As twins: artists you can confuse


The wife of the famous football player Tarasova Anastasia the other day shared the photo on which she boasted new pearl earrings. What is noteworthy, Follovers paid attention not to so much on the decoration of the model, how much to the similarity with the Hollywood Dean Angelina Jolie.

The fans of the model noted that a nude lipstick on chubby lips, sharp cheekbones and arrows make a girl with a practical copy of Jolie.

Recall that now Anastasia is already waiting for the second child, in his account in the "Instagram", the girl often communicates with the subscribers on the theme of motherhood, shares the tips, and also reported that he marks each week of pregnancy with small gifts to himself.

Tarasova is not the only celebrity, which is compared with the Hollywood star. Quite often, among the inhabitants of the Hollywood Olympus themselves come across as two drops of WHO, similar people. We decided to remember the most famous "copies".

Kate Blanchett and Tilda Suinton

Blanchett was born in hot Australia, however, nature has snow-white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. After the decision even more clarify the hair, the actress fans at first could not figure out where their favorite, and where is the other, the British actress, Tilda Suinton. Distinguished actipers is really becoming more difficult.

Mila Kunis and Rachel Bilson

Rock brunette Mila has simply incredible eyes for which men adore her. However, it comes to the heels in the face of the Hollywood actress Rachel Bilson. Both girls nourish the passion for eyeliner's eyeliner, from which they are just impossible to be distinguished in secular events.

Kim Kardashian and Nicole Sherezinger

Two bright American show business representatives do not come to each other relatives, but their similarity is difficult not to notice. If in his youth Kim was different from Nicole more magnificent forms and not too perfect features of the face, then after manipulating plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, the girls were almost twins.

Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman

When Portman became a star, no one had heard about Knightley. However, after the appearance of Kira on the casting of "Star Wars", the producers have no doubt that will be the on-screen twin of Natalie. Now Nightley is no longer happy about such similarity, because she herself reached heights with the film business and now the comparison with Portman no longer plays the hand of actress.

Dima Bilan and Johnny Depp

Some 10 years ago, such a comparison would consider it strange: to find something in common between the novice Russian singer and the Hollywood star was very difficult. But in the past few years, accidentally or not, Bilan becomes more and more like Depp - the same sharp cheekbones, a beard, a mustache, dark eyes. Even the fans of the singer converge in the opinion that now in Bilan is less and less than Bilan and more Depp.

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