Yes, do not worry: Harmful tips for those who want to support a friend


"What is your problem? But I have ... "- you start a conversation with a friend sobbing on your shoulder. Know that such support is a kind person and the enemy will not wish. In the stressful situation, you need to be able to behave correctly and give exactly the portion and the measure of support that your close person needs. Through the harmful advice, as psychologists look at the situation and what recommendations give.

"Let you finally gather!"

You are extremely tired of listening to the girlfriend whining that she still loves the "former", which has long been walking with a new girl. We understand you, because such situations occur with friends of each of us - alone fired from work, others were mired in debts, others do not cope with the role of the parent. In these situations, you will not help with one support, it is important to give a person a list of practical advice to a person. But you just need to be presented with a negative promise, but on the contrary: "Masha, I love you and wish the best in life. My girlfriend forget the former helped sports, let's try to go to the gym together? "

Tell me a girlfriend how to heal a broken heart

Tell me a girlfriend how to heal a broken heart


"With fat rushing ..."

It would seem that a person has everything: work with a decent salary, real estate, the opportunity to fly on vacation a couple of times a year, faithful friends nearby - what else can you be desired? Many people are difficult to understand that depression may arise seemingly from scratch. Our grandmothers would notice that all problems from idleness. However, psychologists call on not to make hasty conclusions about the state of a person. Often problems appear from self-confidence and only a specialist will help to cope with them. Tell me the contacts of the psychologist desperate friend, and better go with him to adoption together.

"Well, is it a problem?"

Remember: You can not depreciate the feelings of other people. The fact that it may seem like a trifle for others, it turns out of mental injury for others. First love, betrayal girlfriend, gossip colleagues behind his back, lack of money - through all these problems you could pass more than once and get out of them the winner. Apparently your friend has no such persistent character - and this is not his fault. Show mercy and sincerely try to support a person. And if a similar attitude of a friend displays you, it is better to honestly tell him about it and move away for a while.

advise a friend of the competent specialist

advise a friend of the competent specialist


"Our moms worked on three works, and you ..."

Times change - modern young people, according to psychologists, are more prone to self-reflection. This can be explained by the availability of information, a trend on psychoanalysis and an elevated level of everyday stress. Due to the above, pessimistic thoughts and real mental problems arise. It is useless to fight them yourself - perceive such disorders in the same way as the toothache or an angina. You will not pretend that they are not or trying to treat themselves? So in this case, you need to contact a specialist.

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