Stas Pieha: "I began to lose consciousness, but I went to the shore"


Stasy Piehi's noye clip "Green Out" immediately called "Russian" Titanic. " WH found out the details at the main hero of the roller.

-Stas, everyone compare your clip with the "Titanic". Have you seen this movie?

- Of course I looked, but only once.

- If not a secret, we cried?

- No, resisted (smiles).

- Do you consider yourself a sentimental person?

- Yes. I can cry while watching some movie or listening to music.

- Can you remember when we cried for the last time?

- Did we cry? I do not remember ... I can tell when I experienced similar emotions. I looked at the film "Geographer Globe Propil" with Khabensky. And so he impressed me, so pleased, so much parallel I spent with the main character. Not crying, but was on the verge.

Stas Pieha:

- And after working on his clip, I did not want to revise the picture of Cameron again?

- Not. I generally do not see any parallels with the "Titanic" in this clip. Everyone is evaluated to the picture: Televisions are floating in the room, furniture. And this video telling makes people thinking that the clip is similar to the famous movie. We have another story absolutely. This is an allegory, and very cool in my opinion, poetic. Green omut is not just an eye, but the room that is filled with water. A man sinks in this green waters and through it, through this room hits the bottom of the ocean. And getting into the ocean, at the bottom finds a girl who could not find in the real world. And they emerge in the middle of the ocean under the open sky. And there is no ship here, everyone is alive and healthy.

- And you were not treated during filming?

No, not rope (laughs). I just sailed in cold water.

- Can you swim?

- Thank God learned in recent years. Previously, I did not know how, but I began to study and already be worn to swim.

Stas Pieha:

- Before working on the clip immersed ever with scuba?

- Not. I was forced to dive with aqualling as a dressing and setting the right breathing. We all worked all two shooting days, made exercises for a breath delay. And I am a little, almost for a moment, improved my result. Now I am holding a little less than three minutes. I somehow had one dive unsuccessful, during which I hurt myself. After that, the pressure collapsed, and in general the condition was not very. But I aroused to gather and still immersed, already at smaller depths. So the clip came out not easy.

- What depth you immersed?

- Oh, I do not know exactly, but not for a large, less than ten meters. With a drummeal - it was necessary to blow out on time. And I was very strong and sharply pulled upstairs and I did not have time to blossom. When did this exhale in the nose, it became even worse. I felt a very strong click in my head, then the dental pain went, the headache and further - universal. Consciousness began to lose, but before the shore, I got something like and then an hour came to myself.

- Are you insured?

- Of course, in the pool there were divers professional, and divers with cameras. Very interesting people, asses of their affairs who work with channels such as National Geographic and are engaged exclusively underwater filming. I first communicated with such experts. Very interesting, a lot of new things learned and I tried to do something alone.

Stas Pieha:

- They say specifically for the filming of the Green Omut, a unique mechanism was made, with which it was possible to immerse the whole room under water?

Yes, for the first time we had such a platform in our country. Worked engineers who did the Universiade in Kazan. Imagine a fully residential room with all furniture, communications and even electricity was flooded. And everything was designed only for one oak. So I can say that it took a lot more time to prepare than the shooting themselves. In this video, everything happens truly, there is no hack.

- Shortly before the filming, you damaged the foot at the concert and even went with difficulty ...

- It was a thing. I was angry, because the concert was a bad apparatus. I decided to smash the table, but broke my finger.

- And how did you float 48 hours in cold water, and even with weighing?

- I walked badly (laughs). On the other hand, I'm not a finger, right? I have never had films in completely uncomfortable conditions, and this is the first experiment in my life. I never sailed in ice water, and even with weights on the belt, or breathed through a small one in the roof. When I met with the director of the clip of Gauchet Tidze and Ilya Smolin, they immediately agreed that there should be some kind of natural emotion in the video, reflecting the song. But to get so largely - I could not even think. And all the difficulties that we survived while working on the video are worth it.

Stas Pieha:

- Why was the cold water in the pool?

- We worked on a specialized base where the rescuers train. On the first day there was an ice pool. There, people work in costumes and, in principle, such a temperature is acceptable to humans. It was in it that we had a platform that floes the room - it was necessary to comply with certain standards. And the whole second shooting day we worked in another pool. In it, the water was pleasant - 28 degrees.

- Panic was not when the water was leaving the water belt?

- No, it was not. I knew that I was saved. I'm a pilot!

- Have you ever experienced panic?

- Of course he experienced. Somehow I had panic attacks. Do you know what it is? Vegeth-vascular dystonia and there are panic attacks with it - this is when suddenly finds a terrible fear. That's then I felt a panic. And so, in life - very rarely. On the contrary, I'm going to extreme situations.

- When in his blog you posted a photo of a ring with spikes to prove that it is not engagement, probably were close to this feeling?

- No, I was not in a panic. Just decided to show the notorious ring, which is absolutely not like the wedding. I hate when they ask me about a personal life. And I think - that this is the last, what I will tell anyone.

- Just everyone is worried: Do you have that whose green outer eye captivated you?

"So I'm telling you: I will not say (laughs)."

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