Polina Gagarina: "We looked around with Petya without mud"


Our heroine is from Moscow, but her childhood has passed in sunny Greece. Mom Polina, choreographer and soloist ensemble "Birch", left there to perform in a contract. In Athens, the girl went to the first class, began to study Greek and grammar, managed to love this country and make friends there. And then the family happened in the family - Father Polina died from a heart attack. He was a doctor and worked just to wear. Worried tragedy away from the homeland was hard. On the family council, I decided: Polina will go to Saratov to grandmother and will continue to study there.

The fact that the child has uncomfortable musical abilities, it was clear right away. Upon admission to the music school, the girl struggled teachers in that it performed a very complicated vocal song Whitney Houston from the movie "Bodyguard". She was accepted, even without asking questions on solfeggio. Gagarin's school graduated from externally at fourteen years and entered a pop-jazz school. Then there was a "Star Factory-2", where Polina became the winner. The only one on the project, she refused a contract with producer Maxim Fadeev. "I was just small, I did not understand what I do. I dreamed of having something my own, execute my songs. I wanted to declare myself about my personality, "recalls Polina. Now she is not at all like that young, a little naive girl. It looks much more effectory: I lost weight almost thirty kilograms and repainted into the blonde. A charm appeared and self-confidence, so now no one may doubt that Polina Gagarin is a star. Her songs in the top of the music charts, the houses are stored "Golden Gramophone", well, and yellow editions are trying to accumulate some compromising on her personal life. From the latest news - rumors about the novel of the young singer with its current producer Konstantin Meladze.

Polina, does it have a new year for you with some magic charm?

Polina Gagarina: "For me it is sad, even a dressful holiday. I am very demanding a man. As a child, I analyzed the outgoing year, and it always seemed to me that I did not have time to do something. Some nervousness arose about this. And I gave myself a promise that in the new year I will make a detailed action plan, I will write everything from and to. But then this leafle disappeared somewhere, lost ... And now the new year for me, as for many other artists, has become a working day, more precisely, working at night. "

Did the desires come true for the battle of the chimes?

Polina: "I never had nothing special, and a famous ritual - burn a piece of paper and drink ashes dissolved in a glass of champagne, I did it, in my opinion, just once, jokes for the sake. With the desire, then nothing came out, so no longer experiment. I believe in my own way, in my star, moving quietly to the intended goals. It is necessary to put certain tasks in front of them, try to fulfill them, and not believe in some miracle when everything is fulfilled by the magic wand. "

Your childhood passed in Greece. Is there a Christmas tree?

Polina: "Are you joking? As in all of Europe, Christmas in Greece is a special cultural event. Although I am Orthodox, for me the night from the sixth to the seventh of January - so far some alien holiday is still. My mother and I celebrate Catholic Christmas. I remember the city turned into a real fairy tale, the buildings were decorated with unusual beauty toys, the theatrical ideas were arranged on the streets, where scenes from the Old Testament were played. The entire atmosphere was filled with inexplicable charm. And it is still - one of the brightest children's memories. I am free to speak Greek. Maybe I do it not so famously, as in childhood: there is no permanent practice, words are forgotten. But I think, if I send me to Greece for a month or another, everything will be remembered. "

Polina Gagarina:

"I believe that the stamp in the passport does not confirm your love, does not save it. On the contrary, people have a proprietary feeling. " .

Are you close to culture of this country?

Polina: "It seems to me that we are very similar to your mentality, a scope. The only difference is in relation to children. In Russia, more reservedly show their love, and in Greece just some kind of children's cult. Therefore, I have always been a donkey-loved child. I was enough for the cheeks, pumped, kissed, gave a unpelled number of toys. "

And the Greeks are able to enjoy simple joys of life. They have Siesta ...

Polina: "Well, yes, and in Moscow everything is busy making money. But the capital of our Motherland is a separate state in general, it should not be compared with all Russia. Moscow is close in energy to New York. This is a megapolis, and quite tough, cold, where everyone for himself. At the same time, I do not say that I do not like Moscow, I live here, I work, here are all my friends. "

Is there a place where you run away from fuss and stress?

Polina: "Home. I adore my house, although it is a removable apartment. It is located in the very center of the city, at the corner of Mayakovskaya and Tver. By the way, my mother lives around, across the road, which is very convenient. You can walk to each other. Mom does not like my apartment. It seems to her that she is huge, some kind of meaningless, but I feel good there. This is the first place where I really feel comfortable, cozy. That's My World. "

Polina, you have an acting education. Why not shoot? (Gagarin studied at the Studio School MCAT. - Approx. Auth.)

