Yuri Stoyanov: "I had no alternative"


In Odessa, every young man - until he married - he wants to be Jung on the ocean ship-le, "he wrote Babel once. So, the young Odessa of Jura Stanov, although he married early, but not about the liners and maritime expanses. I dreamed. And he dreamed of growing a big artist. And although today Yuri himself modestly notes that it was possible to grow only up to 183 centimeters, but we know: the size in this case does not matter.

Here the talent is much more important, in the presence of which at some point he himself began to doubt. Imagine: to be invited to one of the best theaters of the country - St. Petersburg BDT - and suddenly after the first main role to ride to "Give-Bring." And so much eighteen years old until the "town" appeared in his life. Nevertheless, time spent in the walls of great dramatic, he recalls with incredible warmth and love.

Is it true that from the second class did you know that you will be an artist?

Yuri: "No, not true, before! Much earlier. I think about five years. I had no alternative, I did not choose anything. I do not remember the problem of choice. I did not even consider something else. I didn't want to be neither a cosmonaut nor a pilot nor a submariner, nor, which is important for Odessa, a long-range sailor, that is, a man who would be good and dress his loved ones. And this is a separate and very serious topic in Odessa. And in my life she was present. I remember the period when I was too highly indifferent to what I was dressed. But this is the Odessa story. I then cured it from her. I just got the opportunity to dress well. (Laughs.) Here is an actor wanted to be. I confused words - "artist", "director". But everything spinned inside this story. "

They say, in school, you paroded politicians and teachers ...

Yuri: "And who did not parody? It was the time of the flourishing of a political joke, we must not forget. They were told all, because for it they had not yet been shot and did not give fifteen years. Well, if only you are very smelting, you could sang a biography, say so. I do not want to offend anyone, but I do not consider a parody of great art. These are features of the device bundles, observation, the ability to fix and reproduce. A set of certain professional qualities. I could make a parody seriously, but it seemed to me just one square in a big cube. I did not want to paint the whole cube in one color of this square. And what politicians could I parody? Politician was one of us. Plus, some past: Lenin, Stalin. But we knew these characters on the movies, it means that I did not parody Lenin and Stalin, and the artists: parody of the parody ... Well, and more paroded loved ones, those whom he saw, - School Director, Historian, Chemical, Botany, Mathematics, Fizruck, Friends and his classmates. And I did not consider that I stand out. I just liked such a pool. "

Probably, you from Mom, who worked in the same school by the deputy director for educational work, for such a "balobiness" often fell?

Yuri: "I do not. But for me for me - yes! Although when they and her father started to report me, they soon laughed a couple. Because when submitting it was necessary to formulate - for what. And at the time of the wording, they began to laugh. "

Now your youngest daughter Katya is also a schoolgirl. However, you somehow admitted that they are constantly afraid of her. Why?

Yuri. : "I'm afraid primarily aggressiveness that grows with inflation. Its rates and sizes, probably, it is difficult to express in numbers, but we all feel the heart. Every day on the street - Negative. And all those challenges that throws time? Nowadays, for example, what fought? With a little thing. I shouted: "Down with the meshness!" And now it is necessary to deal with what really threatens life. At any level. From domestic to very high. Children have no children. They have age. They have no street, they have no yard. We cannot provide themselves to themselves. We do not give them the opportunity to be without us. Because we are afraid, we are restless and anxious. And this time makes us deprive of their childhood. Well, I formulated? "

She is now ten, she also wants to become an actress?

Yuri: "No, she, fortunately, still an indecent man in our family. Although many symptoms alarmingly signal me that genes, unfortunately, work. " (Smiles.)

And you do not mind?

Yuri: "Of course, against. But I will not interfere. "

Why to immediately interfere? You could help!

Yuri: "I do not want. She is exactly the same as me. She is useless to help, like me. It will only help her time. I am worried about the connection of incredible modesty, some closetness, cavity, sensitivity, susceptibility to everything, disapplied with the ability to set people in one second. So accurately show them or not formulate them. This is adjacent. And the same was in me. "

Katya - late child. Do you agree with the opinion that the Late Children are the most beloved?

Yuri. : "Yes, everything is right, but this is our trouble that this happens. Because irresponsibility, infantility in youth does not allow you to realize the degree of your responsibility and understand what a child is. And the prospect of care and understanding that he is inevitable, your responsibility is incredibly raised towards a person who is still very small. And you, it became necessary to live longer. But when you hint at the middle age in the country, oppressing thoughts arise. (Laughs.) It is necessary to write it, what laughs, and then think that it's very old. "

Did you somehow have changed with the advent of Catherine?

