Victor Khorinyak: "I am not a romantic, but every girl requires its approach"


Siberian character is the same inexplicable concept as the Russian soul. It is possible, its essence in the rebellion, in a special pressure, deep wisdom and disarming naturalness. Victor Khorinyak - a native of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - a distance from the capital overcame surprisingly rapidly. Today, the star of the TV series "Kitchen", "Eleon Hotel" and "Young Guard" love directions and television views. But he himself was not yet satisfied with the achieved and considers himself in something on the second roles. The actor told the magazine "Atmosphere".

"Victor, you made a great impression on me a few years ago, and not on stage, but in the program Vadim Vernik, where he showed you astringent woolen scarves. Do you still do this?

- Yes, I taught a five-year-old grandmother. Very, I must say soothing occupation. As a child, I knit little sweaters to the toys that Mom did, and now I knit scarves from time to time. Not hiding yarn and spokes to a distant corner. (Smiles.)

- Which last thing you made?

- Here is the anniversary of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov three years ago, I gave him as a fan, a red-white scarf "Spartacus", knitted with his own hands.

- Usually five year old children are restless, and you, it turns out, were a rather enhanced child, once betrayed with a needlework craft ...

- I was also moving. But is it for five years - is it a child?! At six years I have already accepted a responsible decision that you need to throw a kindergarten, from which everything you need had learned from that time, and to go to school where the elder brother Vyacheslav was constantly accomplished. I liked to disturb the important thing with a portfolio, therefore I entered the secondary educational institution a year earlier.

- Stretched, it means to grow as soon as possible?

- Not without it. I have in addition to the older brother and the elder sister Vera is, and I have drawn behind them. This is the natural desire of younger - seem a little smarter.

Seeing a guy on the street in the form, our hero entered the Norilsk Cadet Corps

Seeing a guy on the street in the form, our hero entered the Norilsk Cadet Corps

Photo: Personal Archive Victor Khorinyak

- You had to grow spoiled pets in the family ...

- Yes, I literally sneak in love and was active, restless, I liked to mix, parody, entertain all relatives and acquaintances. I found the public everywhere. Suppose when the grandmother went to the dentist and took me with him, then I arranged a real concert with verses and songs in the queue. I just had a sorry for people, with fear of waiting for a call to the office, and wanted to somehow cheer them.

- Have you needed high attention?

- No, I was always enough for me with interest. Rather, I sympathized with the sick and tried to distract them, set up on positive emotions. The task of becoming the center of the Universe, I never put on myself.

- Did? In one of the interviews, you said that he was always trying to catch up with someone, because they are constantly on the second roles and that even the girls in his youth that you liked, chose someone else ...

- In fact yes. And so far this moment is present. In my opinion, in psychology it is called a loser syndrome - when a person permanently feels second and lives with this feeling that someone is always ahead of him. Moreover, the same invariably reflects reality - whatever victories you have, there are people in the world who are equal to. Without a certain reference, without white, good envy will not leave. Never say: "You are well done!", Even if you deserve.

- What qualities help you move to the cherished goal?

- perseverance. Sometimes excessive. This quality in the people of arrogance is called, and it happens quite inappropriate. I try to even suppress him, keep under control.

- It's all because you are red ...

"I'm blond, and in red, turning only in the summer, more freckles appear."

- You stimulate envy to someone else's success?

- She is not a motivator for me, but she is in me. Move the same ahead for me forcing the feeling of love, joy ...

- Are you a permanent person or in love?

- And one does not exclude the other. I was organized, disciplined, but the rolling state of the soul, the ability to fall in love, and not only in the opposite sex, but also in friends, and in the proposed roles, in the hobby - for creative personality inherent components. Without this, it won't go.

Actor with Mom, Olga Antonovna Horinyak

Actor with Mom, Olga Antonovna Horinyak

Photo: Personal Archive Victor Khorinyak

- At ten, you have told parents about the second serious decision - to go to study in the Norilsk Cadet Corps. Manila you exclusively spectacular shape ...

"Yes, it all started pretty frivolous - I saw a guy in the form of a cadet on the street and understood where I need to go.

- Home boy plunged into Mashter and grandfather?

- Cadet corps primarily educational institution, not military. We lived in full board, with restaurant diet, the waiters who called us the "gentlemen of Cadets." And the lessons on the exact and humanitarian sciences we had an order of magnitude more than army disciplines. And I studied with pleasure.

- I know that you had a title, and some guys didn't like it ...

"It was not striving for leadership, but I was appointed commander of the company, I had a hundred people in submission than, naturally, caused some discontent. Children are cruel, especially in a hostel, when there is no possibility to escape home for the night, complain to parents, friends, take someone to hell. Of course, there were fights, and I beat me, and I beat ... such things happen in any yard. But I grew up and was formed in the situation of certain isolation, so I learned how to independently deal with my problems and answer for my words and actions a little earlier than the guys who graduated from an ordinary school. And in the domestic plan pulled up - mastered ironing, the art of filling the bed, remove behind him, follow your neat appearance. For a man to be fresh is extremely important. I participated in all competitions: on chess, swimming, basketball, judo, volleyball, table tennis, in the competitions of readers. It was sought to become the first to become the first, since the winner was awarded special awards, and this undoubtedly increased the honor of our cadet corps at the region and at the level of Russia.