Polina: "Waiting for good offers. I believe that it should be my film, my director who should find me. (Laughs.) And this will happen at that moment when I want to reveal myself as an actress. In fact, I create images on the scene. Among my songs a lot of dramatic, I am performing and romances. And all these experiences, thoughts, feelings should be conveyed to the viewer. "

One of your albums is called "About yourself." How frank are you in your songs?

Polina: "I am more open in creativity than in life. Now I try to keep a distance with people, thoroughly thinking about my words. Just had to deal with dishonesty. It happens, you communicate with someone inspired, and then it uses this, it treats something in his own way and ... writes a barustic article. "

Did you happen to regret your actions?

Polina: "Yes, and more than once. But I think you need to be able to let go of the situation. It is not necessary to execute so much for mistakes, otherwise you can fall in mind at all. "

Polina Gagarina:

"I do not go to the gym, I do not engage in sports. Although it would be necessary for a tone. But I am very lazy. I know this and try to fight. " .

After the "Star Factory" you abandoned the contract with Maxim Fadeev, arguing that you want to fulfill your songs. But it turned out to be not easy to break through the show-business without producer?

Polina: "You know the song" Lullaby ", I wrote her myself. And all the subsequent songs from the album "ask for clouds" too. I really did not sign the contract with Maxim Fadeev and very grateful to Igor Yakovlevich Steepy for what he helped, helped me. His producer center gave me not only musical freedom, but also the opportunity to realize my ideas to life. We began to cooperate, simply, I started a certain Zeetnote. I enrolled in the Studio School of MCAT. In the first year there was safely pregnant, and everything rushed to the battlefish. " (In the Theater Studio, Polina met his future husband, actor Petro Kislov. He then starred in the film "1612" from Vladimir Khotinenko. Washed a beard and hair to the shoulders. Was something like a Musketeer and at the same time on Johnny Depp, which is our heroine He adored. In general, Peter did an impression, he did not have an impression for a long time to conquer Polina. In 2007, young people got married, and soon their son was born. They with a former husband - both temperamental people, so that any swelling has surrendered into the scandal. The initiator of the divorce became Polina: she did not want her son to witness the quarrel, heard Rugan and screams in the house. However, she did not prevent the communication of the former A spouse with a child. And now Sunday Dad is happy to spend time with him. - Approx. auth.)

How important is the contact of the producer with the performer? In one of the interviews, you admitted that Konstantin Meladze knows about your personal life ...

Polina: "This is necessary, I think. After all, I sing his song from his face, I live them. And it would be strange if he did not know what was happening in my soul. Without sincerity and frankness, it is impossible to succeed in creativity. Artist and songs are inseparable. "

It turns out, is this a person close to you?

Polina: "I guess what you are clone. I would not give such a definition. Konstantin is my mentor, the chef, the boss, which, from the outside, is very clearly visible, where to lead me how to further help me which songs I need. I am growing up and my thoughts grow up, my world weight is changing. Creativity should reflect all this. "

Where did rumors come from about your novel?

Polina: "For some time I did not comment on them at all. It turns out that this manifestation of disrespect is not only to me (God with me, I am another performer), but also to such an adult, wisdom and a revered person as Konstantin Meladze. Is it really not enough fantasy for anything else, except to make gossip, look for some kind of dirt everywhere?! It's low".

Why is dirt? It is love that erases borders: age, social, forces people to make recklessness.

Polina: "I repeat once again: except for endless respect for Konstantin, his family, our common cause, nothing. Our relationship is held at very high matter, and I appreciate it. Therefore, if someone is trying to blame them, stain, it cannot but cause me internal indignation and protest. People mostly very evil, unfortunately. She came out, for example, a new song - it is necessary to write in the comments any nasty. Why?"

Polina Gagarina:

"I am growing up and my thoughts grow up, a globility changes. And creativity should reflect all this. " Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Do you read discussions on the forum?

Polina: "Sometimes I read. And very upset. Because I love the Russian people, probably more than he is me. What kind of culture: write something frozen and hide in the shadow? I think very cool Philip Kirkorov answered bloggers. (Polina means the clip of the singer, who did not appear on the Internet. - Approx. Auth.) Creative people are extremely vulnerable: the artist can really offend everyone. My teacher on musical literature spoke correct things: "Fields, you are talented. If you respond to all evil replicas in your address, you do not have enough strength to do business. " I study to wear shores on myself, not to pay attention to offenders, but to focus only on the opinion of people respected by me. This is Konstantin, my mom, my friends, whom I love very much. I know that they will always tell me the truth. "

And mom is your grateful viewer?

