How not to bother your beloved: 8 tips from a man


Be spontaneous! The woman should be a mystery, and its best manifestation is an element of surprise! Allow yourself all madness that come to your mind. Unpredictability is the most, the key quality of all fatal women in which even one and the same man falls in love again and again.

Do not change yourself. Always stay faithful to yourself what you are. Even if some of your qualities sometimes are a reason for quarrels, remember that you need to look for a compromise, but not to change yourself. In the end, in such what you are, your man once fell in love. Does this feel preserve if you have a completely different one with time?

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Evgeny Cities

Make friends with his friends And make a good impression on them. Men always compete among themselves, even in friendly companies - such is their nature. In this regard, everyone wants to realize that next to him is the best of the best, that everyone around is envied by such a companion.

Show interest in his hobbies. A man will definitely appreciate if you divide his little joy of life with him, be it a game in Xbox or climbing. Men want to spend their lives with a woman who really understands them and goes to her leg.

The best manifestation of a woman is an element of spontaneity!

The best manifestation of a woman is an element of spontaneity!


Do not be the queen drama. Whatever happens, do not create problems where there are no them, do not exaggerate certain situations and do not go along to prove your point of view.

Be for your man support. Give him your strength and support when he will be a little sick. Calm it and help him convey to you. Be his trusted face and his warm pillow.

Try to divide his interests.

Try to divide his interests.


Do not forget to smile and communicate in a positive key. Yes, everyone we have problems, but the harsh reality is such that a man, if he, of course, is not a slacker, he tired daily at work, experiencing stress in connection with doing business and so on. Your exhausted and disgruntled face and complaints about those or other problems are able to tire anyone and definitely will not help you keep a man for life. The time spent with you should be for a man's outstanding, the island of calm among all this fuss.

But to truly interest a man for life, You must be interested in yourself . You must be a person, filled and self-sufficient, constantly develop, you must have our own goals, ideas and interests. In this case, you will always be talking about and what you will learn.

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