- And you are a patriot ...

- So manifested my love for the place where he studied.

- It is worth a recognition that you have very wise parents, did not impose your opinions on you, allowed to go their own way ...

- All of the rigor they got older children, and with me they have already taken into account the mistakes of the past and so much limited freedom. I myself chose the mugs: at six years I went to Judo, at ten on the box, fourteen to basketball. Sports was engaged in professionally, having a title, achievements. But now I am supporting the form only in the fitness room, I swim in the pool, and mostly we pay to work in order to achieve maximum results there.

- So early entry into an adult life What minuses and pros are possessed?

- They are obvious. Childhood - the happiest, carefree it is time - it is fixed significantly, and this is minus. And the advantage is that you are consciously approach your life, you have aide for time, and parents are beginning to love you even stronger. Actually, I am pleased with how everything is going on, and I don't regret anyone for the past minute, hour, day ...

Victor Khorinyak:

In the film Fairy Tale "Last Bogatyr" from Victor Main role

- When your five-year-old son Ivan is growing a little more, you also do not exclude for him the possibility of learning in the Cadet Corps?

"I will absolutely offer him this option, and then let him determine."

- Do you have your own upbringing system?

- I do not think that children need to raise. Everything is built only on a personal example. What good words you have a child say, what guidelines do not go, he will still like you. If you spend a lot of time together, it will see you not only in everyday life, as you behave in relation to women, to men, friends, enemies, but also in some extreme sitiiuations, and will definitely witness how you You do in difficult moments, and make conclusions. So I do not produce any theory - I will only follow myself.

- What dad are you?

- ordinary. Nothing special. Do not stand out for no special rigidity or softness. But time with his son I try to spend varied and productive.

- I know that with your ex-wife Olga, now a children's psychologist, you lived together about eight years old, and met when you were sixteen, and for a long time I sought her location ...

- Yes, we are both of the minusinsk, and I cared for all the laws of the genre.

- Did some beautiful actions committed?

- I am not a romantic. Just when circumstances are forced to make additional efforts in addition to those desired, it is certainly necessary to do it. Everything is individually, and every girl requires its approach.

- How do you feel about women's whims, mood drops?

- It is necessary to look not for external factors, but for the reason, which thormed them, for the root of evil, so to speak. (Smiles.) It helps to keep relationships.

- Today, apparently, you are also not alone ...

- Not inclined to spread on the topic of personal life.

- Somehow you admitted that whether you are available to the machine of time, then you would probably go to a distant future than in the past. This suggests that you are not sentimental and are not used to looking back?

- On the contrary, I do it too often. I do not leave, I do not get your past. The experience gained does not go out of my head, analyzing the misses and with this knowledge of small steps go to the future. And never regret anything. For all that behind, look I prefer as help. Even like a negative one.

Victor Khorinyak:

In the projects "Eleon Hotel" and "Kitchen in Paris" Victor played a cheerful waiter costa

- You grew in the family, where, as I understand it, did not take ...

- In very poor. Parents worked a lot to grow three children in Minusinsk in the hungry nineties. Dad, Viktor Ivanovich, - Mechanic Engineer, worked all his life by profession, and Mom, Olga Antonovna, being on the formation of a chemical-technologist, worked a little on a rubber plant in Krasnoyarsk, on the glove factory, but mostly sat with us, although he had time to Still to work in the office of bailiffs, and a security guard, and a cleaner. It was taken for everything to feed us.

- In childhood, you mowed the things of the older brother, right?

- And sisters too. I have a photo on which I, a three-year-old, stand in the Wrawn coat.

- Now the passion for shopping did not appear?

- No, I do not like to go shopping with fittings. I dress mostly in what gives me. Out of habit. (Smiles.) Fart did not.

- Suites from the situation, where they knew how to save, as a rule, also possess this talent and carefully treat money ...

- It's not about me. Although I am a rather material, which does not hovering in the clouds, but at the same time Transzhira. Money comes to me easily and as quickly drown. Scoop are not able. My main cost of expenses is relatives and friends. In this matter I do not consider finance.

- And about the luxurious road, the apartment in the center of Moscow do not dream?

- I am a person action, and I have it in the plans. But recently rented an apartment within walking distance from MHT, and I am completely satisfied with me.

- You said that in the first months in the capital possessed incredible lights: intuitively moved in search of the desired address, and the legs themselves were given in the desired place. So far, this gift has kept?

- Now we practically do not go on foot, and I drive along the navigator, helps to avoid traffic jams that I hate. (Smiles.) And then really this skill has developed in an unfamiliar huge city. I celebrated the point on the map and went to her through the streets. Even not even lost. Moscow, by the way, I never frightened me. It is organized by her mad pace, since my inner rhythm is much faster - exist in non-foot and rest only in a dream.

- Do you remember the moment when we decided to go to the capital?

