7 habits extending life


Control stress

Chronic stress and nervous overvoltage is one of the most serious threats to a modern person. Permanent noise, pollution of large cities, irrational food, experiences about personal and public - all this does not add any years of life, nor health. By solving the problem, it would be taken and removed from worldly worldly things, but we will be realistic. All that in our power is to try to reduce risks from stressing load on the body. Fortunately, most methods are well acquainted and absolutely free.

- Restarily rest at night: 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for the body to recover and correct small breakdowns until they have grown into serious.

- Find your rituals relaxation. Someone reset the tension helps the contrast shower, another - favorite hobby, third - massage and meditation. The correct and incorrect methods do not exist - just look for what works for you.

- Filter the information. The information flow that splashes onto a person should take into the hands of the smartphone, no way compare with pure spring water. Therefore, digital detox is the same useful habit, as a regular fitness or a refusal of sweet. You are aware that on sites or in profiles that you usually cause negative emotions, you can simply not go?

Be friends and chat

An analysis of large medical data shows that people with strong social relationships live longer and feel more satisfaction with life than those who have not acquired families and friends. Scientists suggest that people who do not suffer with loneliness are on average more moving more, they receive psychological support in stressful situations and eat better. All together it has a therapeutic effect and increases years of happy and healthy life.


The mechanism called "Man" was created for movement, and well-being at different levels - from the cell to organ systems - perhaps only with daily physical activity. But there are good news. An analysis of large population studies shows that the so-called functional load is optimal for humans. We translate from scientific into Russian: moving games with children, work on the house or in the garden, long walks in the fresh air in the long run is more useful for health than shock training in the hall or marathon run. And now a spoonful of the tar: the secret of success in constancy, that is, to give the body a full load need every day without days off.

Come down check-up

Whatever skeptics spoke, and the coolest medical technology is cheaper and becomes more accessible every year. Already now genetic tests, complex laboratory tests of blood or scrupulous, but painless surveys of the body became routine manipulations. "Just in case," make a complete MRI or pass all possible hormonal profiles, but once a year to visit the therapist, dentist, gynecologist / urologist and control the condition of the heart and vessels is recommended to all citizens older than 35 years. On time to detect deviations from ideal indicators and take measures much easier and cheaper than to treat a launched disease.


Interval starvation did not accidentally become a fashionable topic: research that temporary refusal of food prolongs life and reduces inflammation markers (faithful signs of aging) appear almost every day. The meaning is to give the digestive system a multi-day leisure every day. This allows you to stabilize blood glucose levels, improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin, stimulate the detox-function of the body and reduce the calorie content of the diet as a whole. The most popular scheme is 16 hours of hunger and 8 hours for food. It's nice that approximately half of the "hungry" window falls on the night's sleep. Those who are not yet ready for two thirds of the day to live without food, it is worth starting with a 12-hour scheme. The main thing is to remember that even such a promising method, as periodic starvation, has contraindications: for example, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system, pregnancy.

Train Brains

The age-related brain changes are one of the unexpected side effects of the development of civilization, with which each of us risks. Any 50 years ago most people simply did not live to dementia, in particular, Alzheimer's diseases, but the development of medicine and progress in other areas made a sad diagnosis of mass. However, to avoid senile dementia and support cognitive functions real at any age. As always, the best way is not sick - to do prevention in advance. Studying foreign languages, traveling and new information, improvement in profession, reading books and solving logical tasks - All these classes help keep the brain in a tone, build new neural connections and maintain clear memory even a hundred years.

Put ambitious goals

To dance at the wedding of great-grandfather, to read all Turgenev, stand up for surf - a big and worthy goal is able to keep a person afloat, even when it seems that the whole world is against you.

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