What is Mommy Makeover or why need plastic with young mothers


Pregnancy is the most important event in the life of a woman. But often the joy of motherhood is overshadowed by the changes that the body undergoes the body in connection with the pregnancy and breastfeeding. The Mommy Makeover system, known in the West for more than 20 years, helps literally turn the time to reverse and return the woman those forms and volumes that were before the birth of children.

It is necessary to recognize the obvious: only diet and physical activity are not enough to regain the perfect body after childbirth. As if a woman neither tried and care for himself before and during pregnancy, changes are so significant that they can be eliminated only by methods of plastic surgery. This applies to changes in the abdomen, as well as the volume and shape of the chest.

The complex of the "Mommy MakeOver system" system includes a stomach plastic, an increase or tightening of the chest, liposuction, intimate plastic (plastic of small sexual lips, vaginal plastic). Abdominoplasty allows you to remove excess skin and fat in the abdomen, tighten the abdominal muscles, return the navel into normal position. Depending on whether the chest has kept after the end of lactation or not, it can be performed either a chest lift, or an increase in breast, or both. In the event that the chest after the end of the lactation remains too large, an operation to reduce breasts can be performed.

The greatest fat deposits after pregnancy and childbirth remain in the field of waist and hips. Liposuction allows you to get rid of them, as well as remove excess fat if necessary from the knees, hands, neck, etc.

Only diets and physical activity is not enough to regain the perfect body after childbirth.

Only diets and physical activity is not enough to regain the perfect body after childbirth.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

The need to fulfill a particular procedure, the volume of intervention is specified by the plastic surgeon during full-time consultation and taking into account the wishes of the client. At the same time, the tactics of operations are determined, the possibility of combining several procedures in one operation (for example, breast and abdominal plastic) is considered. This reduces the time required for full recovery, and allows you to quickly return to the usual way of life.

Who shows the complex "Mommy MakeOver" procedure? First of all, those women who no longer plan to give birth to children and have already completed breastfeeding. It is important to normalize your weight - so that the procedures give the most long-term effect, the woman should have an optimal or close weight.

The recovery period after the Mommy MakeOver procedures can take from one to three weeks, depending on the number of operations carried out and the volume of intervention. This is the time when a woman will not only be strictly followed by the recommendations of the doctor, wearing special underwear, bandages, etc., but also to respect gentle regime - more rest, abandon physical exertion. It is not necessary to fear that after operations will remain noticeable scars or big scars. Modern technologies for plastic operations allow them to make them minimal, positioning in low-rise places. The first results "Mommy MakeOver" can be evaluated after three to four months after operations. The final result is formed on time from six months to a year.

Complex "Mommy Makeover" suits not only those women who want to restore the beauty of their body after pregnancies and childbirth, but also those who have had a significant weight loss and there is a pronounced skin excess.

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