. The criminal suspected that twenty years ago his spouse changed him from Loretti. True, it remains incomprehensible why it took so long to wait. Apparently, an offended husband remembered the Italian saying: "Revenge is a dish that is served cold."

Stalkers in the flesh

Often, the inhabitants, reading about the persecution of stars, are not serious: well, he writes some crazy letters to his idol, where to suddenly raise noise and gaps? However, in the United States, for example, a special division was created, which is engaged only by similar cases. There are too obsessive fans who are considered real criminals and even invented a special term for them - "stalkers". As soon as one or another citizen is evident in an attempt to terrorizing some celebrity, his last name is immediately introduced into the database.

For a long time, the star, for which insane fans persistently hunt, Madonna was considered.

Madonna had a lot of crazy recycling. One of them threatened to commit suicide if Pop Diva does not answer him reciprocity, and Robert Linhart's firemanly walked around her apartment. Photo:

Madonna had a lot of crazy recycling. One of them threatened to commit suicide if Pop Diva does not answer him reciprocity, and Robert Linhart's firemanly walked around her apartment. Photo:

Already a long time ago, the term behind the bars of a certain Robert Hoskins, who dreamed of marrying the singer, and in the event of her refusal promised to cut her throat. For permanent threats, he was jailed. The other fiery rid was detained a couple of years ago right at the Pop Diva door. With the ice ax, he wandered around her apartment. The detainee was someone Robert Linhart, a 59-year-old fireman who retired. He stated that no criminal intentions did not really have any criminal intentions. He just wanted to be close to Madonna, which reported to her, leaving inscriptions on the wall of her house: "Tell me" yes "or" no "," Madonna, I need you. "

Surprisingly, sometimes the objects of sexual persecution become perfect, seemingly unsuitable for these purposes "Star Bodies". For example, a thirty-year-old Jonathan Norman will hold the rest of his life in captivity because of the failed attempt on Stephen Spielberg. In 1997, Norman was detained during an attempt to penetrate the director's villa. With you, the guy had handcuffs, adhesive tape and razor. At the interrogation, he admitted that he was going to rape Spielberg in his wife's eyes. Psychoanalytics revealed serious deviations of sexual soil. However, just put it in the clinic did not dare: it turned out that earlier he was judged for the armed robbery and storage of drugs.

Single feeling

The most dangerous direction in music uniquely can be recognized by rap. Because it was on rappers that the attempts were committed most often in recent years. And all seriously - pistols, nagans, machine guns. So, in 1994, there were no five bullets in Tupak Shakura (two of them in the head). However, he, no matter what, survived. But two years later again attacked. And this time the bullets reached the goal: after six days, Tupak died in resuscitation.

Rapper Notorious B. I. G. was killed in 1997. It was also shot at him - when his car stopped at the traffic light. He died almost instantly. By the way, at that evening notorious B. I. G. Just returned from the Soul Train Music Awards musical awards ceremony.

Rapper 50 CENT in 2000 was attacked right in the house of his grandmother. He received nine wounds. However, he died ... the attacker himself - three weeks after the incident. During another operation, he turned out to be even less successful than his victim. Well, a 50 cent's victim after this incident began to wear a body armor.

The Beatles group is considered by the record holders by the number of attempts. Photo:

The Beatles group is considered by the record holders by the number of attempts. Photo:

However, most attacks on rappers are explained by quite banal motives: until the ascent on Star Olympus, they were industrialed in their drug trafficking areas, wearing and other illegal activities. Another thing is when they kill completely civilians. Here she, the evil irony of fate, - The Beatles group is considered by the record holders in the number of attempts, which was trying to convey the thesis to humanity to Humanity: "All we need is love.

In 1999, 33-year-old Mark Abram, a resident of Liverpool, penetrated into the house of George Harrison in Oxfordshire and hit the ex-beat with a knife in the chest. Although Harrison had to be sought in the clinic, he was seriously not injured. And the brand recognized mentally unhealthy. It turns out that he has become acquainted with the creativity of The Beatles, he recognized the musicians of the real devils, which must certainly destroy.