Yuri: "I? I think I did not change at all in life. I am generally always very strange when they say that I have changed. How? I lost weight, went, recovered, in what sense? Here I have changed a lot. And humanly ... I have all my life - more or less successfully - the struggle with its character. Probably, I learned to hide it better. So I did not change anything, I was the same as it was in seventeen years. Therefore, I look so damn well in your fifty-six. "

You have a lot of role in your movie, and in the theater is only alone - in the BDT the role of Mozart in "Amadeus" ...

Yuri: "To be honest, then the main two and a half." (Laughs.)

But you only served in BDT for more than eighteen years! If there were no roles, why did you wait for so long, why did you not seek another place?

Yuri: "As Churchill said, the Russians are harvested for a long time, but quickly jump. The fact is that they do not learn to quickly jump, they correct the bridle, set up the stirrup, the saddle, check the horseshoes, and then how to give! Although it was just a gallop. So I: I am very emotional, I waited a long time, but the decision took instantly. Ilya Oleynikov helped, without him nothing would have happened. I needed a senior comrade, with whom it is not scary to work after care. Although it was possible to leave the theater a year earlier, for three. I went out in the 95th, when the transfer of the "town" turned three years. By that time I was already recognizable. As it is customary to speak, a media person. By the time of my departure from the theater, Georgy Sanycha Tovstonogov was no longer. And the transfer became the most popular on TV. She had very high ratings. At this time, the theater is valued when there are attractive viewers of the person inside the troupe. But this did not affect me absolutely. Maybe only negatively. And I did not want to be like a joke when a young artist runs into the dressing room five minutes before the start of the performance, because he had a series, then a rehearsal in Antenpuriz, then some kind of hacktur. Grab the box with makeup and begins to be made. Before the release on the scene is already a minute. He is embarrassing something, he sniffs all the time to the finger, which causes makeup. And he asks himself: "Shit, or what? In my opinion, shit! Well, for sure, shit! But once, once! "And runs on the scene."

But why did you need to wait so long? What did this theater hold so much?

Yuri: "Oh, it was an amazing theater, he shared into two parts - leadership and actually troupe. So, the troupe was completely unique, an amazing human atmosphere behind the scenes. I was very loved in the theater. Just like I loved those people, those relationships that existed. And they were not as classic when they say: the old men took the patronage over young, and the young helped the old men! There was no whole sentimental garbage. I always said that the nature of this backstage equality did not depend on the status of each artist, we were all equal to that of Tovstonogov. Because he was all afraid equally. And they depended on it equally, without regard to the title, the number of roles and everything else. It was very united by people, there was a lot of humor - such a very cheerful backstage theater. I could not tell anything yellow, secret. Here it was hard to leave. And on what happened in the leadership of the theater, it was necessary not to leave, but to carry legs. But it was not easy to do. Well, I needed a reason. "

And the reason was found?

Yuri: "You know, when a person nervously looks around:" A! Give reason, put me, please! If it is not difficult for you! "I found this reason very easily. When distributing roles, I read about your role remark: "Includes Obricken with a guitar." Thank you bye. Everything. And left".

Remember when the "town" was directly born?

Yuri: "Yes, only justice to say that this decision was not accepted with Ilya. We decided to have something else to do something other than our heading in the Adamovo Apple program. We grew out of the format (although the words "format" did not exist then). It was obvious and to us, and two producers - Sasha Zhukov and Vyacheslav Makarov. They also offered us to try to do something independent. I remember perfectly, we went under Peter into a shabby sanatorium of one creative organization. We were soared in a dilapidated bath and discussed the names of the name. Ilya was argued against the word "town". He believed that this was not a walker and not paying attention to the word. And we were "for" with Sasha, because it seemed to us that in this particular it is hidden very much opportunities that such

The town can be inhabited by anyone. In general, this transmission can be explained in any direction. A simple word, but very capacious. "

How did your female roles appear?

