For example, Ivan Dorna: Artists who left the scene


In a recent interview with Urgant, Singer Ivan Dorn confessed that he will soon make a long break in his career. A few years ago, Ivan changed the direction from the pop, who brought him fame, to electronic music. Artist of Ukrainian origin plans to learn how to play a bass guitar, master the French language and familiarize yourself with modern cinema. He is not the only one who decided on a similar step. Compiled a selection of artists who have decided to radically change life.

Marina Khlebnikov

The performer of hits 90s unexpectedly disappeared from the screens. There were rumors about problems with alcohol addiction, which were later refuted by the singer. The true cause of the Talk show was named after Khlebnikov itself: she began problems with teeth who demanded urgent surgical interference. Marina decided to escape from fans, so as not to be shy of appearance. However, the audience quickly replaces idols - to arrange a triumphal return to the stage she failed.

Richard Gir

A businessman from "Beauty" is also tired of secular life. Last year, he married a journalist Alexander Silva, in February of this year their son Alexander appeared. Already since 2011, Richard is removed no more than one project a year, the last film with his participation dated 2017. The rest of the time prefers to devote family and favorite hobby - photographing, charity and writing books.

Tatyana Ovsienko

The star of the 90s left the brilliant career for the sake of educating the baby adopted in 1999. Igor had a congenital heart disease that demanded an expensive operation and long-term rehabilitation. The woman decided that the child was standing above the career and for many years left the scene. Now she again writes songs and executes them, but the new takeoff does not go about the popularity of speech.

Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen

Twin sisters in the early 2000s were very popular actresses. Pretty Dorny Girls The audience of adolescence was glad to see in the comedies - in the future they were enlighted with a grand career. It is a pity that girls decided to leave Olympus and change the scope of activity. Now they are designers of clothing and accessories of the average price class.

Woof Goldberg

Previously, we often saw a dazzling humorist in the movies. There were no one-tent of the films for his acting career for his acting career and received many prestigious awards. However, later, the Hollywood gloss was bored with Goldberg, Goldberg were increasingly seen at charity events than secular parties. Now the universities are the ambassador of the Good Will Unicef, which spends all the strength and material resources to work.

Jennifer Gray

The main character of the film "Dirty Dances" was remembered by a modest girl who came to rest with their parents. Charming curls and youthful swelling of the face could give her a dizzy take off of the career. However, overnight, everything changed - Jennifer made plastic surgery and disappeared with radar. She tried to return to the cinema later, but more than episodic roles she did not shine.

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