McCartney at that moment when Sir himself was absent at home. A certain man, bursting into his house, ran around the rooms with shouts "I will kill him!" McCartney, who at that time was on tour, found out about the incident from households.

As we know, one of the attempts ended in the tragedy. John Lennon was shot on the threshold of his house in 1980. His killer - Mark Chepman - to the question, whether he realizes what he committed, answered calmly: "I just shot John Lennon."

Passion on Abraham

Abraham Russo still remembers the unfortunate attempt on him with horror. Although many at first counted a message about the shelling of his car only another PR-move, in fact, the singer almost said goodbye to life. According to Abraham, today he knows exactly who paid for the attack. However, it prefers not to pronounce the name of this person out loud - safety is more expensive!

After the attempt, Abraham Rousseau left for several years from Russia. .

After the attempt, Abraham Rousseau left for several years from Russia. .

But, fortunately, most often domestic stars are exposed only to writing or telephone attacks on the side of annoying fans. And although listening to confessions in love from crazy fans - the pleasure is very dubious, however, the threats of health data are not submitted.

Many of these obsessed talent admirers are simply mentally abnormal people. For example, a few years ago, singer Alsu pursued a certain man who believed that she made the wrong choice in his life, coming married to the businessman Yana Abramov. In fact, only he is alone can make her happy. Despite the fact that the threats to her husband were expressed exclusively by phone and the fan did not go to personal contact, Alsu was madly frightened. The manic fan managed to calculate, and he even appeared before the court. He was sent for compulsory treatment into a psychiatric clinic. When a man came out from there a certain time after a certain time, he again contacted Alsu. According to him, in the clinic, where he became better, he was able to talk with his deceased mother, she approved his choice and now he is waiting for his grandchildren ... However, since then, attempts to communicate with the singer, "enviable fiance" went to Kiev where it lives quietly peacefully. Maybe really calmed down?

For what Nagiyev tried to kill Pugachev? 10920_6

The plot of the film "Bodyguard" is not at all screen fiction. The rear thing persecuted Alsu, persuading her to get away from her husband. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Several attempts survived in its time a popular actor, lovers of all women Alexander Abdulov. And most often - on the side of their own fans. Once after the play too, an exalted fan, raging the actor at the service entrance in Lenk, tried to splash into his face with sulfuric acid. But it still says that people have a very developed intuition: literally at the last moment Abdulov managed to hide behind the parked car. Only a few drops hit the face, traces from which later reminded the attack. And another time Abdulov almost suffered because of his beautiful spouse. Having come home, he was attacking a stranger. Although he was with an ax in his hands, the actor managed to twist the criminal. The attackers turned out to be a mentally ill person, in love with the on-screen image of Irina Alferova and decided to get rid of the interference in the face of her real husband.

And of course, most often pursued the first lady of our pop - Alla Pugachev. For example, police officers still remember the case that took place in the eighties of the last century. Then the seventeen-year-old Anatoly Nagiyev, just freed from the strict regime colony, first of all went to meet with Pugacheva. He was going to deal with the singer, because at the zone he was constantly circling her songs and he looked so much from them, which decided to arrange an indicative execution of the executor.

After the liberty, he pretty easily lasted the address of the Primateonna, also without any problems picked it up at the entrance and went after her. But then the concierge intervened, which called a strange stranger. And when he again painted the singer, she had already managed to walk to his apartment. Later, Nagiyev was arrested for the death of four women - he not only brutally killed them, but also dismembered. In the police, he admitted that the same fate was expected and Pugachev ...

In a word, being an artist is very dangerous. Folk love does not protect the idol millions from aggression at all. On the contrary, often provokes it. So the plot of the film "Bodyguard" with Whitney Houston in the lead role is not at all scenario fiction, but the most faithful of life is. Therefore, whatever happens, remember the famous phrase, which in the last century was concerned about special signs in every Salna America: "In the pianist, do not shoot!" He really plays as it can ...

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