Yuri: "They appeared just as appeared at all in the theater. Previously, there was a generally accepted tradition that men play men. We were obvious that we work together, that is, the composition does not expand. And if you imagine that there are no women in the program, we would have deprived themselves very many plot lines. Moreover, we started a program from some parasitization - they took the jokes. True, it lasted not long. And what for the anecdote where there is no topic "He and she"? That's the whole story. I had no experience of the game of women. Ilya categorically refused to cut the mustache. Said: "Remember, I will never sink a mustache!" And it became my burden. My burden. (Laughs.) Initially, I was against. Some rushes to play a woman, because in this crumple - an obvious hypocrisy, it is pretty lightweight bread. Oh, look, as I am diverse, as I am multifaceted, how easy I reincarnate! Well, and get ahead from the viewer, who immediately exclaims: "Wow! Oh you! Look, the woman is playing! Oh how cool! Oh how funny! "And change clothes and reincarnate - all the same different things. I always treated it very skeptical and wary. I did my job. The approach was to the role: what kind of person is it, what is she? And not just changed. There are people who are due to some of the problems that they have, like to do it in front of the mirror. To put it mildly, I never liked this. But we are talking about the role, about professional use. I played women, although I always wanted to reduce their number. Always fought for it. I was afraid that there may be stamps here. Such developments are all sorts of familiar devices. But I know people liked. Although for me, I will tell you, it was not a heavy piece in my work, absolutely. When I played a woman, I had to be sure to find some trouble. Some kind of women were not lucky, they have my complex, say something in their life did not work out, did not work out, such a woman looks at her photo, where she is seventeen, and crying. And since they are all unhappy in different ways, they are ridiculous in different ways. "

Did not count how many female roles played?

Yuri: "In general, it can be calculated with you. 280, 100, those × 300. (writes on the leaves.) Well, thousands of three with a little. " (Laughs.)

You have turned out quickly.

Yuri: "The number of gears multiplied by the number of characters that were in each, divided in half."

It is true that you do not like any female role played by a man?

Yuri: "No, not true. I do not like, as a rule, pop manifestations. And how Dustin Hoffman's amazingly played stunningly! At one time, Oleg Tabakov was completely wonderful! So famously and so masculine, acting is great. This is a ratio, it is very observational, with a big humor and warmth. I do not want to consider myself a figure equal to these artists, but methodologically we went in one way. And professionally, and in human. This is the path that I confess. True, I had to play more than all of them, together taken, but on very little distances. They played in a large format, in full meter.

I always said that for me the biggest compliment, when the audience did not want to present an actress in my place. Or when very good actresses, which I love, said that I really liked it. What they saw in me as if a potential partner. That's pretty. I am, believe me, I give it any meaning - to this layer. There are roles that I played, among them there are women, no more. And among them there are very well played. Like this!"

The truth is said that you smoke a lot, but categorically do not drink?

Yuri: "Not so much, but I am a smoking person. And about the drinking is not true, journalistic exaggerations. I never claimed that I was a militant sober. No, I'm from another section - normal. I am pleased to drink a glass on the day of birth, I will finish the key from the car and watch the purchase if I have a new car. In general, like all people. Another thing is that drinking and in what quantity. Personally, I do not drink wine. In this sense, I am an incompetent person. I do not press my kislyatina, while making the look of a steep sommelier, disassembled, from which slope and in which year the grapes are assembled. I do not "release an angel out of the glade," I snatch with a cucumber. There are those who love wine, but I have heartburn from it and jumps the acidity. In addition, I grew up in a Bulgarian family, in which this vinic was always though. True, no prohibitions existed, and none of us drank him. Maybe wine was not very good? (Laughs.) In general, I am not a wine man, and therefore innocent. (Smiles.) I can drink one hundred grams of vodka, within one hundred fifty grams of whiskey (and this is not so little). I also love campary with orange juice. This is the only alcoholic drink that I like. I categorically do not drink beer, I do not like to interfere, I do not perceive any effervescent drinks. And I do not use brandy. I do not like his action. It seems to me that even in small quantities is a blow to the back of the head. Frame! So the church is French - boar! Only heaviness in the head and quotes from Soviet films: "Drink a glass of brandy, if you have risen the pressure!" If you have risen the pressure and you want to die, then drink a glass of brandy! Otherwise, if you have risen the pressure, you need to put a pipe cover under the tongue. "

It is felt by your tone that some necessary words in speech were missed. Do you like to talk mat?

Yuri: "Today you were deprived of this happiness, because there was no longer the degree of confidence that would allow us to communicate like that. (Laughs.) Well, once came the conversation, then I will say this: I do not always notice if the mateful word accesses. In addition, sometimes I consider it an emotional splash. Here is the artist draws an express carbon portrait. What does he do before you give it to the client before twisting a drawing into a roll? "

Fixes varnish.

