How to guide the perfect order in the kitchen


Get rid of Lysnya

The feeling of overload and confusion is most often associated with superfluous things. If the desired saucepan is hidden behind the collection of decorative plates and donated to the wedding of the juicer (never unpacked), the kitchen will not call a convenient place. Therefore, the first step to order is a strict audit. The classical rule says that without regrets you need to get rid of the fact that the family has not been used for a year and more. Pan for lobster covered with dust? It's time to sacrifice it in need or surrender to the cottage. Less things - less cleaning. By the way, the revision of the reserves will also have to. Petrified ketchup, stewing times of the USSR, long-term expired spices - candidates for exit at each second kitchen.

Analyze the sources of irritation

Pay attention to what things in the kitchen are not related to the preparation of food, constantly require your attention. The towel is always lying around where you have? Obviously, it's time to fork on a penny self-adhesive hook. In the family where there are children, it makes sense to remove magnets from the refrigerator: the magnetic alphabet has not yet taught anyone to read, but to collect sharp letters from the floor five times a day. Cat spreads food? Locate for a bowl of a rug or tray that is easy to wash.

Do in 5 minutes

Reflecting when wash the dishes - now or on Wednesday, use the rule of 5 minutes. If you clean up the sink, on the plate or under the table can be in 5 minutes or less, proceed immediately. As practice shows, the feeling of the tied kitchen is folded from the little things. Mountain unwashed dishes causes less despair if the stove shines and does not smell the corpse from the refrigerator.

Use the achievements of civilization

We are not talking about a subscription to the cleaning service, although this is also an idea. Good advice give us free people who are just engaged in cleaning professionally. Examine the funds market that are invented to combat mud. You will be surprised, but a properly selected napkin, unlike a conventional cloth, in one touch eliminates a kitchen facade from divorces and stains. Chemical compositions are separate for the oven and for the refrigerator - non-marketing trick, but ingenious inventions of humanity. According to clinical observations, technological cleaning agents save up to 30% of the time and, if you follow the instructions, give an excellent result.

Put small goals

General cleaning every six months, unfortunately, is not enough for the kitchen to look decently every day. But it can be done so that the supporting cleaning does not occupy the entire day off. Distribute the kitchen on the zones: for example, cabinets, sink, stove and oven, floor, refrigerator, dishes. And you pay high attention to these places on a certain day of the week. Such a routine allows you to maintain an acceptable view of the zones and spend a little time to waste order.

Never. Do not leave. Dishes. At night

This fatal error is excreted in carefree adolescence, but adults should understand that the pan will turn into fossils and will decoke 10 times more than your time.


Maintain order in the kitchen is the responsibility of all family members regardless of age. Actually, this thought and you need to inspire households by any humane ways. Children under five years old usually willing themselves willingly help with cleaning plates from the table - do not miss the time to form persistent habits.

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