Nadezhda Babkin: "Sometimes you have to raise a voice - when you understand that it is useless to spend time"


The hope of Babkin is called the "hot singer" on our stage. Bright, charismatic, she managed to prove that even with a folk repertoire, you can be a very popular artist. But lists the advantages and regalia of Babkina, few perceive it as a manager, in whose subordination is a large team. Today we decided to talk with the hope of Georgievally as with a woman who occupies a high post and which daily have to solve many serious (sometimes fateful) issues.

- What do you need a woman to leader, in your opinion, so that such a big enterprise as the theater of Hope Babkina worked smoothly?

- Be to be the leader, of course, male work. I did not feel softer from her. I demand from the people of complete return, but I myself gone entirely to my work. All who works with me see that with me the very hundred sweats will come down at the rehearsal until I get the desired result and the song will sound. It is not possible to withstand my tempo. People are lying down, and I hold!


Photo: Personal archive

The one who is not able to withstand a given pace, who does not cope with moral and exercise, go. They come to replace others who cope. The plank of our creative aspirations is at high altitude, and our task is not only to reach it, but also surpass the peaks. It so happened that I was holding my own team for 45 years. I don't remember about comfort. He took up the man - do not say that not a duzh. So that the theater function is uninterrupted, you need a competent team of like-minded people, but, of course, all the most responsible decisions I always accept myself, because I have and demand.

- What traits are needed to work with men?

- First of all, the female intuition, which is not in men. And I use it one hundred percent.

- big difference between artists and artists? And what is it?

- Creative people are complex, very varying, because they play with one tool - soul, regardless of sexuality.

- should the rigidity be present?

- necessarily. But stiffness does not need to be confused with cruelty. Of course, sometimes you have to raise the voice - when you understand that it is useless to spend time.


Photo: Personal archive

- When did you start your career, what mentor did you have?

- My first and most important mentors in life were, above all, my parents who brought up us with his brother in strict Cossack traditions. While I am not a feeder, the firewood is not difficult, there can be no guils. Could and flop.


Photo: Personal archive

From early childhood, I was accustomed to work. If we talk about a career, then among the mentors I would call the director of the School named after Ippolitov-Ivanov Elena Konstantinovna Gedevanov. She saw some abilities in me, advised to enter the Institute of Gnesini, asked to call her after each banned exam, silenced a word for me before the admission commission ... That is, I received support from a completely unfamiliar person. After all, who am I her? No one. There were such hundreds, stood under the doors of the school, hoped, dreamed. This is destiny!

- Do you like to joke over colleagues and acquaintances?

- And who does not like to joke! I remember somehow I offered to the organizers of one of the concerts: let's, Kobzon will sing a couple of songs, then you will jump out and go around him a ditch. Shawli spread, such beauty will go! It was in the Moscow Concert Hall "Russia". I tell me: are you in your mind? Yes, Kobzon all words will forget, confused! I then answered: to forget the Kobzon suddenly? This is excluded. We have allowed to risk. All artists gathered behind the scenes to see: I will decide on your adventure or not. Of course, my legs are shaking, the back of the sweat is wet. But can I show the slack?


Photo: Personal archive

So we ran out on the stage. The people in the hall applauds. Joseph sees the side view that a clutch clutch is moving on it. Oh and expanded his eyes! He could not tolerate unrealized moments. When the performance ended, it comes to me: - Well, Nadka ... I thought everything came to the end. Now grows on the part. And he: - You know, I liked it. And I am a young, daring: - Iosya, you forgive me. Are you words - did not forget? He laughed: - Do not wait! But surprise - surprised.

- When did you understand that you are interested in working with children and why?

- always knew it. Because children are our future. They are open to new knowledge, new experiences. People's self-consciousness is laid in the genetic code of the people, and it must be brought up in our children. That is why in 2002, I decided to create a children's folk studio "Heritage", the goal and the meaning of which is in the admission of children from the very early age to preserve the cultural heritage of the Russian people. It is necessary that the development, consultation, the formation of a child occurred in accordance with the customs, song-dance traditions, rites, the identity of thinking, which are the national idea of ​​the Russian people. The motto "Heritage": Learn Antiquity - create modernity! Concert schedule of children's studio "Heritage" is saturated. Children perform on the leading platforms of Moscow, such as the State Kremlin Palace, Luzhniki, Ostankino, are filmed in various television programs, participate in contests.

- What does your children's theater do?

- In our children's theater, on the so-called small scene, amazing children's performances are tales for children from 3 to 7, from 7 to 13 years. In these fairy tales - joy, kindness, there is an educational, educational beginning. With a small scene, there is a museum of dolls created on the basis of my collection. The fact is that I collected dolls all my life. Brought them from touring trips and folklore expeditions. The exposition presents a variety of copies. The museum reigns a warm home atmosphere. The guide that introduces children with the history of a puppet case, tells what a doll from which region came to us ... adults are necessarily joined to children. This occurs the convergence of two worlds - children's and adult. And then everyone together go to the hall to watch the play performed by the soloists of the Folk Group "Russians". Each formulation is devoted to a certain time of the year. For example, now in all the preparations for Maslenitsa.


Photo: Personal archive

- What is the difference between your theater from others?

"The difference between the children's theater" Russian Song "from others - in the goal that we put on, creating it. This goal is the spiritual education of the younger generation on the basis of Russian traditions, people's singing culture and creativity.

- What is the difficulty of working with children?

- The main difficulty in the era of all sorts of gadgets and computer games is to captivate the child with folklore. We succeed, because folklore is a very informative and dynamic form of classes, not a boring pastime. We are interested in the modern child, because all the space here is filled with a solid positive. The rehearsal process in the studio is built in such a way that the guys are engaged in, rested from daily lessons at school, received an emotional charge. It is very important that children, bringing to popular culture, kept in themselves the powerful energy of folk art. In such a process, they are liberated, respective and friendly relationships are being established. Children become more open, welcoming, cheerful.


Photo: Personal archive

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