Yuri: "Lachka! Cre and drink! Here is a mat - this is such a consumer sketch! Sometimes without it. I remember, one day one moron in France, a taxi driver, could not take us from the hotel to Disneyland. Judging by my wife's story, I made a terrible scandal. It turns out that I showed him where the railway is, what is the subway, Disneyland, using well

Not the most scanty opportunities in the sense of the show, even on a limited space of taxi territory. Behind the wife and children came up with laughter. Here I put a record on abnormality! Although - here is a paradox! - In relation to mat, my dictatorial features are slipping. Because I myself do not like very much when you are intimately, especially women. It's all for me, blocked. Just like a woman with a light vodka exhaust, shampoo: When Madame washed - and an easy disconneness and a floating speech appear. Everything, I can not communicate, for me it is an end. I can't get out when he is brought to tobacco from people, although I know that it carries from me so that you will not come up in a radius of two meters. That is, I, of course, bastard. I do not allow anything to let himself. For the beautiful theory I came up with, they say, and smoke it beautifully, and I drink a little, and swear exquisitely - it does not stand

Critics. "

Our interview has been transferred several times because of your dense shooting schedule. What did you work on?

Yuri: "This is a continuous process. Some shooting ended, some started. It was not easy one of the last roles, where I play a very famous artist in the last two days of his life. Having learned that he had serious heart problems and need an operation, the outcome of which is unknown, he decides burning these few days in full program. Very extreme and severe role. Play heart attacks are not easy. I'm lying in the ward, a piece is removed, where my hero is not very good, and the doctors are near as consultants. They measure pressure, and I have the same thing to be my character! I physically felt very bad after filming, although I did not allow myself to show it in humans. It just has the roles that need to play. It is necessary to be unshaven, unwashed, unsigned, being in the situation in which you led yourself as a result of how you lived this life. It is interesting".

What else is interesting for you when you choose, agree or not on one job? What director will work on the picture? What will be the film crew? How were you asked? What promised?

Yuri: "That's all this is definitely interesting! I don't care where and how I earn money. Mandatory condition - no casting. And not because I think, they say, the castings are no longer put on the status. Probably, the director needs to see you in the image (although a good director should see and so). So, I have it due to the fact that I rushing badly. (Smiles.) It is still from youth. All sorts of unpleasant things come up with any degree of professionalism - technical, accumulated years. The Sample Suiter itself will learn you in that youth when you did not work. And reflexes are triggered. And I do not want to repeat it. Because my path was very heavy. In the youth, of course, I'm not going to return, but not for this. (Laughs.) And the competitiveness in art is not interesting. Prove I never knew how to prove and did not like. And samples are in any case competition, it means there is someone else and need to be better. It is not clear, though what. This is what is associated with the samples. As you will be asked - it is also important, this is the natural desire of the artist - to be filmed where it loves as a creative person. Such relationships are the most productive. But in the course of the shooting, inside the process I do not need to talk about it. Because for me, it was destroyed. I need to overcome something, I need comments, intelligent especially. But these screams "Bravo!", As on the set of clips, when the jelly begins to applaud Barina absolutely undeservedly, - I do not need it. But at the initial stage, I should know what they were invited, because they love. "

And if you resort to flattery?

Yuri: "Of course, it is very easy to circle me, spend and buy even on bad material. Not complies! Not difishers. And so, for example: "How I dreamed of all my life, so that you are with me!" And I swam like glazed routine in the sun! And it is very important who your partners. Because there are such destroyers, vampires enjoying their negative activities that other people's failures are built on their success in the frame. They can lime the whole group, bring to the unbearable state of the director, all the time to speak to other actors about what shit they are removed. And all this is done in order to prepare your solo existence on the stage or on the site. Such characters, unfortunately, there are among large artists. But this is your piece of life that will never happen again. And you must spend it among people with whom, even if it is not an outstanding movie, you would be fine, comfortable, interesting and fun. As for partners, the biggest contraindication for me is if Alkash man. I often suffered from such people. But, oddly enough, it says goodbye to Russia. The other will not be formed, but in such cases we say: "Well, what can you do? But he is so cute! "I saw repeatedly, as because of these" cute "people collapsed graphics, shooting shot. So I have a little claims, and they all seem to me in the case. "

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