"I didn't understand that I was waiting for me in Minusinsk and in Krasnoyarsk, and Moscow clearly suled large-scale prospects. No matter how cool, and all the best universities of the countries are in this city. I always liked to learn, master something new, so I got a good certificate, decently passed the exam, so I could do without exams to enter medical, at the dentist, as was originally gathered, or in a military institute. Therefore, having arrived in Moscow, submitted documents to the University of Siechen and to the Moscow Higher Command Martial School. But direct enrollment to these universities was held at the end of July and in early August, and in theatrical colleges that I was also peripherally interested, at the very beginning of July. Moreover, the Studio Studio MCAT overtook other universities in this sense. Since I was not able to quickly entrenched in the city, I did my bet on it. And did not lose. In the end, I received a red diploma here.

- You are lucky to be on the course of the novel Kozak and Dmitry Brusnikna. What did you get from your craftsmen?

- Roman Efimovich was a very eccentric person, an absolutely included, infected profession, chain, greedy to her. And I took it to fully from him. And Dmitry Vladimirovich has the opposite temperament - degree, leisureness, reasonable, and it also learned from him. In the first year, I realized that everything was not at all as it was imagined - I was captured by a mad stream, I studied with enthusiasm, disappeared in the audiences from seven in the morning to eleven in the evening, and then it was going to earn a night guard to a restaurant. There watched the bartender, behind the chefs, for guests, which went to the acting piggy bank and served a good service when he was shot in the TV series "Kitchen".

- By the way, it turns out that you know the price. After all, hitting the samples of this project, you, finding only a group, without a director, right to the chamber, quite rigidly stated that they would not play anything without it, and retired. After that, you immediately took ...

- Believe me, it was not a challenge. I then crazy was the day, the mood is unkind. Seeing such an attitude towards himself, I stated that I am an artist there is no little artistic theater and you need to show respect. Apparently, it was convincing, and it worked. As for the price, rather, I appreciate my time and never spending it back. This also applies to the little things. I got rid of myself from visiting any extra partes, there is no TV home ...

- Seven years ago, you joined the troupe of the famous MHT ...

- Posted efforts for this. I didn't even know other theaters when I arrived in Moscow. Already from the second course was introduced into performances. MHT has a magnificent repertoire and was a wonderful artistic director.

Victor Khorinyak:

On samples in the series "Kitchen" Actor refused to play without a director

- You somehow said that you admired you in Tobacco, his generous ability to give and the most advanced good mood with which he worked ...

- This is the case. Oleg Pavlovich possessed not only phenomenal acting giving, but also the talent of a successful manager. Oleg Efremov called Tabakov to help himself when there was only twenty-one year, and he coped perfectly. Oleg Pavlovich was an incredibly attractive, clever man, beautiful family man. Natives for him were in the first place, although the theater is home.

- Did you carry out any directorial attempts?

- I have no such thoughts. Like in the direction of pedagogy. Oleg Pavlovich had a theatrical college, where he was still six years ago calling children to teach children, but I refused. First, it seemed to me too early to share experiences - I myself need to stand on my feet, secondly, it makes sense to think about making money, well, and thirdly, I do not see the teacher's departures. What will happen next - see.

- That is, while your goal is your own implementation. I heard that you adore Goncharov and would love to play Russian classics with pleasure ...

- This love also arose thanks to Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. Goncharov is the author who reread and perceive every time in a new way. In addition, the features of his heroes are in themselves. But for modern stories, I would love to come with pleasure.

- What projects do you participate in now?

- I play eight performances in MHT, and on the role of Ivan the homeless in the "Master and Margarita", you can say, asked for, being confident that this is mine. (Smiles.) And with cinema while calm, after the last ribbon "Last Bogatyr". More precisely, suggestions come, but I reject the scripts that I uninterest to embody. There are masters who would have starred, and they openly say to me that it is unlikely to call, since it is known for a complex temper. I'm really a heavy passenger. (Smiles.) But the desire to play with full self-dedication is great.

- Now there is something that you do not know how, and configured to eliminate this annoying oversight?

"I don't speak English free and going to start studying with the teacher soon." This language is undoubtedly necessary both in everyday life and for development in the profession.

- Want to try your hand in the West?

- Not ready treacherously escape over the ocean. (Smiles.) My ambitions apply to Hollywood only if he moves to us.

- What do you have in mind?

- Russia has all the prerequisites in order to raise the domestic cinema to the proper level. We and the legendary school, and people are unique, and the instrument is first-class, and the locations are wonderful. So it is quite realistic to make foreigners look at our sparkling heels. This ambition is global.

- True, what are you a fighter for the ecology? What is it expressed?

- I am worried about the topic of catastrophic pollution of the environment. Fortunately, so brought up that I will never allow myself to throw a fantasy, cigarette, package, or any other garbage on the sidewalk. Only in the urn. And I do not throw the batteries in the trash can - we add them to a special box, which stands in the entrance of our house. These are those little things that can not be missing. The purity of interpersonal relations is also important. This also directly relates to ecology.

- Do you really save this purity in a huge megalopolis, in a rough competitive struggle?

- It all depends on the specific send. If a person is configured to stick to his position, he will not be involved in something vague. And you need to raise yourself.

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