Polina: "She is the main critic, the teacher and the closest girlfriend, his beloved mother. And now I am at that age when I finally can take care of her. Just as she took care of me at one time. "

It's hard to be the head of the family?

Polina: "No. I am pleased that I can do a lot of enough for my mother and child. Although there are small problems with this - the son is growing spoiled. "

What is the reason - not enough hard hand?

Polina: "Andryusha is love, Zalaskan. He sees mom with dad not as often as a child from a normal, full family. We try not to scold him (although sometimes it would be necessary) and compensate for our lack of gifts, movies in movies, entertainment. Ordinary story. "

He is six years old. Prepare to school?

Polina: "For its age, Andryusha is well developed. And externally, at all looks older peers. Large boy, in dad went. But we still decided to give him some more childhood, freedom and to give it to the first grade from seven years. "

School chose the usual?

Polina: "Yes, the one I walked in. It is located across the road from home. "

What does he have a tendency?

Polina: "Seeing his temperamental parents, he also tries to somehow express himself: sings and dancing, and he has certain acting deposits. He goes to the music school, in the notch falls, with rhythm everything is in order. The voice is low, with hoarse, looks like mine. "

About the former husband you are talking well now. Do you have improved relationships after divorce?

Polina: "Yes, Peter is a great father. They with Andryusha love each other. And among themselves we perfectly communicate. This native person for me, whom it is impossible, and no need to cross out from his life. Especially since I have never had a negative towards him. We with our complex characters were not easy to get along together. We realized that we should not spoil each other nerves, and went calmly, without any dirt. "

In social networks, many indicate the status: "In search", "Busy", "I meet." How would you define your?

Polina: "Happy. I'm happy! I feel very fully feeling. "

You led the TV program "Tasty live". Do you like to cook?

Polina: "No, on the contrary, I do not know how. Perhaps this is the reason that the program ordered a long time to live. I was lucky with your favorite men - they were preparing for me. My mom is awesome doing it. She feeds me still, and I absolutely do not hesitate. I feel a little beloved daughter. And friends when you see my photos in Instagram, they say: so, we go to you, you need to urgently feed. "

At one time you looked at thirty kilograms. In this form, feel more comfortable?

Polina: "What do you think? (Laughs.) The main thing is that with such a schedule it is no longer much difficult to support it. I do not go to the gym, do not engage in sports. Although it would be necessary for a tone. But I am very lazy. I know it and try to deal with it. "

On his former husband, Polina Gagarin speaks only good. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

On his former husband, Polina Gagarin speaks only good. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

How do you like to be lazy?

Polina: "Sleep. In an embrace with the son, it is no longer possible - he grew up, he wants to play, jump, run. And he complains: "My parents are constantly wanting to sleep." On weekends we try to get out together somewhere. And on vacation, I am also leaving my son and my mother. We are fun threesome. In addition, given the amount of time that I am at home, it would be just dishonest to leave them alone. This summer we flew to Barcelona. All the sights were watched: Sagrada Cathedral Familia, Gaudi Park, went to the Salvador Museum Dali. I was very disappointed, learning that my most favorite paintings were in private collections, and only a small part was presented in the museum. Still struck the beaches. In Barcelona, ​​even the most expensive hotels there is no own territory near the sea. I remember, we came somehow in the morning with my mother and son, we see - free sun beds. Seli, satisfied, and then looked at the more closely, and it turned out that people around absolutely naked. It turns out that we fell to a nudist beach. The son began to show a finger, ask questions, and I did not know what to answer. Surprised the rest of the elderly Spaniards who thoughtfully smeared their intimate places with a tan cream. I do not really understand why a seven-year-old person must be tanned everywhere ... I do not think Hanga, and my mother too. We are quite modern girls. But after all, this spectacle was too much, and we ran away from there. "

Polina, is there any global goals that you put in front of ourselves?

Polina: "Do not get back from its path, do not stop in creative development, write some song that the whole world will sing. Rail up from the son of a real man, give birth to another daughter. I do not want to get married. In general, I think that the stamp in the passport does not confirm your love, does not save it. On the contrary, people have a proprietary feeling. However, I will not make it up - if I wanted to wear a wedding dress again, I will do it. While I have a lot in order to feel happy: Son, Mom, Favorite work and mine


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