Kirill Kyaro: "I got involved in any adventures"


A lot of jokes are folded about Estonian leisurely men. Estonian Kirill Kyaro went slowly. But today he is gripping: a lot, successfully and talentedly removed in Russia.

- In one interview you told that in the Kyaro family - two outcasts, two strange men. Are you talking about?

- My uncle, Wolly Kyaro, also the actor, quite famous and respected. I got acquainted with him late - when I was already served in the theater in Tallinn. When we met, he said to me that there are two strange men in our family - it's he and me, all the rest of the normal professions. (Laughs.)

- After school, you went to enter the Moscow Theater University. Why not in Peter - still closer, including on mentality?

- Because the actor is best working in Moscow, there are many theaters, film studios, and and theatrical educational institutions more than five times. And some of them are my favorite.

- Is it a Schukin school, probably?

- Yes, one of them is a Schukin theater school, where I entered. Why there? I liked a student atmosphere and traditions there. And I have a lot of favorite actors - graduates of the Schukinsky School.

- Usually, students of Pike in the voice say that literally live in the walls of the school - come early in the morning and go over for midnight. And during your learning in theatrical, it was necessary to work on the most different specialties: you were the Korean guide, then the seller, then a variety and the classics of the genre - janitor. What for?

- I studied in the nineties, the time is not easy. And for students - especially hungry. Therefore, I had to work somewhere at any free time. They got involved in any adventures, including through their Korean friend, also a student of our course, - now he is Korea a very famous actor. So two years I worked as an administrator Guide Korean Group, which came to master classes in a conservatory. The work was complicated, nervous, but very interesting. After the end of the Institute, the traction did not go to part-time. The salary in the Russian theater of Estonia did not allow the young man to feel fully. Therefore, I had to combine. How many professions had to try, in parallel working in the theater! ..

Kirill Kyaro:

In the series "Living" Kirill played a journalist who leads risky investigations. In the photo with the actress Diana Pozhaska, which is also busy in the project

- Are you the same unhurried Estonian, as out of a joke, or not?

- I do not like to hurry, I think you already understood this in the process of our communication, therefore, just a unhurried Estonian. And I do not like a bustle, even in Moscow.

- What is Moscow for you, and what Tallinn?

- Moscow for me is a city in which everything happens to me, the city in which I studied, I live and work. Moscow is very energetic and bright. The city of speed and stream, in which you can always dive and in time to nourish. Megapolis, a ball of different crops that enrich and complement each other. And Tallinn is a quiet harbor, where it is periodically nice to return to reboot and relax.

- Not enough of the old city, the famous Estonian liqueur?

- Old city? In Moscow, I also found a quiet street, just like in Tallinn, and some of them are not far from the lively central streets. And the liqueur, I will open the secret, the inhabitants of Tallinn do not drink, it is for tourists.

- In the new multi-meter "Live" you have another main role - what is interesting to you have a new character?

- In general, this adventure detective project was interesting to me by pursuit, fights, the very story about the stubborn journalist, the fan of his case, not indifferent to everything concerns his work.

- So, in "Living" you played a journalist. It is saying that for you yourself there are no such topics that you refuse to discuss with real journalists. Biography, personal life, do you answer all the questions?

- Forbidden themes, especially relating to my personal space. Probably, you will objected by reading some interviews. But it can be seen, in them I was more located to frankly than usual.

With Yulia, his civil spouse, Kirill met in Tallinn. Julia is not connected with the movie and is engaged in photo projects

With Yulia, his civil spouse, Kirill met in Tallinn. Julia is not connected with the movie and is engaged in photo projects


- But still - a little about personal. How did you meet your wife Yulia Duv? She is also from Tallinn?

- Yes, Julia also worked in the Russian theater of Estonia, there we met.

- What is important for you in Julia?

- It is important to all as it is. Her tenderness and attentiveness. Her wisdom and positive. In general, her hobbies, her thoughts, plans for the future, her mood, her weakness.

- Is she criticized your work or she usually like everything?

"She is criticized by my work, and I listen to her opinion, I really like her taste." She is a very creative man.

"Why did you somehow say that she could not live with you for a long time?"

- She is twins on a horoscope and loves to change everything very much: cities, professions, at home. If we live in one place for a long time, it will definitely make a complete rearrangement of furniture several times. I'm different. Maybe, so I once said that she could not live with me for a long time. (Laughs.)

- What is she doing now? After all, she graduated from the Academy of Photography in Moscow. Photo did not go to the background?

- No, I didn't go to the background with her, what she is doing now is a concrete design workshop, and there are also photo projects.

- What preferred holidays do you prefer?

- Rest is a book, a good movie or a TV series, sports and travel. Only it would be at this time!

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